Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7673: Long Tatian's nephew? That is also my nephew!

Who is this person? So arrogant, what is the origin?

   asked Lin Xuan with a frown.

  To tell the truth, he is also much more powerful in the Three Dragon Gates.

  Long Yaotian is very arrogant, but not so arrogant.

The old man next to    explained: He is called Longfei and comes from the vein of Taixu Promise Dragon.

   is a very strong party and belongs to the same vein as Longtatian.

   Moreover, he is Long Tatian's nephew.

   It turned out to be so, no wonder so arrogant.

   Lin Xuan understood after hearing it.

   This person's status and blood is really strong to the extreme among the young people in the Taixu Dragon Palace.

   can match it, not many,

   A bit arrogant, indeed it is understandable.

   However, the other party is too unaware of life and death, and dare to arrogant in front of him.

  Lin Xuan didn't even look at the dragon, he dare to challenge.

   Not to mention Long Tatian's nephew.

  Lin Xuan smiled: Who should I be? It turned out to be Longfei's nephew.

   For your sake of being a younger generation, I spare you once.

  Hurry up and take your person, leave.

what did you say?

   Long Fei was mad after hearing this, and his body shivered: You say it again!

   The other party called his nephew! That's awful.

   Lin Xuan said with a smile: Me and your uncle, peers, naturally your uncle.

  How did Long Tatian teach you? Are you so rude to elders?

   Find death, kill him for me.

  Longfei was crazy, he gave the order,

   is next to another master, rushed over.

   A spear in his hand flew out in an instant, with countless lightnings, and cut through the void.

  The old man next to Lin Xuan, with his big sleeves waving, covered the world.

   At this time, the old servant beside Long Fei also shot.

   The roaring sound rang, and the power of the three collided in the air.

  The old servant smiled and said: Let the young people fight for the wind.

   How about watching the battle between you and me?

   Elder frowned tightly, he looked at Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan said: okay, let me take it personally, to teach me, my nephew who is not a good weapon.

  To tell the truth, the elder really didn't dare to shoot Long Fei.

  Although they are now ready, they are competing with the Taixuwulong clan

   However, he did not dare to target Long Fei easily.

   Lin Xuan does not have such scruples: I care who you are, dare to block my way, and step on my feet!

   in front of him, surrounded by the thunderbolt, came over again.

   He is a member of the Thunder Dragon family, he has a Thunder God Spear in his hand, enough to penetrate the world.

   At this moment, no one can stop him,

   His goal is Lin Xuan.

   Let's die!

   The Thunder God Spear in his hand flew out again.

   depends on you?

   Lin Xuan sneered.

   He reached out his palm and patted lightly towards the void. Above nine days, a dragon claw fell into the air.

   This side of the dragon's claw is overwhelming, like a sky.

With a bang, the dragon claws fell and instantly smashed the thunder spear.

  Not only that, this dragon claw is like a broken bamboo, and it fell on the thunder dragon clan strong body.

   This thunder dragon screamed, his body was broken, and flew out.

   His full face panic: how could it be so powerful?

   He showed his extreme speed, turned into a thunder, and wanted to escape.

  However, he couldn't escape the other's palm.

   Lin Xuan's dragon claws quickly closed, and instantly suppressed this dragon clan strongman.

   Those around me were shocked when they saw this scene.

   The incomparably powerful Thunder Dragon is strong, calling for wind and rain, sweeping the world.

   But it couldn't stop at the moment, the opponent's blow.

   The other party is really too powerful.

  The people around Longfei were also stunned.

  Unexpectedly, their companions lost so easily.

   hateful, shot together.

   Three figures rushed over,

   One of them shot a dark cloud.

   There are countless rain drops, forming a hidden weapon.

   This is lore.

   There was another person who spit out the ocean, with one head and another sea dragon, flying out.

   They took the breath of the sea and killed Lin Xuan.

   The third person broke through the void, and his palm fell like a mountain.

   This world is completely boiling,

   Avenue is flying, the sky is so powerful.

   Those martial arts stars of Suzaku are scared and fainted.

   is too strong, worthy of the Protoss.

   Lin Xuan sneered: Tianwei Dragon Soul!

   He didn't move like a mountain, however, the dragon power behind him was rushing to the sky.

   condensed in the sky, forming a huge dragon head, just like the same ancient dragon, resurrected.

   The dragon head looks down on the sky,

   a roar, with a tremendous divine power, swept the Quartet.

  The three great peerless supernatural powers, under this force, kept collapsing.

  Not only that, but the three people who shot were trembling under the dragon.

   Big mouth vomiting blood.

  What kind of power is this? How could it be so scary?

   The strong of the three dragons was stunned.

  Lin Xuan said faintly: It was unbearable.

  Nephew, you are too cold, and the people around you are too weak.

   Leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for suppressing you.

   A group of waste.

  Long Fei's face was so ugly that he was defeated, leaving his face dull.

   He said: You retreat, I personally shot.

  Don’t look at Long Fei young, however, his strength is far above these people.

   stepped out in one step, shaking the sky.

  In his eyes, there were two groups of magical fire, which flew out, and the wind became bigger.

   turned into two fire dragons, roaring between heaven and earth.

   Two fire dragons, ten thousand meters long, spread their teeth and dance their claws, killing them towards Lin Xuan.

   This is not a general flame, this is the real fire of the sun, which can destroy everything in the world.

  Old Jinwu, when he felt this power, his face changed a lot.

   He also felt a trace of fatal crisis.

  I have to say that this dragon fly is really too strong, so young that he is not weaker than him.

   Even the fire of the sun made him envious.

  Under my **** away.

  Longfei sneered again and again.

   Two fire dragons immediately covered Lin Xuan as if to tear him to pieces.

   Lin Xuan sneered: Get out of here.

   He made two consecutive punches, and each punch carried a monstrous dignity.

   is like a peerless **** of war, resurrected.

   on him, also burst into a bright flame light, sweeping the sky.

   Like the flame of Xiangu exploding.

   Two fire dragons, pierced by fists, scattered around.

   Then, Lin Xuan hit another blow,

   The monstrous fist hit Long Fei.

  Longfei stepped on a mysterious step, and the speed was almost extreme.

   escaped the blow like a glimmer of light.

   At the next moment, he spit out a storm, turned into a wind dragon, spread his teeth and dance claws.

   The wings of the wind dragon spread out, bringing up a very powerful blade, just like the sky knife with the handle, tearing the world.

   Lin Xuan was very surprised.

   Although Long Fei is young, his strength is even stronger than Long Yaotian.

   It is estimated that it is not much worse than Dragon Dance.

   This bloodline is really too strong,

  Know that Dragon Dance is a true god.

   And Long Fei is just Xiaocheng True God,

   Like him, the opponent can fight across multiple realms.

   is a top genius,

   But what about that?

   Lin Xuan sneered.



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