Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7757: Ask the Dragon Sword

how is the situation? Will he cooperate?

   Jun asked heaven and asked.

   Qin Changsheng shook his head: unwilling, he insisted on breaking the rules.

   Suppress it!

   They shone with terrible light.

   But at this time, the lower arm suddenly came out.

   turned into a black dragon and instantly killed Jun Wentian.

   This monster can see, Jun Wentian is injured, he is ready to start with the strong first.

   Jun asked Heaven to wave his hand, the dragon claws came out, and collided with the black dragon phantom.

   The earth-shattering voice came, and the big cracks shattered all directions, and the atmosphere of destruction was permeating towards the surroundings.

  Qin Changsheng waved his hand and formed a field.

   This area spreads all around, completely covering one side of the space.

   His voice sounded: Next, the battle for the peak will start, and the rest will leave quickly.

  Near the strong gods, when they heard this, their face changed greatly, and they turned around and left.

   The battle at its peak, for them, was a ruinous battlefield, and they could not resist it.

   A trace of power flying from there can make them die.

   In this space, there are some monsters.

   These monsters connected to Tianhe River are creeping on the ground.

   They couldn't bear the magical power of Qin Changsheng, they begged for mercy and said: Forgiveness.

   left quickly.

  Qin Changsheng waved his sleeves and threw these monsters out.

   There were only three people left in the whole field. He, Jun Wentian, and the unknown monster.

  Let me come.

   Jun Wentian was very angry before being attacked.

  Although he was injured, he did not allow it, and someone ran wild in front of him.

   swayed, and he slid down.

   The war broke out completely.

   had to say that Jun Wentian was terrible.

  Even if it is injured, it is not in its peak state, but it is not other real body, imaginable.

  He raised his hands and raised his feet, with supreme power, he could destroy everything.

   The terrible dragon shadow appeared on him, and he seemed to be transformed into a human-shaped dragon, opening and closing.

   The void is constantly broken, all kinds of divine avenues are flying between the world.

   That kind of world vision spread all over the world.

   Even those strong men who fled, felt the terrible power in the endless distance.

   They were terrified.

   bang, Jun Wentian appeared in the hands of countless dragon scales.

   The palm of his hand, as if transformed into a heavenly sword, could destroy everything.

   cut off a tentacle with a knife.


  Huge tentacles fell to the ground and kept rolling.

  The black blood fell, pierced the world, and an angry roar sounded.

   The huge tentacle split instantly and turned into a black breath.

   was like thick ink, shrouded towards Jun Wentian, and engulfed him instantly.

   When Qin Changsheng saw this scene, he frowned tightly.

   This thick ink, with a kind of extremely terrible corrosion power.

   The general true **** is hit, I am afraid it will instantly turn into blood.

   Even if it is the pinnacle of God of War, he dare not have the slightest care.

   Jun Wentian was shrouded in an injured state, do not know if he can resist it?

   was thinking, a deep roar came from below.

   The black blood of the gods, the thick ink that it turned into, instantly collapsed.

   Jun asked Tian Qiang's strong kill, he cut everything.

   Ask Tianlong Dao.

   His eyes gleamed with extremely cold light, and on the long sword, numerous dragon scales appeared.

   A dragon phantom is fused in the blade.

   Slashed with a knife, like a broken bamboo, and cut off the opponent's second tentacle.

   And this time, a dragon fire emerged, and the broken tentacle was instantly shrouded.

   burned it to ashes.

   Jun Wentian stood in the void, as if he were the master of the peerless world, and he was extremely powerful.

   Everyone was shocked when they felt this scene, they were shocked with their faces.

   is too strong, it is worthy of being the person of Taixu Dragon Palace.

Solve it?

   Jun asked the sky to go down, frowning slightly, he could not feel the other person's breath.

   He landed downwards and wanted to tear open the ground to see what the opponent's body is?

   When there was still 100 meters above the ground, the surrounding ground suddenly shook again.

   Several cracks appeared, and tentacles appeared all around him.

   fell like a huge mountain.

  The power of peerlessness completely exploded, just like the sky river above the nineth heaven, falling down.

   This sudden attack scared everyone, and even Jun Wentian changed his face.

  He waved his magic sword and cut it to all directions,

  Although a few tentacles were blocked, he was hit in the back.

   He was shot and flew out, smashed the void, and spit out blood.

   He disheveled, his face extremely ugly: what is it?

  How many tentacles does this guy have?

   The ground underneath was completely cracked, and a behemoth appeared like a mountain.

   This is an octopus. His body is very dark. There are scales on it. He has more than ten tentacles.

   There are two of them, which are broken. The cracked place has been shrouded in terrible divine power.

  Form a powerful Tao Rune.

  It won't take long to grow new tentacles.

   This octopus exudes a terrifying and trembling breath, which is extremely terrible.

  'S breath seemed stronger than the injured Jun Wentian.

   Jun Wentian's complexion changed, even Qin Changsheng was frowning tightly.

what happened? Did this guy hide his strength before?

   He had not felt before, the power of the other party was so horrible.

  You are injured, let me come!

   Qin Changsheng is ready to shoot.

   Jun asked God, but he flew over After swallowing a few magic pills, his breath recovered a little.

  He said: I still have the power to fight, I want to see, how strong is this guy?

   He waved the sword in his hand and killed it again.

   The huge octopus snorted, his eyes opened.

   The eyes are bigger than the palace, and the eyes are extremely deep.

   There is a black magic fire, flashing, with a deep and cold force.

   He spit out a ball of ink, which was more terrifying than the thick ink before.

  In an instant, the world became dark.

  Even everyone in the distance felt that their sight was suppressed.

   Even the soul seems to be weakened. If it is hit by this ball of ink, I am afraid that it will lose its perception.

   Can't compete at all!

   Jun Wentian was hit by this force,

  He could see nothing.

   Can't hear anything, smell nothing, and soul can't sense anything.

Everything around    disappeared,

   His world has become extremely quiet.

  But the danger has not disappeared,

   From this darkness, with a few tentacles, it became a peerless sword.

   stabbed hard.

  These attacks fell on Jun Wentian and caused Jun Wentian's body to shake violently.

   Jun asked howl, he turned into a huge dragon, sweeping in all directions. .

  His dragon scale is even more shining.

   seemed to turn into mirror after mirror, illuminating the world instantly.

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