Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7600: Magic Mountain! dominate!

Nine Magic Mountain is the master of this world,

The strongest of Nine Demon Mountains is the existence of Devil God.

They are not opponents at all.

If you come out alone, you can make their family die.

Now that there are so many strong men, everyone is desperate and they can't resist.

It should be directed at us.

The ancient three links looked at the vast devil qi ahead, Shen Sheng said.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: That was just right. I heard that Jiujian Mountain is the master of this world.

Reading their memories should be able to get the truth of this world.

I have to see, why is the heaven here different?

Where have these warriors lived?

In the sky, the magic clouds flew, and the black clouds crushed the city, and instantly came to the top of everyone's head.

The breath above is like a sea like an abyss, and countless people are crawling on the ground.

There are only two figures standing there, seemingly unaffected.

The magic cloud in the sky kept rolling, coming out of several figures.

They stood high and looked down,

In an instant they stared at the two figures standing.

The breath of the two people is very mysterious, and they are not affected by them.

This should be the two mysterious people who suddenly appeared!

Who are you? Tell your origins.

A devil-like figure shouted coldly.

who are we? You do n’t deserve to know.

Gu Santong snorted: What's the matter with you here?

Not worthy to know?

The demon-like figure in the sky sank his face.

He sneered: We came to suppress you.

Since you are stubborn and dare to contend with us, then we can only shoot and suppress you.

Get started and bring them both back to Nine Magic Mountain.

Those around me heard this and their scalp tingled.

Nine Magic Mountain, actually came to the two immortals?

They both worried about the two fairies.

The strength of Nine Magic Mountain is very powerful, even if it is a fairy, it does not dare to offend.

In the sky, a magic cloud fell, just like a magic mountain, landing in the sky.

That terrible force is enough to suppress everything.

not good.

Everyone was terrified.

In their eyes, this magic mountain came instantly, in front of Lin Xuan and Gu Shantong, pressed hard.

However, the situation has changed.

This terrifying magic power, even stopped, could no longer get close to the two.

what's the situation?

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Did the two fairies easily block the power of Nine Demons Mountain?

Those of the demons also changed their face.

The demon-like figure who took the lead whispered: Who are you?

Lin Xuan did not care about the other party, but looked at the ancient three links, said: You shot, suppress them.

The drum tee nodded, the sleeve robe waved, and the void in front immediately changed.

Several chains of space emerged, covering the whole world. Those terrible demonic qi were torn by the power of space.

Several devil-like figures were instantly suppressed by the chain of space.

They fell from the sky.

what happened?

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

Did the devil gods of the Nine Demon Mountains dominate the general existence, but were they instantly suppressed?

It's incredible.

These two immortals are too strong,

Is it possible that the other party comes from the fairy tower?

This is impossible. The strong people of the Demon Race in Demon God Mountain roared wildly.

How strong are they? How can they be easily suppressed?

Break me.

They roared like crazy,

However, it did not play any role at all,

They simply cannot resist.

Their heart gradually sank, is it really the mysterious strongman of the fairy tower?

Won't it be two old monsters?

They were terrified.

But at this time, there were several exclaimed voices in the distance: such a strong force,

The people turned their heads to look around, and saw only a few immortal people, flying over.

It's a fairy tower.

Countless people exclaimed.

The old men who came here were from the fairy tower. They also felt the mysterious power before.

Also sent people to investigate,

However, they are one step slower than Nine Magic Mountain.

When they arrived, they happened to see the people of Nine Demons Mountain being suppressed,

They were stunned.

Their fairy tower and Jiumo Mountain have fought countless years and each has their own victory and defeat.

For a long time, no one can completely wipe out the other party.

They naturally know how powerful the people of Nine Demon Mountains are,

These people are demons.

With mysterious blood and magic power,

Very scary.

However, at this moment, they were easily suppressed by people like ants.

This is incredible.

Where are these two people?

After they came over, they paid a tribute and asked: I don't know where your friends come from?

Isn't the other person from the fairy tower?

Everyone was shocked,

Those of Nine Demon Mountain were also stunned.

Impossible, besides the fairy tower, which other school can appear such a terrible strong?

Our origins, you do n’t know.

Gu Santong shook his head and said,

Lin Xuan cast his eyes in reincarnation, directly overshadowing the powerful ones in front of them.

He began to read the memories of these people,

Those strong, scream like crazy.

This time, Lin Xuan read the memory, but he was not so polite.

you wanna die.

Just then, there was a roar in the distance.

There was another young man with a magical energy on his body who rushed over.

Although this man is young, it is extremely unusual.

He is called Demon Eye Master, and he has extremely terrible magical powers.

Even the people in the fairy tower were shocked: Didn't expect that such a terrible genius came?

They are also like enemies.

I saw this young man, his eyebrows split, and a crack appeared.

His fierce blood poured out, and turned into one after another, extremely mysterious runes, fused together.

Formed a mysterious eye.

It was a vertical eye, the third eye, and after it appeared, it had a terrible power.

Everyone was fainted by this force.

Those warriors who knelt down on the ground couldn't resist it, and even the strong ones of several fairy towers changed their complexions.

They rushed out the fairy air, fairy cloud, surrounded in all directions.

They are like a big enemy ~ ~ Dare to fight on the Nine Demon Mountains and die for me.

The devil's eye roared, and the eyebrow opened instantly,

A terrible gaze flew out.

It was like the light of the demon god, which cut through the void, and with the power of destroying everything, instantly killed Lin Xuan.

Dare to read our memory, you are dead.

The suppressed martial arts warriors also sneered,

In their view, Lin Xuan could not resist.

However, Lin Xuan did not start, because the ancient three links acted.

The ancient tee shot with both hands, the space was folded, and the void was banished.

This terrifying light of the Demon God is shrouded in power by space.

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