Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7627: 36 statues!

Every swordfish is extremely sharp, and the scales on his body seem to be able to pierce the sky.

One or two meters small, and a dozen meters large, like the same sword after another, peerless sword.

It seems that they want to kill the water and fight Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath, his expression became extremely dignified.

A swordfish is already terrible,

A group of words, I am afraid it will be more terrible.

He is ready to go all out.

But at this moment, he was slightly stunned and turned his head to look into the distance.

He felt a more terrible breath and rushed over.

The power of chaos.

His brow furrowed tightly.

The swordfish in Tongtianhe also felt this power.

Instead of shooting Lin Xuan, they entered the river and disappeared quickly.

Obviously, they also fear this power.

In the blink of an eye, chaotic clouds rose around and formed a piece.

Seems to have become a chaotic world, completely covering this space.

From these clouds, came out one after another, a powerful figure.

They are like ancient gods,

A man at the front carries a sword.

He shouted coldly: Boy, we meet again.

Lin Xuan also smiled: Who should I be? It turned out to be your defeat.

Last time, you ran away like a dog from the family, how dare you come?

Are you here to die?

Lin Xuan's words left the real **** of the dragon cut off, and he did fail last time.

Moreover, it is a defeat.

Kid, you are strong, but this time, the strong man I brought is beyond imagination, you will definitely die.

If you do n’t want to be tortured, just kneel down on the ground and surrender.

Give up your strength, I will give you a happy death.

Although this is said, but he sneered in his heart: I will not let you fall. I'm going to take you back and send to the Son of God.


After listening, Lin Xuan laughed, and he also appeared in his body, a terrible wonton breath.

Turned into a ray of chaos and surrounded him.

He said in a cold voice: Just like you guys, want to kill me? It's not that easy.

I am afraid you are not qualified yet.

It's not that I underestimate you, all of you present are garbage.

Lin Xuan did not take these people into consideration at all.

Those strong people around Chaos God Clan immediately became angry.

I have long heard that Lin Wudi is very arrogant, but at first sight, it is even more arrogant than expected.

Stupid things, dare to underestimate us!

Will catch you later, I will break you, all the bones in the whole body.

You're dead.

A cold voice sounded between heaven and earth, breaking the void.

A arrogant boy, I want to see, how tough are you?

The tall man came out, and his figure, like a wild dragon, was extremely terrible.

In his hand, there is a chain made of divine blood.

The three-headed dog of hell, roaring up in the sky, playing three kinds of power,

Went all out as soon as he came up.

Three forces, like three worlds, fell.

Ice, fire, thunder, three kinds of avenues, flying between the world,

Is terrible enough to suppress everything in the world.

Instantly shrouded Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, punched out, and the three worlds were instantly penetrated.

The three-headed dog of **** was shattered, and a scream was made,

These three dogs turned and fled, tearing the void and disappearing.

He was originally summoned, at this moment, he is not an opponent at all.

The moment he left, he was terrified.

Where is this young man? How dare you take action against Chaos Protoss?

Is vulnerable.

Lin Xuan sneered: Are you Chaos Protoss, only this power? What a disappointment.

Since this is the case, then I will do it.

Next moment, in his eyes, a shining light erupted,

Qixing Longyuan was severely cut by him.

Turned into a phantom of the dragon, with the power of indestructibility, and instantly killed the dragon god.

This sword is very fast, very suddenly, it is instantly chopped on, slashing the dragon.

Destroy the true **** of the dragon, can only passively block,

With a bang, he was shaken out and his arms were split.

Appeared in him, an extremely old armor.

This armor is covered with cracks, as if made of some kind of mysterious stone.

He blocked the sword.

The dragon's blood was rolling and his eyes were red. Damn, he was blown away by the opponent again.

What a shame!

His crazy roar: everyone shot together to suppress him at the fastest speed.


Thirty-six chaotic strongmen, shot,

Every one is extremely scary.

The power of chaos completely exploded, as if it could open the earth.

Lin Xuan is equally dignified,

Has to say that this time, the number of enemies is very large.

He can't be careless.

He displayed the word tactics, and the speed was so fast that Qixing Longyuan in his hand, with the dragon spirit of the dragon, cut it out.

Tai Chi Sword.

The Tai Chi figure rotates, with a black and white light, flying towards the front, as if turned into a black and white dragon.

The sword was cut, the blood of the gods fluttered, and a strong chaos screamed,

His body was split in half.


Lin Xuan shouted coldly, the mysterious sky sounded, that force was terrible.

The chaotic clouds and mists around them all seemed to break apart,

Everyone felt that the scalp was numb.

The kind of deadly crisis that made them like enemies.

What is this sound? terrible!

In front of Lin Xuan, there were two Chaos strongmen. At this moment, they bear the brunt of them and were crushed by innumerable, turning into blood mist.


Lin Xuan continued to shoot, and the countless dragon forces on his body quickly condensed.

Breathed and breathed on him, as if transformed into a warframe.

And his figure has become extremely divine, like a peerless Wushen.

Shoot it with one palm, shoot a **** god strongman in the back, and fly out.

The strong man, with a broken body, was photographed directly in the Tongtian River and disappeared.


Everyone was shocked,

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xuan actually injured so many masters of the Protoss.

I have already said that, he is very strong, don't carelessly.

The Dragon God was murderous and rushed over,

Cut the Dragon Sword volley ~ ~ It seems to be able to kill all the dragon's breath.

Lin Xuan displayed his tactics and dodge quickly,

The remaining 30 masters also rushed quickly.

All kinds of monstrous powers are falling overwhelmingly.

Lin Xuan had no hard resistance, his figure was erratic, and he was almost to the extreme.

Stopped him.

Destroy the dragon and the real gods, roar again and again,

But, still can't stop.

Lin Xuan cut it out with a sword and tore the chaotic world apart. The next moment, he came out of the world.

More than 30 masters quickly caught up.

Those who were injured before are also recovered, they are pale and murderous.

They just rushed out of the chaotic world, and it was the six worlds that greeted them.

Welcome you to my world,

Six reincarnations open.

The power of the Six Dao completely exploded and bombarded the thirty-six **** masters.

The war broke out completely, extremely terrible.

Break me! Opening up.

Thirty-six figures, the blood on them, constantly erupting, turned into thirty-six ancient giants.

They opened their hands to the sky, and even blasted the six worlds.

Invincible Lin, how is your six-world world no matter how strong it is?

In front of our forces of chaos, it is simply unbearable.

These powerful men laughed in the sky.

However, at the next moment, several heads flew.

A sword flying fairy!

Hell Dao reached out and enveloped these bodies.

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