Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7888: Billions of sacred fire!

Lin Xuan is really too strong, sweeping all the way,

Those blood ants are not opponents at all.

However, they did not give up either,

These ants are not attacking, but quickly gather together.

Each ant has a small body, but hundreds of millions of ants are gathered together.

That would be terrible.

They condensed and formed, a blood-colored skull head, slaughtered towards Lin Xuan.

In the eyes of the skull, there was a **** flame, beating.

That is the rune on the blood ant, condensed.

Lin Xuan raised his hand and typed out a Tai Chi picture.

Tai Chi revolved, blocking the **** runes all over the sky.

The other hand, turned into a magic sword,

A sword pierced the blood-colored skull.

The blood ants were broken up.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a trace of **** light, and his hair turned bloody.

He used Shura's power,

With a wave of his hand, Shura's blade burst out with a monstrous light.

It turned into a sea of ​​blood and began to refine these blood ants.

In the sea of ​​blood, the blood ants rolled and disappeared.

And Shura’s power has become stronger,

Lin Xuan was shocked, this Shura was really terrifying.

Finally, Lin Xuan left the blood ant's attack range and came to the depths of the desert.

In front, a tall building appeared.

Hundred-zhang tall buildings stand between heaven and earth, swaying in the wind.

For a moment, Lin Xuan thought it was a mirage.

However, after using the Eye of Heaven, he explored it, and he discovered that it was not a mirage.

This tall building is a real existence, and the outside is covered with sword **** flowers.

It was not the building that was shaking, but the Sword God Flower, dancing in the wind.

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth raised, and a smile appeared.

It seems that the troll did not lie to him.

Sure enough, there are sword **** flowers here, and the number is beyond imagination.

There are tens of thousands, but Lin Xuan is not clear about the specifics.

Let's get it first.

Taking a deep breath, he rushed forward quickly.

Feeling someone coming, the sword **** flower quickly counterattacked, sweeping in all directions with countless sword auras.

Lin Xuan fought with him,

There was a sound like the sky shaking, and the sword energy flew across.

On the other side, Tianyang Protoss, Eleventh Young Master and others came to the palace.

It really is safe here.

After entering, they breathed a sigh of relief.

They found something unusual in the palace.

There is no Sword God Flower, but there are some murals, which are very old.

Some murals are incomplete,

However, they felt the extremely terrifying power of the Great Dao from above.

This makes them extremely excited, this is a good place for cultivation.

Cultivate here first, wait until the wind stops, then go out and explore. The eleventh son said.

The others nodded,

Next, they were in the palace and realized.

However, a few days later, the eleventh son frowned.

There was a biting flame in his eyes, blooming again.

He looked into the distance,

He found that in the distance, there was a terrible sword aura flying.

Although it was already very weak when I came nearby.

One can imagine how terrifying the sword aura is at the source.

His companion also found out,

One person said: Isn't it the Sword God Flower?

Go and take a look.

The Eleventh Young Master took a deep breath, and they rushed forward.

Not all of them have gone, so half of them have gone.

The remaining half is still here,

While enlightening, while waiting for news.

The eleventh son, took 20 people to go.

Their speed is very fast, in them, there is a divine fire beating, connecting into one piece.

Turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Just like the flame world, to resist the surrounding storm.

Soon, they also entered the storm.

They felt that the direction from which the sword energy came, flew quickly.

However, halfway through, they were attacked.

The ground cracked and blood ants rushed out.

The war broke out.

Although the members of the Tianyang Protoss are powerful, they are also quite numerous.

However, in front of the blood ants, they are still losing ground.

Before long, several people were seriously injured and their bodies turned into bones.

Several people even fell.

When he saw this scene, Young Master Eleven's eyes were red.

He roared, golden light protector,

On him, an extremely harsh golden light appeared.

The rapid bloom, like a light curtain, enveloped the remaining people.


The blood ants slammed into the golden light and made a sound like a golden horse.

The golden light was swaying, blooming with uncertain light, but it was not broken.

Finally blocked.

The people of Tianyang Protoss breathed a sigh of relief.

These blood ants are really terrible, no wonder those people before did not dare to come in.

Let's go.

The eleventh son said: We have to speed up and fly at full strength.

Although he has golden light on his body, there are not many golden lights on him.

This is a life-saving thing.

As for the others, there are at most some golden runes.

No way, the power of the golden mirror is terrible.

Even if they are all members of the Protoss, their bloodline is weaker, and there is no way to merge.

Among these people, only the blood of Eleventh Young Master was able to withstand the golden light.

These people, flying at full strength,

Finally, they left the territory of blood ants.

The Eleventh Young Master put away the golden light and said: Next, we have to be careful.

The number of golden light is not much, and it cannot be easily displayed.

The others nodded, their expressions extremely solemn.

Before they met the Sword God Flower, they lost several companions.

I don't know what the danger will be next?

They continue to set off,

One day later, they stopped.

They found that there was a tall building in front of them, with the sword **** flowers growing upstairs.

There are so many.

These people of Tianyang Protoss were all excited, and it seemed that this adventure was worthwhile.

Wait, someone seems to be fighting,

Someone is robbing the sword **** flower.

Who is it?

Which family came earlier than them?

They looked carefully.

Soon, they discovered that there was a figure in front, fighting with the sky full of sword energy.

When they saw this figure, they were stunned.

The Eleventh Young Master roared even more: Is this impossible?

It's that kid!

How could he be alive?

They recognized Lin Xuan, isn't this the guy from the Dragon Race?

Before the opponent, a person entered the storm. In their opinion, the opponent had been swallowed by blood ants.

However, the other party came and is still snatching the sword **** flower.

How did the opponent avoid the blood ants?

One person said: He must be lucky and didn't meet the blood ant.

It must be like this, otherwise, he can't resist it at all.

The Eleventh Young Master also thinks so,

Several of their such a strong team have fallen.

In the end, the golden light body was used to block the snow ants.

There is no golden light on the other side, and it definitely can't stop it.

The other party, luck is also great.

But what?

It's just a wedding dress.

Thinking of this, he roared: Kid, get out, the Sword God Flower is mine.

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