Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7702: 9 heavy fire

The body of the true God of Fire Lotus was chopped by Jian Qi, and the figure of 10,000 meters high was split in half.

   fell from the sky and shattered the world.

   The terrible flame **** blood exploded like the flame mountain, sweeping the world.

   This scene is really shocking,

   Those who watched the game were all frightened.

  Tenjin battle is no more than that!

   Soul inflammation, you are not desperate? what are you waiting for?

   Fire God, roaring wildly.

   True God of Soul Flame took a deep breath,

At the next moment, a mysterious rune appeared in his eyebrows.

   The endless flame, quickly condensed, left his body and flew towards the front.

  Everyone saw an illusory figure, that is, the illusory soul god.

  His figure grows between heaven and earth like a large net.

   Overwhelming towards Lin Xuan, killed, and instantly enveloped it.

   depends on you?

   Lin Xuan sneered, a sword was cut out, and cut forward,

   The world was split in half.

   The phantom shadow seems to be split,

   But soon, the shadow will return to the original.

   The sound of Soul Flame rang out: useless.

   This is the way I worked desperately, it is the legendary soul sky fire.

  You can't resist at all.

  Although this is a game of losing both sides, but in order to solve you, everything is worth it.

   It's terrible.

   Those who watched the battle were stunned. The other party ignored Lin Wudi's sword.

   is incredible.

  Know that Lin Wudi's sword is unstoppable and unstoppable.

   has never failed.

   However, it does not seem to work here.

   It was also said: I have heard of Soul Sky Fire.

   This is the danger of condensing the flame at the cost of consuming the power of one's own soul.

   If you are not careful, you will die together.

Is    so scary?

  These other people also felt scalp numbness after listening.

  You can't destroy me, but I can suppress you.

   The phantom of True God of Soul Flame has arrived in front of Lin Xuan, and the two are less than half a meter away.

   Lin Xuan looked up at the other party: you alone, you don't have this qualification yet.

   in his eyes suddenly burst out, the terrible light of reincarnation.


   With a cold drink, the phantoms of the six worlds appeared around Lin Xuan, ups and downs.

  Like the ancient road of reincarnation, opened.

  I have known for a long time that you have reincarnation eyes, so I have long wanted to compete with you.

   When I saw this scene, it seemed not surprising that Soul Flame respected God.

  His illusory body began to make a strange sound, seeming to recite an ancient scripture.

   This sound, along with the terrible soul fire, actually blocked the power of six reincarnations.

   This surprised everyone: what is this means? Terrible?

   is worthy of the ancient gods, this background is too strong, right? Various magical skills, secret methods, endless stream.

   Everyone was shocked.

   Lin is invincible. It is said that you have a reincarnation sword. Show it.

   See if you can get me?

   The voice of True God of Soul Flame rang.

   Lin Xuan sneered: Is it up to you? You are not qualified yet, let me cast the samsara.

   Six reincarnations, you can't resist.


   Lin Xuan roared, and the power of six reincarnations broke out completely.

   collided with the illusory figure and shook the earth.

   It didn't take long for the unreal figure to fly out.

far away,

   The body of True God of Soul Flame also shivered quickly and spit out a few sips of blood.

Is    injured?

Is it still unstoppable?

   Everyone around exclaimed, and some people said: The true **** of the soul has already turned against the sky.

  Understand that Lin invincible cast, but six reincarnations, this is the legendary power.

  Now, it just hurts the other party.

  This shows that the power exerted by the true God of Soul Flame is extremely extraordinary.

   I am afraid it is also a legendary power!

   At this time, the true God of Fire Lotus was killed again. His broken body had recovered.

  He is desperate too!

  Three thousand petals, rapid blooming, rapid fusion.

   Eventually, it became nine huge petals with nine kinds of avenues on it.

   has nine kinds of flames.

   These are nine very terrible flames, and some are the fire of heaven and earth.

   Some are the fire on the peerless monsters, and some are the fire on the bloodlines of the powerful.

   This is the flame I collected after tens of millions of years.

  After being refined by me, I became my sacred fire. Now, I will fully show their divine power.

  Invincible Lin, you are the first one, let me go all out,

   I hope you can resist it.

   Fire God really roared,

   Nine kinds of magical fire, rushed past quickly.

   The whole world, completely transformed into an abyss.

   Those who watched the battle were shocked. Was the fire even so terrible?

   is incredible.

   Lin Xuan was shrouded in nine kinds of magic fire, and his body was shaken violently.

   is his chaotic body, very powerful.

  If you change to other Dacheng true gods, I am afraid the body will melt.

   This is not over yet,

   Fire God, from the storage ring, took out the genius and treasure, and quickly swallowed.

  The power he consumed increased at an extremely rapid rate.

   Then, he even shot the Nine Great Fires again and killed him again.

   Just like that, he continued to attack three times.

The place where Lin Xuan is located has been completely broken.

   Even his chaotic body turned out to be cracked.

   is worthy of being a protoss, and his desperate means is really strong enough to hurt me.

   Lin Xuan was very surprised.

   Soon he snorted, and the chaotic breath on his body, UU reading broke out.

  The powerful life force flew out to repair his injury.

  The breath of chaos in him turned into a sword of chaos, and he opened up the world.

   A roar, these swords of chaos, turned into a dragon of chaos, tearing everything apart.

  Nine Great Fires were torn apart.

   Lin Xuan rushed out.

   This scene is so shocking that everyone is frightened.

   The power of chaos? In legend, is the earth-shaking power?

  Is it not true that Chaos Protoss has it? Why does this Lin invincible also have?

   Moreover, it seems that it is not weaker than Chaos Protoss.

  The strong men of Chaos God Clan, when they saw this scene, also gritted their teeth.

   Damn it!


   Lin Xuan stepped into the air, holding Qixing Longyuan and slashing with a sword.

   The sword in his hand radiates light between the world and quickly grows.

   turned into a 10,000-meter dragon, tearing everything between heaven and earth.

   The body of the true God of Fire Lotus was split in half.

Is    injured again?

   Everyone was stunned. This was not over yet. Lin Xuan continued to shoot.

   Jianqi! Ten kills.

  As Lin Xuan's voice fell, there were countless sword shadows suddenly appearing in all directions in the Fire God.

   They quickly rotated to form a kendo storm, and completely covered the figure of the fire god.

   Inside Lin Xuan, there was a terrifying sound of dragon roar, and the power of the Dragon Sword Soul burst out.

   The true **** of fire lotus disappeared.

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