Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7638: Come strong! Raise your hand to suppress!

   Lin Zhan and the Golden Lion King, it seems that they did not take each other's eyes at all.

   This makes the people of Chaos Protoss extremely angry.

  On the number of people, they far exceed each other,

   On the bottom card, they have mixed element mirrors, and they even despise each other.

   Why is the other party so calm?

   You guys, we first joined forces to solve these two guys.

  The chaotic old man came out and his breath bloomed.

   More than 30 more powerful people are also murderous,

   The power in them is really terrible, and they are all in one piece, sweeping the world.

  The Golden Lion King snorted,

   He said: Our goal this time is not you, but the hybrid mirror.

  To tell the truth, you are lucky.

  Lin Zhan also smiled and said: Your opponent is Xuan'er, otherwise, I would have shot and killed you.

   Let these of you be Xuan'er's whetstone.

  Do it yourself.

  Lin Zhan and the Golden Lion King rose into the air, and they killed Hunyuan Mirror.

   Find death.

   People of Chaos Protoss are crazy,

   How terrible the Hundred Element Mirror is, the previous Nether Devil Gun was all pierced in an instant, almost spike.

   Not to mention Lin Zhan and the Golden Lion King, two people,

   These two people are not opponents at all.

   Old Chaos also sneered: Lin Zhan, I know you are strong, and they are all outstanding among the great gods.

  However, you underestimate the power of the pinnacle artifact. With just one move, you will be wiped out.

   Lin Zhan did not respond at all. He shot 36 Ding Shen beads and floated between heaven and earth.

   Mysterious atmosphere shocks all directions.

  Thirty-six and thirty-six orthodox beads, rotating between heaven and earth, formed a mysterious light and enveloped everything.

   The Hyunyuan mirror shook violently, and its breath was disappearing quickly, as if it were isolated from the world.

what's the situation? How do you feel that the power of the hybrid mirror is weakening?

   People of Chaos Protoss were stunned when they saw this scene.

   Old Chaos exclaimed even more: They were sealing the mixed element mirror.

  What kind of joke? Fight back quickly.

   These people, urging the Hunyuan mirror, began to fight back.

   They didn't play the light of Hunyuan, they just needed the Hyunyuan mirror to exude a pinnacle of divine power. These people can't resist it.

  The gods are really ridiculous,

   even wanted to seal the pinnacle artifact, dream!

  In their view, it only takes them a little bit of hands, Lin Zhan two people will collapse and despair.

   However, the fact slapped them hard,

   They seem to be unable to control the mixed element mirror.

   Their connection with Hunyuan Realm was cut off,

  What are those 36 beads?

   People of Chaos Protoss roared: What have you done?

  Quick hands, kill them both, absolutely can not let them affect the mixed element mirror.

   More than 30 strong powers of the Protoss, rose into the sky and killed Lin Zhan and the Golden Lion King.

  Lin Zhan body, the fighting intention is monstrous.

  If you want to die, I will fulfill you.

  Golden Lion King, also said coldly, his eyes were stern, and he looked in all directions.

  He said coldly: Do you also want to be sealed?

  Thirty-six orthodox beads, after sealing the Hundred Element Mirror, still had extra power and shrouded it.

   Suddenly, these strong people of Chaos Protoss tremble, and they feel that their divine power is disappearing.

   These people have scalp numbness,

   These beads, I am afraid that the history is scary, it is not what they can imagine.

  Lin Zhan waved his hand, and thirty-six Ding Shenzhu, with a mixed element mirror, fell towards the Tongtian River below.

   crashed into the Tongtian River,

   The two rose into the air and left.

   Their purpose this time is very clear, that is, the mixed element mirror.

  As for other people, they don’t need to bother, they will leave it to Lin Xuan to solve it.

have they gone?

   These people of Chaos Protoss are all ignorant,

  All this before happened very quickly, and they were all like dreams.

  Lin Zhan and the two came from a strong position and raised their hands to suppress the Hunyuan mirror.


   Two people, just like this, go away,

   doesn't have any meaning at all.

   This is not taking them at all!

   The old chaotic people are crazy: **** gods, you are looking for death.

   How could he not understand what the other person meant?

  Shenyu people feel that the Hundred Mirror is a threat to Lin Xuan, so they sealed the Hundred Mirror.

   ignored them because they wanted them to become Lin Xuan's whetstones.

   Want Lin Xuan to experience breakthroughs in battle.

   These people are really wishful thinking. Are you not afraid of Lin Xuan's fall?

   From the perspective of the powerful of God Realm, can these people be connected together, can't help Lin invincible?

   It's too deceiving.

   This time, they came with two great true gods, plus a mysterious chaotic scholar, as well as other powerful gods.

   What a powerful lineup!

   No one can underestimate them.

   But everyone who underestimates them must pay a price.

   Old Chaos was murderous, he said: Everyone sent out, looking for Lin invincible, using our power to kill him.

   On the other side, the true **** of the dragon is cut, and I don’t know anything about it.

   At this moment, under the guidance of Promise Butterfly, he shuttled quickly.

  Finally, he came to a quiet place, a smile on his lips.

   found the kid,

  You can't escape.

  Big hand waved, countless dragons and swords fluttered, and cut off the world.

  He saw a figure, it was Lin Xuan's figure.

   He said quietly: Boy, you can't escape.

   Lin Xuan was very surprised, how did the other party find him?

   He saw the butterfly, his face a little ugly.

  Dragon The speed is very fast, and a signal is raised by raising your hand.

   Feeling this signal, the hybrid mirror will definitely launch an attack.

   However, after waiting for a few seconds, the dragon stunned was stunned: what's going on?

   He looked into the distance,

  Why did the Hyunyuan mirror not launch an attack?

   His careful induction,

   Suddenly, his face changed, why can't he sense it, and the power of the Hyun Yuan mirror?

what happened?

  Can't help it, is there an accident again?

   Last time, it was the ghost ghost Kun Kun who attacked the mixed element mirror this time. Who is this time?

  In the Tianhe River, how many terrible monsters are there?

  He is crazy.

   Lin Xuan sneered, his figure shook, and left again.

   Damn it.

  Looking at the figure of the other party's escape, the real dragon chasing after the dragon.

   While chasing, he whispered and asked: What's going on? Isn't it foolproof?

   Inside the bell, came the voice of the old chaos: God domain is coming.

   Both Lin Zhan, carrying a mysterious artifact, sealed the hybrid mirror, and we can no longer use it.


  Destroyed the true God of the dragon. When he heard this, he was shocked.

  Hyunyuan mirror is sealed, what a joke?

   That is the pinnacle artifact!

   Who shot?

   Fighting God of War? Or Xuanyuan?

   Is that level of existence all dispatched?

   Shouldn't be, once the other party comes, their chaos ancestors will also be shot.

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