Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7614: Give me fairy power!

Helping defeat Demon, it sounds very exciting, but Lin Xuan smiled.

He has no hatred with Heavenly Demon, why should he defeat Heavenly Demon?

Even if the people of Nine Demon Mountain came to deal with him, even if that force really surpassed him, what would happen?

Big deal, he and the ancient tee, leave here with space array,

They were not sealed anyway.

The people of Nine Demons Mountain are so powerful, I am afraid they ca n’t break it, space storm.

Therefore, Tianmo is not a big threat to Lin Xuan.

He shook his head and said: Sorry, I refuse.

what did you say?

Xianteng was ignorant after listening: Refuse? Are you not afraid of Tianmo's counterattack?

Lin Xuan said his reason,

Xianteng was silent.

After a while, he asked: What do you want?

Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile: the power of the last century fairy.

Boy, you are really a big lion. Look at the breath before you. You are practicing Divine Fire.

What is the use of the power of immortals?

My secret has nothing to do with you, I just ask you, will you give it?

I gave the power of the last century, will you help me?

Xian Teng asked.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: Yes, but still need some conditions.

Are there conditions?

Xianteng is all mad: boy, don't go too far.

Lin Xuan said: I need you to swear with Dao Xin, not to shoot me.

Of course, I can also swear with Dao Xin that will definitely help you.

If you agree, then we will cooperate, if you do not agree, then I will leave here.

Big deal, I will return to the heavens and the world.

Alas, you do n’t know, how is the world today?

The world today has changed dramatically since then.

Forget it, what's the use of telling you, in your current state, it is estimated to be trapped here for hundreds of millions of years.

Xianteng is trapped here, really endless years, he really wants to go out.

He gritted his teeth and said: Well, I will give you, fairy power.

Next, he swore with Daoxin, and Lin Xuan also swore with Daoxin.

Then he laughed: Give me fairy power first.

The body of the fairy vine shakes, and nine golden leaves bloom among the heavens and the earth. Each one is like a sky.

There was a terrible atmosphere on it, which turned into one mysterious rune after another.

This is a rune of immortality, and it is completely different from what Lin Xuan saw.

In this era, there are also people who practice immortality, but their power is different from the power of immortality.

What was it like in the last era? Lin Xuan was 10 points curious.

Perhaps in the future, we will see more powerful players from the last era.

Next, he began to absorb the power above the fairy vine.

Lin Xuan has the power of immortals, so it is effortless to absorb these forces.

He seemed to become one, like a reservoir, constantly absorbing.

This guy could actually absorb the power of immortals.

When Xian Teng saw this scene, they were all stunned: Where is the other party sacred?

How to absorb this power without any obstacles?

Gradually, he found many changes in Lin Xuan's body, even a variety of world visions appeared.

Sure enough, there are peerless geniuses in every era, and Xianteng was shocked.

In their era, there were some top peerless geniuses, which were terrible.

Later, when it came to the barren age, I met some top powerhouses, such as the owner of the fairy tower, which was terrible.

Unexpectedly, after the endless years passed, Xianteng met another peerless genius.

And, like those evildoers, it is unfathomable.

Lin Xuan didn't know what the other party was thinking. At this moment, he was absorbing these forces frantically.

He used it, Kun's breathing method, between breathing and breathing, there were countless dragon shadows around him.

Not only that, the power of chaos, the breath of earth, and the six worlds also emerged.

As if to replace the heavens and the world.

Great, this time, his strength can still be improved.

In addition to increasing the power of the fairy, Lin Xuan felt that he could open up more dragon veins.

Now he has 100 dragon veins in his body. It ’s just getting started,

If you want to catch up with the dragon, there is still a big distance.

This time, he was able to greatly improve the dragon veins in his body.

In a flash, a month passed, Lin Xuan had not yet come out.

The ancient three links were a little worried. He looked at the fairy tower and asked: What is inside the fairy tower?

Why hasn't Lin Xuan yet come out?

The power in the fairy tower is terrible, it is not so easy to get it.

Wait patiently.

The lord of the fairy tower said with a smile.

His heart was very excited. It seemed that Lin Xuan was in trouble.

Maybe it was injured inside, it might have fallen.

He did not act rashly, because he knew that the opponent was very strong.

The last time he entered the fairy tower, it took a month to get out of it.

The opponent is stronger than him, so he is ready to wait three months to see.

This waited for three months, Lin Xuan still did not come out.

The master of the fairy tower is almost ready to start,

However, the elder Taishang said: Wait a minute, that kid is terrible.

If he came out halfway, it would be troublesome.

This is another three years,

This time, even the elder was too laughed.

It seems that the kid really fell inside, we can start, grab this ancient tee.

Snatch his space power.

On the other side,

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,

The dragon vein in the body has also been opened up to 300.

The strength has been greatly improved than before,

More importantly, his Dragon Dao Wushen tactics improved.

It's almost okay, it can't be absorbed anymore.

Lin Xuan stood up and said: You have all the stone tablets, let me show you it.

Xianteng waved his hand, and six stone tablets appeared between heaven and earth.

In addition to the one that was broken before, there are a total of seven, and it looks like the Big Dipper.

This should be a very terrible formation.

This method, after an endless period of time, is not as good as it was, plus one has been broken.

The rest is not difficult to break.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and rushed past quickly. Now, his strength has greatly increased.

With a punch, it turned into a dragon of chaos and instantly smashed a stone tablet.

So strong.

When Xianteng saw this scene, UU reading was very surprised. Has this kid absorbed the power of fairy and has become so powerful?


It seems that this time I really had a chance to leave.

Next, Lin Xuan was in full swing,

Either show a strong body, or show six reincarnations.

Or peerless swordsmanship.

He swept everything,

Several stone tablets have been broken one after another.

The shackles on Xianteng disappeared, and he danced excitedly between heaven and earth, and he shattered the void.

The golden light shone on the world, and a force surpassing imagination emerged from him!

Lin Xuan was also shocked when he felt this power.

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