Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7864: Can you take this sword?

Six true dragon fingers are extremely terrifying, just like 6 true dragons resurrected.


The face of the fire changed drastically, and he tried his best to resist.

He blocked four true dragon fingers, but there were two more, which he couldn't resist.

He was shot out and his body was pierced.

He was injured and fell into the distance.

Those around him were shocked: It was terrible, but Zhen Wu was so powerful.

After Zhen Wu succeeded in one move, he sneered again and again: You are too weak.

He actually shot again,

It seemed that he wanted to suppress Huo Yi.

Those people around are all dumbfounded: too arrogant, right?

Huoyi's complexion also changed drastically. When he was not injured, he was not an opponent, and now he is injured, he is even more unable to resist.

Looking at the real dragon phantom that came from the sky, there was a trace of despair in his eyes.

But at this most critical moment, a thunder flickered.

It turned into a peerless thunder sword light, and it rushed over in an instant.

Block the real dragon phantom.

The void splits, and Zhen Wu is shaken out.

Her face changed: "Who dares to stop me?"

He is really angry, do anyone dare to challenge them, the Promise True Dragon clan?

She looked around,

The people around are dumbfounded,

Even Huoyi was stunned.

Are you saved?

The next moment, they turned their heads and looked around,

They found that Lin Xuan's fingertips had terrible flashes of thunder.

This move was what he had just learned about the stone tablet.

This move was left by the strong dragon clan, and it was a sword technique.

Similarly, there are terrible dragon powers, and thunderous breath,

The power is not bad.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: It's called Thunder Dragon Flash.

"Are you doing it?"

Zhen Wu stared at Lin Xuan with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Crazy God, originally wanted you to live a little longer."

"But, you came to die by yourself, don't blame me."

He stepped out one step, the earth shook the mountain,

He was really angry.

"Do it with me? I advise you, it's better to give up, you are not my opponent."

Lin Xuan sneered.

Those around him were shocked: Mad God, he is still as arrogant as ever.

"How can I know if I don't try?"

"Although you defeated Long Wuque before, you cannot defeat me."

"I'm much stronger than Long Wuqian."

Zhen Wu came quickly, and the war was about to break out.

But at this time, there was another figure in the distance, rushing over.

This person is surrounded by an extremely terrifying sea phantom.

In the sea, there were endless sea dragons flying, and he instantly stopped Zhen Wu.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Do you dare to attack our Five Elements Emperor Dragon, do you think I don't exist?"

The person who came was Shui Yi, and he was also from the Five Elements Earth Dragon clan.

He said to the mad god: "Young man mad, please let me teach him."


Lin Xuan shrugged and stepped aside.

Shui Yi's strength was stronger than Huo Yi's. He and Zhen Wu fought hundreds of moves, and it was difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Zhen Wu's face is ugly: Can't you help him?

Shui Yi snorted coldly: "You are nothing but that, what's so arrogant?"

"You Promise True Dragon Clan, although strong, we are not weak."

"When you say this, I can understand it as, are you challenging our true dragons?"

In the distance, another figure came,

Every step he fell, the nine heavens shook.

Those people around, seeing this scene, exclaimed: "Zhen Jiuzhong, is he here too?"

This is a more terrifying existence than Zhen Wu.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, Zhen Wu, he didn't pay attention.

However, this Zhen Jiuzhong is a bit interesting, it is worth his shot.

Of course, that's all,

Not a peerless enemy.

Zhen Jiu waved his hand, and Jiuzhong Tian fell down, pressing against Shui Yi with great strength.

Two to one,

The water is strong again and again, but it can't resist it.

He backed quickly.

"Together we will."

As soon as Huo came out, he joined forces with Shui Yi.

Zhen Jiuzhong suppressed the two with one person, which stunned everyone.

This Zhen Jiuzhong is too strong, right?

Zhen Wu next to him smiled and said, "Have you seen it? This is the toughness of our true dragon family."

"You can't compare at all, I advise you to bow your heads and submit."

"And that mad god, you'd better kneel on the ground, kowtow to apologize, and let our hair fall after listening."

What they want to deal with most is the mad god.

Lin Xuan's expression sank, he was just watching the excitement from the sidelines, and these people dare to target him?

He walked out, looked at Zhen Wu and said, "If you can take this trick from me, I will spare you not to die."

Lin Xuan raised his arm and swung it towards the front.

He used the Martial God Body to match the Thunder Dragon Flash that he had just practiced.

The body of the **** of war is extremely terrifying, and between the hands and feet, the body seems to have turned into a sharp sword.

Although Lin Xuan did not use the Divine Sword, his arm was not weaker than the Divine Sword.

Cut down with a sword, the world was split apart.

Everyone was stunned.

Zhen Wu's complexion changed drastically. Before, he was aloof and didn't pay attention to everything.

However, under this sword, he felt small.

His body couldn't help shaking.

He roared madly and hit the real dragon finger.

Six true dragons flew out from above her fingers, spreading their teeth and claws between the heaven and the earth.

However, he was cut away by a sword,

Her finger was severed, and she kept backing away.

Seeing that she was about to be split in half, Zhen Jiuzhong made a shot at the moment of crisis, which saved her.

How could the other party be so powerful?

Zhen Wu's expression was hard to see the extreme, and the others were equally dumbfounded.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: "Trash."

"You Promise True Dragon Clan, except Long Tatian, can none of you fight?"

"A bunch of trash."

Everyone was stunned,

Apart from the mad god, who would dare to be so arrogant?

Is this crazy **** going against the sky?

Zhen Wuqi vomited blood.

"You are less arrogant, it was my carelessness just now."

She did have a lot of hole cards, but she didn't show them.

She still carries a lot of powerful artifacts.

She is ready to make another move,

Zhen Jiuzhong next to him was also angry.

He is a top arrogant arrogant, but the other party dare to say that he is trash?


Lin Xuan said: "Yes, you are also a waste. UU reading"

"court death."

Zhen Jiuzhong stepped out, and Jiuzhong sky fell, shaking the earth.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, the snow girl in the distance was angry.

"You are too damned, aren't you here for enlightenment?"

"A total of three months, you have to call back and forth."

"Just hit it, you still want to affect me, are you trying to anger me?"

As her voice fell, the boundless wind and snow swept the world, as if to freeze the whole world.

Zhen Jiuzhong frowned slightly, and he put away Jiuzhong.

He said, "Boy, you are lucky."

"I don't have time to waste with you now, I want to comprehend the monument."

"In three months, I will make you kneel on the ground in despair."

After speaking, Zhen Jiuzhong left with someone.

Those other people also dispersed.

Yes, only three months, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If they missed this time, they didn't know how many millions of years they would have to wait. They didn't dare to be careless.

Everyone was not fighting, and began to go crazy.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and he realized it again.

He found another stone tablet, and after a few days of comprehension, he left.

He is not satisfied.

Next, he walked in this stone forest, looking for a monument that suits him.

Five days later, he stopped, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

He found a ten-meter high monument.

This monument is not high, but the aura on it is extremely mysterious and terrifying.

Lin Xuan was sure that this was the breath of Long Dao Wu Shen Jue.

Obviously, this should be an ancient era, a strong man who has practiced Long Dao Wu Shen Jue. The power left.

Lin Xuan prepared to comprehend this monument with all his strength.

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