Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7597: The power of the void family!

Lin Xuan came to the ancient house and explained the situation,

After listening to the ancient three links and others, they were also very shocked.

Burial Emperor Star, is there such a magical place?

They were very curious and went with Lin Xuan.

Soon, a group of people came to the previous big rift again,

Lin Xuan they landed.

Surrounded by darkness, Lin Xuan once again shot a fire dragon, illuminating the Quartet.

Soon, Lin Xuan stopped, he said: I feel here, the breath of chaotic blood.

But it could not be found, the specific location.

This time, in addition to the ancient three links, there are nine old people coming.

These 9 old men are all top masters of the ancient family. They are good at the power of space.

When they came, they frowned,

This place is not ordinary, so that their fire and blood are constantly rolling.

It's incredible.

They stayed at Burial Emperor Star all the year round, but they never found that there is such a magical place under the earth.

The ancient three links also narrowed his eyes. He said: I am afraid that there should be space.

The power of space.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan was surprised, no wonder that the breath of Chaos Divine Blood would suddenly disappear.

It seems that it should not be the ordinary force of space, otherwise, his reincarnation eyes would have seen through everything.

Next, it will be yours.

Lin Xuan retreated to the side.

The elders of 9 ancient homes, with their palms printed on them, appeared a terrible spatial law on them.

A storm formed, sweeping in all directions,

Lin Xuan felt that a terrible space avenue emerged.

Nine old men, with a dignified expression,

After a joss stick, they turned pale.

They sighed: No.

I also shot.

The ancient tee took a deep breath and also shot.

Today's ancient three links have also entered the realm of real gods, and his power of space is even more terrible.

He practiced the Void Ancient Scripture, and he should have no problem thinking about it.

Sure enough, the surrounding space forces became terrible again.

The whole void was shaking rapidly, and appeared in 4 weeks, some mysterious runes.

When seeing this rune, nine old men were struck by lightning.

Even the ancient three links have changed their face: this is a rune of the void, this is a rune of our void family.

How would it appear here?

After listening to Lin Xuan, he was equally astonished: the runes of the Void family appeared under the earth.

The ancient three links and others, never heard of it, kind of interesting.

It seems that they want to reveal some old secrets.

The ancient Santong's expression is very dignified, and the power of the void in his body quickly condenses and turns into a mirror.

Shining everywhere.

This mirror is so amazing, so extraordinary, it blends into the void.

Under this mirror, everything is nothing.

Finally, the ancient three links stopped, he said: It is indeed the power of our void family.

Only some are not the same.

Yes, although the power is a bit different, the origin is very similar,

It should be that the power of our void family.

The nine elders studied it and said solemnly.

Perhaps it was some old ancestor, the power left here.

It looks like a seal,

I wonder who shot it? Why is there no record in the family?

Has the power of the Void Seal suppressed something?

After hearing this, Lin Xuan said: Wouldn't it be the thing that was sealed, absorbed the Chaos Divine Blood?

Won't he rush out?

Hearing this, the face of the nine old men changed,

Then they were relieved again.

What if it rushes out? Today's world has changed.

The ancient three links are already true gods, and there is also Lin Xuan, a peerless swordsman who can contend to become a true god.

Even if there is really any powerful existence, they are not afraid of rushing out of the seal.

They are curious, what exactly is sealed here? They continued to probe.

Under the shine of the void mirror, they finally found a clue, they found a trace of cracks.

This fissure is hidden in the void, and most people can't find it at all, even only using the void mirror.

Lin Xuan also came over and stared at this crack, saying: Sure enough, the blood of God was absorbed by the people inside.

Can you know what is inside?

Lin Xuan asked.

The ancient tees, with a touch of space, formed an eye of space.

After looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said: There is too much power in the space, and for a moment, it is not clear.

But I have a way to get in.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's eyes lit up and said: Then let's go in and see.

The ancient tee nodded.

He looked at the nine elders and said: Elders, you are here to guard, Lin Xuan and I went into the investigation.

The nine elders nodded,

With Lin Xuan following, there should be no problem.

The original three links wanted to bring the Void Mirror in, but found that there was a force that prevented the Void Mirror.

The ancient three links can only be given up.

A space force hit him, covering him and Lin Xuan.

At the next moment, their figures disappeared and flew into the rift.

When it appeared again, the figures of Lin Xuan and Gu Santong emerged from the void.

Lin Xuan looked for 4 weeks, slightly surprised,

The power here is so terrible.

There are 4 weeks of extremely terrifying space storms. Every space force is very powerful and can tear everything apart easily.

The power of these spaces hit him and made a roaring sound.

The ancient tee hit a space boundary and enveloped Lin Xuan,

The surrounding space storms disappeared.

In this way, the two shuttle between the space storm.

Looking around, it ’s all space storms,

The power of space is beyond imagination.

What is the existence of the seal? Need so much space storm?

The face of the ancient three links is not very beautiful.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's face changed and someone was attacking them.

He felt a terrible force rushing towards him.

The ancient three links exerted the power of space and were instantly sent out.

The place where they originally stood made a broken sound, and the void directly cracked.

Gu Santong turned his head and looked, his brow furrowed tightly: It turned out to be the Void Beast!

Lin Xuan flicked his fingers, and a sword flew out, slamming into the front.

The figure of the Void Beast disappeared, and he even avoided this sword spirit.

This surprised Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan also wanted to shoot, the ancient three links next to me said: Let me come.

The power of space in him was pervasive, UU reading looked at the Void Beast in front, and said: Quickly let go.

Otherwise, do n’t blame me for being rude to you.

Feeling the power of the ancient Santong, the body of the Void Beast shuddered.

At the next moment, he paid a tribute to the ancient tee, and then quickly disappeared.

Lin Xuan only saw a figure, a thousand-meter figure, turned away, and merged into the void.

It disappeared in an instant.

The strength of this Void Beast should be terrible,

Surprisingly, he even saluted toward the ancient three links.

Is it because of the void power on the ancient three links?

It seems that here is really related to the ancient family.

Literature Museum


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