Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7555: 1 punch super god!

Chiyang Shenyin, the endless rune that was struck, at this moment, it was shaken violently, even cracks appeared on it.

This is incredible.

The power of the rune is so horrible that no one can break it.

However, Lin Zhan broke the rune with a pair of fists,

This makes the people of Tianyang Protoss look like a dream.

The other strong men are also pale.

They stared at Lin Zhan ’s fist,

You see his fist has changed, as if it has become a weapon.

Some powerful people marveled: using oneself as a weapon, tempering oneself into the most powerful weapon, the road this guy took was extraordinary.

Father is so strong.

Lin Xuan was also very surprised,

He cultivated the chaotic body, but his physique may not be able to form, such a terrible power.

Unless he merges the dragon blade.

However, Lin Zhan could do it easily, which was incredible.

Of course, the two take different avenues,

Lin Xuan's sword is invincible, his sword spirit can sweep everything.

What he lacks now is only time and cultivation.

The forest warfare ahead, the more war and the more brave,

A pair of fists turned into a peerless warhammer and fell quickly.

Every blow is turned upside down,

The Chiyang Rune finally couldn't bear it, and with a click, it shattered.

Chi Yang's face changed, his blood tumbling, he almost spurted out his blood, and was suppressed by him.

Lin Zhan rushed quickly and came to the other party in an instant. Two warhammers fell from the sky.

True God Chiyang felt that in a fatal crisis, his body shivered, and the flames on his body seemed to become indefinite.

court death.

He was angry and raised his hand and hit the Chiyang Shenyin, a horrible weapon suspended above his head.

Clash with the opponent's Warhammer.

A roaring sound came,

Between heaven and earth, the divine light bloomed, like the world of extinction, and the true **** of Chiyang kept retreating.

On the other side, Lin Zhan was also withdrawn from the shock, and his arms were shaking.

It has to be said that this weapon is indeed very powerful and can actually block his warhammer.

The true **** opposite Chiyang was also angry,

He roared and rushed over quickly.

The Sun Shrine in his body appeared again, forming an absolute defense, and he was holding the Red Sun Divine Seal and kept falling.

Every blow penetrates the world.

The void around Lin Zhan, broken constantly, the hot flame has been hitting him.

Finally, Chiyang Shenyin fell, tearing the blood around the other side and hitting the other side.

No, I was injured.

Those around me exclaimed.

This time, I am afraid Lin Zhan will be seriously injured?

However, Lin Zhan did not care,

He didn't dodge at all, but rushed forward without moving forward.

At the moment he was injured, his warhammer also fell on the Sun Palace.

The terrifying and shining sun shrine was actually crushed by him directly.

Like fragments of glass, scattered across the four sides, the true God of Red Sun was hit by this force, flew out, and vomited blood.

Are both injured?

Everyone around exclaimed.

No, you see Lin Zhan, he seems unaffected.

Those around me exclaimed, and those of the ancient gods also looked extremely ugly.

They found that although Lin Zhan was broken, the blood on his body was running on a very mysterious route.

Then his broken body recovered quickly.

He actually killed again.

Skyfire Warhammer.

Lin Zhan's right hand was raised high, and endless mysterious runes appeared on it. His fist had completely turned into a peerless weapon.

Not only that, this time, the power of the world, flying insanely, landed on the Warhammer.

There was a flame after another.

The primitive fist was turned into a flame warhammer.

That power is greatly improved.

Lin Zhan waved the Skyfire Warhammer and killed the past. This time, Chi Yangyin was beaten violently.

After ten strokes, Chiyang Shenyin was beaten out.

Chi Yang ’s arm broke and turned into blood mist, and he was terrified. Next moment, he ran away quickly.

Because that day, the Fire Warhammer fell again.

With a bang, he was only swept by the warhammer, his body split open and turned into a large blood mist.

The miserable voice sounded between heaven and earth.

Those around me were shocked when they saw this scene: how is it possible? Was the true **** of Chiyang suppressed?

Is it true that the true **** of Chiyang is going to lose?

The people of these ancient gods are crazy.

Thunder Dragon God, also frowning tightly, he couldn't help but shoot.

But at this time, there have been amazing changes ahead.

Between the heavens and the earth, a black sword light crossed, the void was cut into pieces, and the body of Lin Zhan also stopped in mid-air.

Time seemed to freeze, everyone looked at this scene, it was silly.

Lin Xuan changed his face: looking for death.

He chopped it off with a sword, but his sword qi just got close to the other side, he was shattered,

The power of the Great God is above him.

He was angry, wanting to desperately use the power of the Dragon Sword Soul to kill the past.

Those of God Realm also changed their complexions, and they were murderous.

Even, at all costs, to use the power of the Shangqing City,

Even, some people want to ask the God of War.

It turned out that when Lin Zhan attacked with all his strength, the previously injured sword demon True God flew back secretly.

He launched a sneak attack and instantly came to the back of Lin Zhan, a sword penetrated Lin Zhan's body.

Lin Zhan shattered his body, and a magic sword flew out of him. The blood of the battle stained the world.

This scene made Lin Xuan and others' eyes red.

Those other people were also stunned.

Lin Zhan was injured, but they are not happy, you know, this is a sneak attack,

Even those of the Devil God Clan were silent.

To be honest, they are high above the ground and their blood is unparalleled. They think they are above this era.

To deal with the people of this era, even a sneak attack is needed, which makes their faces dull.

However, they did not stop it,

Because of Lin Zhan, it is really too strong.

Powerful enough to make them despair.

The same level of competition, no one is his opponent,

Two great true gods were killed ~ ~ The true **** of swords and demons was defeated. Now, the true **** of Chiyang may also lose.

If they lose again, can they bear the ancient gods?

This hit them too much.

At this moment, the sword demon attacked the true god, and they did not say anything.

one way or another? Even if it is a little embarrassing, Lin Zhan will be wiped out today.

Lin Xuan had already rushed, the dragon roared in all directions, his boundless sword fluttered.

However, Lin Zhan said: you don't need to do it, let me come in person.

Can't heads-up, want to join forces? Then I will fulfill you.

Lin Zhan roared in the sky, his fighting intention swept in all directions,

With a bang, Sword Demon True God, flew out by this force, spit blood!

Lin Zhan made a big shot, and the Warhammer directly blasted the magic sword out.


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