Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7570: Dragon race! Brother!

The palm fell down, like a cloud, covering the world.

That terrible pressure shattered the world and Lin Xuan was instantly shrouded.

This person's power is terrible, even more terrifying than the power of the flying demon god.

The other party is taking the path of power.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and exerted his full power on the Chaos Spirits.

All the spirit maps were transformed into dragon shadows, and on him he rolled and roared.

The next moment, he also shot.

Chaos Wanlong fist.

Thousands of dragons roared into a huge fist.

With the power of breaking the earth, he killed the terrible demon palm.

A roaring sound came, the world and the earth shattered, lightning struck, and cut through the void.

The ruinous breath, like the ocean and the sea, swept in all directions.

There is nothing around that can resist.

Those warriors of the devil were shocked by this force.

They are completely stupid: the other party can contend with Dacheng True God!

It seems that it is quite the same.

What kind of body is this?

Troll God of War, his face is extremely ugly,

The other party really blocked his attack and blocked it with his physique.

Although they are all true gods, he is not the same as Feilei Demon God.

Flying Thunder Demon God practiced Thunder Road, while he walked the Power Road.

His strength is enough to sweep in all directions and break everything.

Even other Dacheng true gods dare not compete with him in strength.

However, now a first-to-be true **** has actually done it.

What kind of body is this?

Beside the Demon God of Thunder, with a dignified expression, he said: This kid is very unusual.

The dragon family must never be allowed to have another dragon-like character.

The troll was stunned: Can this kid compare with Longtatian?

For them, the name Longtatian is like a myth.

The other party is really too strong, so strong that they are desperate.

People in this era can only look up when looking at the dragon.

Fortunately, in this era, there is only one dragon.

However, this kid, even qualified to become the next dragon?

This is too shocking.

Absolutely not, let such people continue to grow.

As soon as he started, he killed him.

The two great gods came true, and their murderous intentions appeared in their eyes. They were ready to join forces.

This has to be said, no one dares to imagine,

To kill a little ant, there are still two people who will try their best.

The monstrous demonic energy enveloped the Quartet, and the depressed atmosphere swept through.

Lin Xuan's body also shook, and he felt a trace of a fatal crisis.

In the mountains below, Dragon Dance felt this power and changed his face.

She stood up, she would never let the other side succeed.

She said to Lin Xuan: Mad God, don't fight against them, find a way to escape.

None of you can escape.

Two great demon gods enveloped the world and blocked the Quartet.

They condense and form a terrible magic enchantment.

They smiled proudly.

But at this moment, the magic road enchantment shook violently, and then shattered.

The two great gods, like a lightning strike, step back.

The demon warriors around him are even split apart.

This sudden change made Lin Xuan and Long Wu stunned.

Someone shot again, who?

Lin Xuan was surprised and looked up at the sky.

When Dragon Dance felt this power, she exclaimed.

It turned out to be him!

We are safe.

who is it? Dare to attack us.

Two great demon gods, crazy roaring, they also looked into the distance.

The next moment, they froze.

Even their bodies shivered.

I saw a dozen figures in the distance. They carried a terrible dragon shadow on them, like a dragon, flying between the world.

In the forefront, there is a terrible figure.

His body was radiant and radiant, like a god.

Stepping out, Qian Kun shivered.

The strong ones of the Devil God Clan kept cracking.

Turns into blood mist.

The two great demon gods also shivered.

They feel that the strength in their bodies has solidified,

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't do it at all.

In front of this figure, they seemed to have no possibility of resistance.

Even Lin Xuan felt that an extremely terrifying force came.

This force is too strong, surpassing the former Red Sun True God, surpassing the Thunder Dragon God.

He even surpassed his father Lin Zhan.

What kind of power is this?

Lin Xuan suddenly thought of those terrible big palms.

The power of the **** king?

Is the God King of Taixu Dragon Palace coming?

Behind him, the look of Dragon Dance is also extremely dignified.

She said in a deep voice: He is not a **** king, he is a dragon.

he! It's the Dragon Race!

Lin Xuan was also shocked.

This is the first time he heard this name.

This name, like a long-standing mountain, shocked countless people and looked up.

People of the Dragon clan, when they mention this name, will call it: Master Brother.

This is the strongest arrogance of the Dragon race, the true **** of the peak, the young **** of the future.

Even qualified to shock immortality.

Such a person is too strong and seems to exist only in legend.

Lin Xuan did not expect to meet each other so quickly.

He felt great pressure, and even the dragon veins inside him rocked.

The same kind of magic tactic he cultivated with the other party, only one person can continue to go on.

This will be his peerless enemy.

A dozen figures, very fast, came to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

They stood between the heavens and the earth, suppressing all directions, and the figure at the forefront even lowered their gaze.

His gaze was like a peerless divine light. Once it fell, it was earth-shaking.

The whole void is shattered.

The two great demon gods screamed.

The magic energy on them suddenly began to destroy.

It turned into smoke and drifted around.

Their bodies began to melt.

The other person's eyes made them seriously injured.

Long Tatian, you are Long Tatian!

The troll suddenly roared wildly.

In the Dragon tribe, the younger generation can only easily hurt them, and only Dragon is in the sky.

Feilei Demon God is also frightened, saying: You are a high presence, the true God of the peak.

You can't shoot us.

We are just great gods. The gap between us is too great.

Even if you do it, it won't win, and it will pass on and damage your reputation.

So strong.

Lin Xuan was shocked: The two great gods, even the other's eyes, can't resist?

Is this the power of the true God of the Peak? It's really terrible ~ ~ is beyond imagination.

Devil ants!

In front of him, there was a ray of light shining on the body, and he spoke.

His voice, like the thunder, is supremely divine.

I won't kill you, but I will suppress you. I'm going to the Demon God Clan to discuss a statement.

After talking, his eyes fell again, turning into two dragons.

In an instant, two great gods were suppressed.

With a big wave of his hand, he had a great deal of power in his sleeves and put the two great gods together.

These things are only completed in the blink of an eye.

Standing high above the ground, the powerful and incomparable great God becomes like a ant in front of the other party.

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