Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7612: These 1 punches can't bear the fairy world!

Xianhe also changed his face. Before that, he was still high up, and he did not take Lin Xuan's eyes into consideration.

But I didn't expect that the strength of the other party was so powerful.

He did not dare to carelessly.

With a roar, his wings danced, hitting a monstrous fairy storm, and killed him.

A roaring sound came, and the sky-long fairy storm fell on the fist, and thousands of thunders sounded.

Lin Xuan's fist is too strong, with the power to open the earth, tearing everything apart, killing the fairy crane.

The crane was so scared that it spread its wings and flew back.

This time, not only did he take a step back, he stepped back a dozen meters.


Lin Xuan withdrew his fist and said lightly.

Who are you?

Xianhe's face was a bit ugly, and he felt very embarrassing.

The lord of the immortal tower beside him was also taken aback. He knew that Lin Xuan was a very powerful swordsman.

But I did not expect that Lin Xuan's physique was so powerful.

The punch just now, with the earth-shaking power, shocked him immensely.

How many cards are there for this kid?

Lin Xuan said with a smile: I don't understand my origin. Please let me go.

I speak and count. Fairy Crane flew over and said: You stand on my back, I will take you there.

Lin Xuan walked over to the back of the crane, and the crane spread its wings and took him towards the front.

The lord of the fairy tower stood there and said: I am here, waiting for the son to return.

Lin Xuan nodded and looked for 4 weeks. He found that in the sea of ​​clouds, he had extremely mysterious and terrible power.

This kind of power cannot be stepped in by the true God. No wonder the crane needs to pass.

If you force the past, I am afraid it will become a blood mist.

It seems that the existence of this fairy tower is very long.

The master of the fairy tower and the elders who are too high to control at all, the true secret of the fairy tower.

This made him more curious.

What kind of existence is there?

Is it the other party, breaking through the void?

Lin Xuan believes that there will be an answer soon.

Soon, the crane stopped,

In front is a door,

A stone door is very old and full of years.

Thanks a lot.

After Lin Xuan came down, he pushed open the stone door and walked in.

His figure disappeared,

The stone door closed again, and the passageway inside became black.

Lin Xuan had just walked a few steps, and the Pearl of Night lit up.

The whole passage is very long, do not know where it leads?

Lin Xuan was very patient and watched for 4 weeks while setting off toward the front.

At the end of the passage is a hall, which is very simple.

After Lin Xuan walked in, he found a figure with his back to him.

It was a golden figure, very miraculous, surrounded by golden mist.

People can't see clearly.

As if looking at the fairy, he would go away at any time.

Seeing this back, Lin Xuan stopped and he stared at the other party tightly.

He found that, under the eyes of reincarnation, he could not fully see through.

However, as long as he is given more time, he should be able to see through.

But at this moment, a low voice sounded: Did someone challenge again?

This time, how come there is only one young man, cultivation is so weak, are you really qualified to challenge?

Well, since you came in, I will give you a chance.

In front of him, the golden figure with his back to all living beings suddenly spoke, which surprised Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan frowned slightly.

The golden figure said coldly: Why? Not sure?

Challenge here, win, and get a fairy,

If you lose, get out.

Lin Xuan was surprised.

It seems that before the Lord of the Immortal Tower came here, he successfully passed the challenge and got the Immortal Leiding.

Looking at the other party's previous attitude and trying to come to this challenge should not be simple.

It ’s just that he did n’t come to challenge,

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: I don't need a fairy, I only need to ask a few questions.

If you want to ask a question, you have to challenge it and ask again if you win.

That voice is extremely welcome.

Okay, let me see, what kind of challenge is it?

Lin Xuan waved a big hand, with a bit of coldness in his eyes,

It seems that only by showing strength can this person be valued.

Maybe he can get the news he wants on the other party.

The golden figure, big sleeves and a glory, the ancient palace has changed.

There was a terrible flame all around, which turned into a sea of ​​fire.

These are purple flames, extremely terrifying, and can easily make the strong fly into smoke.

And in this blaze of fire, there is a purple stele.

The golden figure said: As long as you can break the purple stone, you will be considered a challenge.

At that time, I can answer any questions you want to ask.

When the words fell, he stopped talking.

Lin Xuan looked at the purple stone tablet, and at the next moment, he walked in.

Stepping in, the flames around him swept toward him as if they were crazy.

Let him die.

Lin Xuan snorted: Get out of here.

The chaotic power in him exploded, with a breath of earth,

All those flames were blown out by him.

Immediately afterwards, those flames were killed again.

He was in the air, condensed into a purple unicorn, and rushed towards Lin Xuan quickly.

The war broke out in an instant.

When Lin Xuan fought on this side, the other nine demons were shocked.

The three ancestors shot powerfully, but unexpectedly, they came back seriously.

All three were seriously injured and almost fell,

What happened?

These demons of Nine Demon Mountains are crazy,

Even several other ancestors were equally stunned.

They wake up one after another and come out of the ancient palace.

How could it be so bad? Who is actually shooting?

We met a very terrible swordsman with great strength, and also had the power of six reincarnations.

Restrained us.

Fortunately, we have the Devil Flute, otherwise, we will have disappeared.

Peerless swordsman!

Several other ancestors were shocked.

so what? This time we shot together, I wouldn't believe they could not win them.

However, the handsome man said: Wait a minute, wait for us to recover some strength.

I suspect ~ ~ They don't seem to be people in this world.

We have endless years, even the one at the top of the fairy tower, we have heard about it.

However, we have never heard of these two people.

They seem to appear out of thin air,

They are very suspicious,

One of them will also have the power of space.

I doubt that they have broken through the space storm and came from outside.

After listening to these demons of the Nine Demon Mountain, they were stunned: Are there people from outside? It's incredible.

The handsome man said: If my guess is true, then we must go all out.

Maybe, we still have to use the power of Heavenly Devil!

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