Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7699: 3 elixir! Get it all!

Lin Xuan opened the door with a golden key, and he walked in, as if entering an ancient world.

  After he entered, the door was closed again,

   The big mountain was reunited again.

   Everything is as if nothing has happened.

  Walking in the dim passage, Lin Xuan cast his chaotic body and looked carefully around.

  He didn’t hide anything here,

   Even his reincarnation eyes are on display.

   found here, there seems to be no danger.

   all the way, did not meet the monster, did not meet the organization formation, nor met any puppets.

   So, he came, at the end of the passage, in front of a hall.

There are many murals around the main hall of the    hall. There are ancient records on it, which are even older than the old times.

   This is possible, it is the scene of the last era.

   Lin Xuan looked at it, and many of the paintings were related to Xiandao.

   Looked roughly, Lin Xuan retracted his gaze and looked forward.

   In front, there is a huge stone platform, above which, three palms are placed.

   These are three arms made of bronze, palms spread out, palms facing the sky.

   In each palm, there is an immortality.

   The blue elixirs, covered with lines, are dense and dense, making people unclear. How many are there?

   Lin Xuan walked over to investigate carefully, and then he was very excited.

   This is an elixir!

   picked up one, he swallowed it,

   At the next moment, his eyes lit up and he sat down cross-legged.

   Inside his body, there was a roaring sound, and the Shinto pattern in his body was rapidly ascending.

Before   , the true God of the Fire Dragon guessed wrong. Lin Xuan didn't have 6 million Dao, which was 5.5 million Dao Dao.

  After all, what he cultivates is the power of immortals. It is very difficult to engrave the Shinto script.

   Although he was there in Longfei before, he got a lot of genius and treasure.

   However, Lin Xuan is used to practice the magic of God.

   The dragon veins in his body have already opened to a thousand.

   As for the promotion of fairy Taoism, not much.

   However, now under this fairy pill, the fairy Taoism in the body has been rising at a very fast rate.

   One day later, Lin Xuan opened his eyes, he actually increased by 330,000, the fairy Taowen.

   Lin Xuan is really too excited: what is this elixir? It's too bad.

   He looked at the other two immortals again. If they eat them, it is almost the same, which can increase 1 million immortals.

   Three days, an increase of 1 million, if this spread out, it will definitely shock the world.

   Even the **** king must be jealous.

  Know that even if you have some big chances, if you want to increase the fairy Taoism in a short time, it is not possible.

   If you are practicing by yourself, it is even slower.

   This million million gods, even the top genius, is estimated to have to practice for tens of thousands of years.

   is even possible, it takes hundreds of thousands of years.

   It is possible to spend millions of years if a breakthrough is to be encountered.

   But now, an elixir can be easily increased, so many fairy Taoism.

   Lin Xuan felt that he had picked up the treasure.

  He picked up the second elixir again, swallowed it,

   One day later, another 330,000 gods and gods were added.

   Next is the third elixir.

  When Lin Xuan opened his eyes again, he had absorbed three immortals and added 1 million to immortal Taoism.

   Now in his body, there are already 6.5 million gods and gods.


  Lin Xuan looked up to the sky.

too excited!

  Through the Tianhe, Sure enough, it's a good thing!

  He's strength here can advance by leaps and bounds, maybe, in less than 1,000 years, he can challenge the dragon.

  Tongtianhe. some where.

   The warrior of the Tianyang Divine Clan, after receiving the news, roared upward in the sky.

  Damn, did Qingyang God fall? This is impossible!

  The true **** of Qingyang, but one of the heirs of the eight golden mirrors, how powerful is his strength.

   How could he fall?

   Inevitably, he met the top strong?

  According to the news, it is a crazy hand.

   Mad God, the warrior of Taixu Dragon Palace? Does he have such a skill?

Do not make jokes.

   If it is the hands of the dragon in the Taixu Dragon Palace, I believe it.

   Mad God, how can it be done?

   He must have used mean means.

   I heard that there is an incredible power in this mad god, maybe it is a peerless artifact.

   In short, we must report this hatred.

  Many people were very angry. Among them, a tall man came out.

  He said: I have received a voice from the elders. The strength of this mad **** is stronger than expected.

   I am afraid you are not opponents.

   Why is this like this?

   The people around him looked ugly.

  Tall man said: This time we want to join forces.

   The three great gods shot together, I don’t believe it, and I can’t kill each other.

   I have delivered the news, and soon, they will arrive.

  The tall man, named True God of Destruction, possesses the fire of destruction and his power is terrible.

   A flame flew out, and everything in the world was destroyed.

   Not long after, a mysterious voice came from afar, and everyone's bodies shivered.

  The flames on them seemed to be uncontrolled and turned into one vortex after another.

   When they saw this scene, the people of the Tianyang Divine Clan exclaimed.

   This is the true God of Soul Flame!

   This is also a terrible Dacheng true god, and the other side is practicing the fire of the soul.

   is more mysterious and unpredictable.

   There is one last one, I don’t know which true **** came?

   Everyone looked forward to it.

  The world suddenly boiled up, and numerous phantoms of lotus appeared.

   One after another FireWire lotus blooms between heaven and earth.

   This brilliant light makes countless people look up.

   These disciples of the Tianyang Protoss group cheered.

   It's so good, it's the Fire God.

  Destroyed, Soul Flame, Fire Lotus, and the three true gods joined forces to definitely destroy the mad god. UU reading

  Breaking the True God said: By the order of the elders, kill the mad god.

   Let's go.

  Three figures rose into the sky, turned into three bright lights, flew to the distance, and disappeared.

  The rest of the people act independently and continue to hunt for treasure.

   They were not too worried. They knew that these three people would definitely succeed.

   the other side,

  In the ancient mountains, Lin Xuan came out.

   He had already received three elixir. As for the murals on the surrounding walls, he looked at them.

   found out that it was not a magical method, but only some ancient scrolls.

   is just to record some things of the year.

   Lin Xuan remembered the scene above, then left.

   This connection to the Tianhe River did not disappoint him,

   Next, he will look for other treasures to strengthen his strength again.

  Just after he came out, he felt that there were three powerful forces in the distance and rushed over quickly.

   The whole world is illuminated,

   That bright flame made the water of Tongtian River tumbling violently.

   Among them, there are some powerful monsters, very angry.

   These foreign warriors are so abominable,

   They attacked and wanted to kill each other.

   However, under this flame, the monsters in the sky of Tianhe quickly extinguished.

   simply can't resist.

   This is the person of Tianyang God Race.

   Lin Xuan frowned: Was this for him?

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