Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7744: God! immortal!

How did the Dragon Sword break?

   Lin Xuan was very puzzled,

   He once asked Dalong Jianhun, however, did not get any answer.

   Perhaps this time, he can get the answer from the Shura statue in front of him.

   The statue of Shura was slightly surprised,

   He did not expect that Lin Xuan asked this question.

   was silent for a while, he said: I don't know.

do not know!

   Lin Xuan also froze.

   subconsciously asked: How did the samurai sword break?

   Asura statue smiled bitterly: I don't even know this.

  Although I can answer some ridiculous questions, I don’t know everything.

  You guys, for these two questions, you have another chance. Think about it.

   Lin Xuan frowned slightly, and he also sighed in his heart.

  Dragon sword and samsara sword, how broken, the other party did not even know.

   It seems that the time when the Great Dragon Sword and the Reincarnation Sword are broken is longer than the time this Shura exists.

   This secret, for the time being he can not know.

  Forget it.

   Lin Xuan no longer entangled these, he began to think about the second question.

   Some ancient secrets, I am afraid that the statue of Shura in front of me is not known at all.

   Like Taishang, the secret of feathering the fairy dynasty, etc., he still did not ask, it is estimated that the answer is also unknown.

  Thinking about it, Lin Xuan asked another question, what is the difference between Heavenly Emperor and Immortality?

   asked this question, he was a little nervous.

  Although he is now only a small god, he has to plan for the future.

  After arriving at the **** king, there seems to be two ways to go.

   One is the way of Heavenly Emperor, the other is the way of immortality.

   For example, fighting God of War, it seems that he is taking the road of immortality.

  In addition, most of the strong are also the road to immortality.

   It was the Devil Emperor who wanted to take the path of Heaven Emperor.

   This, I can simply explain to you.

  The realm of Heavenly Emperor and immortality, I did not reach it.

   Therefore, I don’t know the secret of their true core.

   However, I can tell you about the source of the two.

  The statue of Shura in front, Shen Sheng said: Immortality has existed since ancient times, not only in this era.

   In the last era, it already existed,

   There are even speculations that immortality existed in earlier eras.

  Immortality is known as the decay of heaven and earth, I am immortal, the sun and the moon are destroyed, I am not destroyed.

   They have been there for a long time.

  As for the Emperor of Heaven, it is a person who can contend with immortality and should belong to the same realm.

   However, Heavenly Emperor only exists in this era.

  Early era, there is no such thing as Emperor Tian.

   should be the world's strongest man in this era, his own way out.

  More, I don’t know, that kind of state is too far away according to me.

  Even when I stood at the peak, I could only look up to this state.

   Right, there is a legend.

   It is said that the last era was just broken, when this era just started.

  Immortal once shot,

   They are the overlords of heaven and earth, and they are supreme beings.

   At that time, it seems that there is no such thing as the ancient Ten Thousand Clan, but some are all ants under immortality.

   Later, some people rose strongly and took a road different from immortality, and achieved the Emperor of Heaven and contend with immortality.

   This opened up the prosperous age of the ancients.

   Lin Xuan surprised: So it turned out.

   These things, he had never heard of it before.

   He also wanted to ask, why is immortality and Tiansu gone now?

   Isn't it said that there is an immortal existence?

   Shura said: Well, little guy, I can't answer some questions.

   can only wait for you to become stronger, maybe you can find some answers.

  Now, I want to guide you to practice the Shura mind method.

  After listening to Lin Xuan, he no longer thought about other things, but instead he focused on his breath and began to accept the other party's guidance.

   The other party just said, some feelings during cultivation, Lin Xuan was the best.

  His breath of Shura improved at a rapid rate.

  Practice of cultivating the Luo mind is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it requires you to practice all the time.

  Under God King, this mentality is enough.

   As one day, if you break through to become the king of the gods, then you need to create a new method yourself.

   or look for other, new and more ancient methods.

   Asura's voice slowly disappeared,

   The statue completely lost its light, as if sleeping in the past.

   Lin Xuan was also sent out with a force.

   Outside the Crystal Palace,

   countless figures, standing between the world.

   There was a terrible breath on them.

   On them, there are black lines after them, passing through their bodies.

   They are like puppets, controlled by others.

At the end of the black line, there is a cloud of black mist.

  Black Mist controls these powerful men and envelopes the people of Taixu Dragon Palace.

  He was condescending and said with a smile: a group of ants, surrender.

  The warriors of the Dragon Palace are desperate. They join forces and are not opponents.

   Nowadays, I can only escape by myself, and one can escape one by one.

  Long Yin's face is ugly, all this is because of Long Fei.

  If Long Fei does not escape, they join forces and will definitely be able to contend with each other.

  Even if you can't beat the opponent and want to leave calmly, there is no problem.

   However, Long Fei ran away on his own.

  After running back, be sure to tell the ancestors! Long Fei must destroy the distance of the Dragon Race and must be punished!

   The crown on her head is a terrible artifact.

  Although it cannot attack, it is extremely scary if it is used for defense.

   wants to kill the encirclement, it is not difficult for her.

   Walk apart and find opportunities to break through.

   Longyin took a cold sip and flew in one direction.

  The puppets in the sky were quickly killed.

   The war broke out completely, most of the warriors of the dragon family could not escape.

   Longyin, a mysterious light appeared, blocking many people's attacks.

   She even tore the void, UU reading fled to the distance.

   It was unexpected that there was a little ant that could escape.

   I heard a cold voice in the dark mist,

   Soon, he sneered: how about that?

   Between heaven and earth, there was a purple light flashing, and a deep voice came.

   Destroy it!

   Longyin sighed with relief after tearing open the encirclement.

   Next, she also took out a jade wear, ready to summon the strong.

   is best, there are a few elders come, so that you can save others.

   Before in front of Black Mist, she had no chance to call for help, but now she finally found a chance.

   Seeing that she was about to smash the jade pendant, but at this time, her fingers stopped there.

   Even, her hands tremble and then open.

  The jade pendant in his hand fell from the sky.

   Why is this like this?

   Longyin was stunned. Trying to catch, but found that her body stopped in mid-air.

   seems to be out of control.

   At the same time, in her heart, I remembered a voice: destroy it.

   Longyin clapped suddenly, and took a fierce shot towards himself.

   Her body split open and fell from the sky.

  What is this means? It can easily affect me!

   Longyin's despair, she saw the black mist and floated over, and she was about to engulf him.

   But at this time, a sword light came down from the sky and stabbed the black mist.

   Literature Museum

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