Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7712: Innate God Fire (9)


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   Follow your orders, princess.

  The old lady came over, raised her hand and shot a terrible light.

   The black breath is like a sea of ​​fire, the whole roasted emptiness trembles,

   This power instantly shrouded Lin Xuan.

   Innate **** fire.

   Those of the Devil God clan changed their face when they saw this scene.

   Is it incredible?

  Where is this old woman? Raised his hand to be able to hit, innate **** fire.

   is really shocking,

   No wonder these people's attitudes are high.

   What can't withstand a blow, let it go.

   Old woman sneered again and again.

  In her opinion, what if the other party is strong?

   was hit by her innate **** fire, the other party will definitely die.


   The earth-shattering voice came over, and Lin Xuan was also surprised.

  He had seen the innate thunder before, it was seen on Thunder Dragon God.

   This innate power is extremely terrible. Unexpectedly, now he saw it again, innate **** fire.

   The strength of this old lady is very strong,

   However, the cultivation base should not be comparable to Thunder Dragon God.

   Thunder Dragon God, is the top-level Dacheng true god, can compete, the general peak true god.

   The old lady in front of her, obviously has not yet reached this level.

   Of course, the opponent is much stronger than the ordinary Dacheng God.

   This kind of innate **** fire can threaten him, but he cannot kill him.

  He just used this innate **** fire to refine his chaotic body.

   When thinking of this place, Lin Xuan directly sat cross-legged.

  The palms are sealed, the power of the fairy is flying, and the atmosphere of chaos is filled.

   turned into chaotic beasts one after another, dancing in the sea of ​​fire, making a terrible call.

  When he heard this voice, the old woman's face changed, and her face sank.

   The monsters around were stunned.

   This young man's physique is too strong, can even withstand the congenital fire.

   is incredible!

   The powerful people of the Demon God Clan were also stunned.

   They found that Lin Xuan blocked the innate **** fire, and even used the innate **** fire to refine the body.

   How arrogant is this?

   When the old lady saw this scene, she almost bleeds.

   She was instructed to kill the opponent, originally thought that one move could kill the opponent in a second.

  Where you want it, you are now fulfilling the other party.

   Find something dead.

  The old woman was completely angry, and her palms protruded.

   Her nails are very long, turned into a black sword, and penetrated the world.

   If you are hit, the head of the true God will probably be broken.

   Lin Xuan sneered, raising his hand is a punch.

  The breath of chaos turned into a chaos dragon in his fist.

   This chaotic dragon swept the world and collided with each other's nails.

   The shining light burst, the dragon of chaos, cut off the opponent's nails.

   So powerful.

  Countless people were shocked,

  The old woman was really angry, and she suffered two losses one after another, which was unbearable.

   Next moment, she made a weird voice.

  The fires of the chaos that came out before, radiate a very bright light.

   Those flames, quickly condensed, turned into chain after chain.

   They fell into the void, dancing fast, and the world was broken.

   This time, it was no ordinary attack, and Lin Xuan no longer dared to practice.

   His figure flickered, dodge quickly.

   Even he discovered that his fist, striking the flames, shook violently.

   Useless boy, you can't resist it at all.

   was just an attack that I tried. Now, I am furious, and I see how you can resist it?

   The voice of the old lady, very cold, Lin Xuan really seemed to be in trouble.

   Those flame chains seemed to turn into flames on the bottom of the sea, and the kelp generally began to go towards Lin Xuan.

  In an instant, he bound his body.

   Lin Xuan's condensed chaotic armor, under the innate **** fire, actually began to break.

not good.

   Murong them, when they saw this scene, their face changed a lot.

   It is dangerous to go on like this.

   At the moment of crisis, Lin Xuan burst into a terrible sword spirit.

  Wanjian Chaozong,

   turned into a piece of sword sea, which cut off the flame kelp.

  Linxuan retreated to the back, repairing the injury.

   His brow furrowed tightly: This is the old woman, is it true strength?

   is really very powerful.

  Let me try.

   The bear child next to him rushed over him, and countless magical shadows appeared on him.

  Wonders are everywhere, but I am alone.

   This is a peerless supernatural power of the demon **** family.

  Millions of magic shadows were killed, and they were fighting with the flame kelp.

  Innate fire, swept nine days,

  On the flame kelp, one after another, mysterious runes appeared.

   is like the chain of the gods, locking one after another.

   Those magic shadows seem to have entered purgatory,

   They screamed, their bodies began to disappear.

   Even the body of the bear child seems to have encountered a crisis.

   At the critical moment, a black rune of the size of a slap appeared in his eyebrows.

   Only then blocked, the other party's innate **** fire.

  The bear boy retreated and gritted his teeth and said: It hurts! This old thing is not ordinary.

   The strong men of the Devil God Clan behind said nervously: Young Master, you are careful.

   The shinto pattern in her body should have reached 15 million.

what? There are so many, no wonder so powerful.

  Bear children frowned tightly after listening.

   15 million, this is a watershed!

  With 10 million Shinto patterns in the body, it is the Great God.

  However, Dacheng True God also has strength and weakness.

   For example, the demons and beasts they beheaded before them had more than 10 million Dao patterns in their bodies.

   is either 11 million or around 12 million.

  No one can reach 15 million.

   Therefore, Bear Child and Lin Xuan struggled hard.

   Both have crossed many is fighting.

   But the old woman in front of her was different, the other party reached 15 million.

   The body of the Shinto pattern has reached this level. Among the Dacheng true gods, it is considered to have crossed the first level.

   far surpasses the ordinary Dacheng true god.

  The next watershed is 20 million.

   It will be even more terrifying to reach the real God of that state.

   Lin Xuan now has only 6.5 million Shinto patterns in his body, which is nearly 10 million different from the opponent.

   He fought across the realm with the invincible dragon spirit of the dragon and the peerless chaotic **** body.

   Bridging the gap.

   However, if the gap is too large, it still can't resist.

   The situation of bear children is similar,

   He is also a top-notch genius with an extraordinary blood.

   However, the realm is only a small true god.

  At this moment, both of them seem to be in trouble.

  Old woman sneered: Useless, I said, you can't resist.


   Bear child sneered: how old am I, how old are you?

  You have cultivated for tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, right?

   The difference between us is not strength but years.

  To tell the truth, if it is the same time, you can't compare with me at all.

   I want to practice as you do, I can slap you with a slap.

  I don’t know, what are you proud of?


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