Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7618: Demon, wake up!

The speed of the ancient three links was very fast, and the two disappeared instantly.

They fled above nine days and hid in a space storm.

But even so, there are still some shadows that appear in front of them.

At this instant, the ancient three links turned pale.

He seemed to be enchanted, and there was almost a black breath on his body.

These are devil qi. Once covered with devil qi, it will become demon, crazy,

This method is terrible.

Lin Xuan snorted: Give me extinction.

The dragon dragon soul roared, and a dragon shadow slashed towards the black magic energy.

Those magic qi, open teeth and claws, even under the dragon's sword qi, they still have the resistance.

It is conceivable how terrible the power of the devil is.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan's Great Dragon Sword is even more terrible,

Finally wiped out the breath of these heavenly demons.

The two were relieved,

There is a space storm, as a resistance, the remaining heavenly spirits can't kill them.

The two of them looked down,

The whole fairy world has become a demon world.

Countless ways, flying between heaven and earth, covering the whole world.

All the warriors in Immortal Demon Realm were all affected, and they all became demons.

Even the lord of the fairy tower and the two elders screamed screamingly, they were extremely low-end.

They still have a magic energy on them, and they won't be long before they will become the devil.

The only thing you can stop is the fairy tower.

Although the fairy tower shook violently, the fairy tower itself was also an extremely terrible weapon.

The warriors staying in the fairy tower were not affected.

They can't go out. Once they step out of the fairy tower, they will be transformed into demons immediately.

This method is too terrible,

The ancient three links looked pale in this scene.

Who can imagine that this world still has such terrible power.

Is this really the ancestor of their ancient family, sealed?

How strong are their ancestors? Can easily seal, such a terrible god.

The ancestors of the Mozu, led the disciples of the Mozu, fell to their knees.

They were extremely excited: this is the power of the ancestors. The ancestors came, and they should sweep everything.

No one can resist.

Handsome man sneered: stupid things, do you really think that we, the Nine Demon Mountains, have only this power?

Too silly, we, the Nine Demon Mountains, have been secretly acting long ago, in order to resurrect the Heavenly Devil Ancestors.

Although it is not fully resurrected now, the power of the ancestors has recovered a lot.

What do you take against us? Obedient, under this power, let's wipe out the smoke.

Sure enough, it is the power of the devil.

When Xian Teng felt this breath, he was equally astonished.

Soon he sneered: I said, the real devil is only worthy to compete with me.

Otherwise, how could the strength of the area be my opponent?

Are you too young to look at me?

I came from the last era, I lived in endless years.

Even the true owner of the fairy tower can't kill me, just suppress me.

My strength is beyond your imagination,

Now, let me see you.

As his voice fell, the golden light shone to 9 days.

Originally, the whole world has been completely darkened, with five fingers out of reach, only boundless magic energy is flying.

But at this moment, these exquisite lights, like the other swords, pierced the sky and cut off the magic energy.

The dark world becomes bright again.

And these lights are getting stronger and stronger,

Where the golden light had passed, those demonic qi seemed like clouds and mist, and the smoke disappeared.

How can it be?

When they saw this scene, the ancestors of the Mozu were stunned.

The power of Heavenly Devil is so terrible that no one can stop it.

But now, under the golden light, it melts like ice and snow.

Is the opponent really at the same level as the Celestial Demon Ancestor?

Is it possible that you come from the fairy tower?

Impossible, how could the fairy tower have such a powerful force?

Fire Demon Patriarch and others are going crazy.

Damn it, the power that I just recovered has been annihilated by you, and I cannot be forgiven.

At this time, under the earth, an extremely low voice came.

This voice, with infinite anger, appeared immensely devilish as if boiling.

Those of the Devil Race are also beating with heart: this is the voice of the ancestors.

You did not fall completely.

Xianteng also sneered: Let me see, how much power you have in the devil.

The golden vines turned into a sharp blade, instantly piercing the void and killing the ground.

A roaring sound came, and the endless earth turned into an abyss, a huge black hole, to engulf everything.

The boundless magic energy turned over and turned into one hand after another, and shot towards the other party.

As a result, they were penetrated by golden light.

Soon, under the earth, there was an angry roar: How dare you hurt me?

This voice, extremely cold, shattered the world.

At the same time, there was even a trace of chaotic power flying.

Xianteng was shocked and came back, very surprised: how do you have the power of chaos?

Lin Xuan also changed his face when he felt this scene.

He said: I know, this is the devil, secretly absorbing Chaos Divine Blood before.

It's the other party, breaking a crack of space.

It was too dangerous. Fortunately, they discovered it in advance. Fortunately, they came to this world to investigate.

Otherwise, let the devil really go out, I am afraid that burying the Emperor Star will be dangerous, and the ancient family will also be dangerous.

After all, judging from the current strength of the opponent, this is beyond the power of the true God, and they simply cannot resist it.

The ancient three links are also afraid for a while. He said: Senior Xianteng, can they resist it?

It might work.

Lin Xuan was not sure either, he could not understand this battle.

He said: I think we should repair the space crack first.

You are the successor of the void, this space power, I think you should be able to use it.

Before, didn't there be a Void Beast, salute you? Find him and ask him, can you fix it?

Even if it can't be repaired inside, after going out, they will use all their strength to make up for the space crack.

Absolutely not. Let the devil come out.

The ancient tee nodded, and he began to look for the former Void Beast.

Lin Xuan is the voice. UU Reading

"This day, the devil broke a space and absorbed the chaotic blood of the outside world."

When he heard the news, Xianteng was also very surprised.

Good fellow, this devil, there are really many secret methods.

However, it was only a trace of chaotic blood, and he had not put it in his eyes.

He killed the past again,

Two superpowers are fighting.

I have to say that Heavenly Demon is not a complete force, but Xianteng is extremely terrible.

He shattered the breath of heavenly demons.

No, the celestial ancestors are going to lose.

When these powerful people of the Demon Clan saw this scene, they were all stupid.

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