Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7862: Go to Shenlong Valley

   Lin Xuan set off,

   He went to the Qinglong Hall.

   At this moment, in front of the Azure Dragon Hall, many figures were already standing.

   Every figure is extremely powerful, like a god.

   Some of these people stood alone, closing their eyes and thinking.

  Some are a few get together, what are they discussing?

   Lin Xuan's arrival attracted the attention of these people, and they all looked up.

   There are some doubts, some are curious, and some others snorting coldly, with a biting killing intent in their eyes.

   mad god.

   Long Wu waved his hand, Lin Xuan landed, and joined Long Wu.

   Dragon Dance said: "This time, the Promise True Dragon Clan, there will be several geniuses going there."

   "You don't care about them, Dragon Palace has rules, they dare not do anything to you."

   Lin Xuan nodded after listening, but he didn't take it seriously either.

   These people dare to do something, and he will let them know what despair is.

   Then, some people came.

   Lin Xuan didn't know most of them.

   However, there is one person he knows, and it is Long Yin.

  Before in Tongtianhe, Lin Xuan rescued the opponent more than once, of course, as Lin Wudi.

   Now that he has become a mad god, this dragon tone has not recognized him.

   Lin Xuan looked around, and there were 49 people in total.

   The strength and aura of these people are very powerful.

   At this time, two old men came out from the Qinglong Hall.

   Two old men wearing blue dragon robes, they are extremely old.

   They live on crutches, with misty clouds under their feet.

   The two looked around and said, "Since everyone is here, let's go."

   The crutch in his hand knocked on the ground, and the clouds under his feet quickly diffused, forming a sea of ​​clouds.

   shrouded all forty-nine people, then soared into the air, left the Dragon Palace, and flew towards the distance.

   This time, the place where Shenlong Valley appeared was in an unknown deserted ancient area.

  , this place hadn't been opened yet, it was a forbidden place for life, even the pinnacle true **** could not enter.

   Now, as the world changes, this place has finally opened, and the Shenlong Valley reappears in the world.

   The elder of the Azure Dragon Hall was very strong and fast. After a while, he stopped.

   There are still some clouds and mist in front of me, vaguely visible, there is a valley there.

  From this position, the valley is not very big.

   Lin Xuan and others knew that there was another world in the valley.

   The space in this valley is probably bigger than a real world.

   The two elders of the Qinglong Hall fell from the sky.

   They lived on crutches and walked slowly in front, and everyone followed silently behind them.

   At the beginning, they were still wondering, why not just fly in?

   But, walking, walking, they will understand.

   In front of him, there was a sudden strong pressure, as if a dragon was slowly waking up.

  The closer to the Dragon Valley, the stronger the pressure.

   The dragon blood and dragon veins in their bodies shook slightly.

   They couldn't help but they wanted to bow down to the front.

In front of   , two Azure Dragon elders said: "Don't underestimate this Shenlong Valley."

   "In the ancient times, the **** king of the dragon race often came here to practice."

   "Here, there is a lot of the breath of a **** king."

   "Even in some places in the Shenlong Valley, there are still some insights from the **** king."

   "There are traces left by the **** king when he created his magical powers."

   "Those forces added together will be a supreme mighty power."

   "Under your care, you will definitely not be able to bear it."

   "After entering the Dragon Valley, you must be very careful."

   After listening, everyone took a breath.

  Even if they are top talents, at this moment, they dare not take the slightest care.

   Lin Xuan is indeed a little excited: Is there any power left by the king?

   is really exciting!

   walked forward for a while, and the two Qinglong elders stopped.

   They cut their palms and let their dragon blood fall on the ground.

   The earth absorbed the dragon's blood, and one after another mysterious runes appeared on it.

   is like a brand.

   Lin Xuan glanced at the back and found that it was a formation.

   The two dragon elders are using their dragon blood to start the formation.

   No wonder no one else came to such an important place.

   It turns out that it needs the blood of the dragon family to activate the formation.

   In this way, other true gods of the Protoss can't come here.

   After a stick of incense, the formation finally opened.

   Elder Qinglong said: "Follow us in quickly and follow our footprints."

   The people lined up in a long line, following the elder, they entered the formation.

   It took another half day to finally reach the valley.

   The two Qinglong elders stopped, and they stood on both sides of the entrance.

   is like a guard, guarding here.

   They said, "Next, you can go in."

   "I remind you that you are all members of the dragon clan. Everyone is from the Taixu Dragon Palace. It's okay to fight, learn from each other, and compete."

   "But you can never kill a killer, understand?"

   "I don't want someone to fall inside."


   Everyone nodded.

   Then, these people entered the Shenlong Valley, and Lin Xuan also entered.

   The moment he entered the valley, he found that the void was shaking.

   The scene in front of her suddenly opened up, completely different from the one seen from outside.

   This is indeed an internal world, extremely vast.

   Let's go, separate actions.

   Shenlong Valley is so big, there are endless treasures and secrets in it, they need to dig it out.

   Many people rose into the air and flew in different directions.

   Lin Xuan and Long Wu temporarily joined forces and flew in one direction.

   Not long after flying, there was an exclamation from the front.

   They found a footprint, a huge footprint.

   It's like a dragon stepping on it with one foot, and there is extremely terrifying power on this footprint.

   This should be the footprints left by the powerful dragons in the ancient times.

   Many people have red eyes.

   At this time, there was a woman in a blue dress who fell from the sky.

   carried a strong chill on his body, and with a wave of his hand, the sky was covered with ice and snow.

   She said lightly: "The idlers are waiting to leave."

   Obviously the opponent is clearing the field,

   The other party wants to see the power here alone.

   Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

  All the people here are Tianjiao. It is estimated that there will be a big battle.

   He is going to watch a show.

   However, what surprised him was that the three dragons around Tianjiao turned around and left.

   This made Lin Xuan curious, he asked, "Who is this woman?"

The dragon dance next to    said: "Ice Dragon's daughter of the sky, she is called Snow Girl."

   One hundred years ago, she was the strongest of Three Dragons.

   Because of retreat, he missed the Tongtian River and was not injured in the Tongtian River.

   In the past hundred years, he has absorbed the power of heaven and earth, and his strength has greatly increased.

   By the way, she is also related to the Feng Qingxue beside you.

   The blood of the two people is very similar.

   So that's it.

   Lin Xuan was surprised.

   The snow girl in front seemed to sense Lin Xuan's gaze.

   She turned her head, with a blue glow in her eyes.


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