Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7552: Unarmed confrontation! Great artifact!

The lineup that appeared this time is really terrible.

These three great gods are so powerful that they are so strong,

Lin Zhan was not afraid.

He stared at the three of them and said in a cold voice: Which of you shot? Or you guys together.

Is it too arrogant?

Everyone was stunned.

Faced with such a strong man, this Lin Zhan, still so arrogant,

I'm afraid he will be miserable in the end.

let me do it.

Sword Demon God came out, with a terrible killing intention in his eyes.

The true **** of their **** clan was not only defeated, but also killed by the other party.

This hatred must be reported,

He is going to do it himself.

The magic energy in him was much stronger than the spirit of the magic shadow. With a wave of his hand, a sword gas flew over.

This sword is extremely scary, like a black thunder, it has the power to destroy all.

The spectators around all trembling, and the other true gods are also despairing.

too strong.

Faced with such a terrible sword spirit, Lin Zhan snorted coldly, slammed his hands into the sky.

Shot towards this magic sword.


The two collide together,

The palm of Lin Zhan's palm is terrible, as if with all the power of pushing horizontally.

As soon as the two collided, a breath of destruction appeared.

This guy is really strong.

Those of the Devil God Clan also had scalp numbness.

The opponent can stand up against it with his bare hands. This sword spirit has already turned against the sky.

No wonder so arrogant.

However, they have strong self-confidence, because the sword demon true **** is even more terrible.

Get out of here.

Lin Zhan roared, and on the palm of his hand, a force beyond his imagination blasted the sword gas.

Not only that, his palm fell into the sky, and fell from the sky, killing the sword demon true god.

It seems that the **** of swords and demons will be completely suppressed.

Everyone was embarrassed: it was too arrogant, this is to not take the devil true **** into consideration at all.

The true **** of swords and demons also sink his face,

The opponent is really very strong,

It seems that he is about to exert real power.

He also pointed like a sword, and chopped towards the front, slashing three swords in a row.

These three sword spirits are like three black magic dragons.

Each sword qi has an extremely terrible magic power, as if it could easily split the universe.

Three sword qi, from different directions, killed Lin Zhan, and cut off all the retreats of the other party.

Don't give each other any chance to escape.

Lin Zhan sank his face, with a terrible light in his eyes, flashing.

He snorted coldly, grasped his fist, and waved towards the void.

Above the fist, with unprecedented strength, this time, a mysterious rune appeared.

This rune was too complicated to understand at all. Some real gods wanted to see clearly, and their eyes bleed.

They screamed and quickly lowered their heads.


At this moment, the fist pushed out,

Lin Zhan seems to be transformed into a peerless **** of war.

In an instant, he hit three sword qi, the world roared, the void was broken, and the terrible light went straight to the sky.

Everyone could not open their eyes by this light, and they stepped back like crazy.

This blow is like extinction.

After a long time, the light disappeared and Lin Zhan stood there like a **** of war.

The true spirit of the sword demon opposite was extremely cold.

Two shots, he failed to hurt the opponent, it really made him crazy.

With a wave of his hand, a metallic voice sounded and shattered everyone's ears.

Even the stars in the distance are shredded by this voice,


The legendary ancient magic sword.

This is a real great weapon, with terrible power.

Those of the Devil God clan cheered.

As soon as the ancient demon sword came out, it showed that the devil was really angry,

Next, it is lore.

Countless people have scalp numbness. They all looked at Lin Zhan. Want to see what kind of weapon Lin Zhan can take?

Lin Zhan is a great god, and he should have the same level of weapons.

However, what is surprising is that Lin Station did not take anything, and still stood there alone.

The opponent just raised his fist and said coldly: My fist is the best weapon.

Crazy, is this guy crazy?

He wants to fight against the ancient magic sword with his bare hands!

What is he kidding about?

Stupid things, you will pay the price.

Those of the Devil God clan sneered. The power of the ancient Demon Sword was beyond imagination.

Sword Demon God also sneered. He didn't say anything, but shot quickly.

The ancient magic sword in his hand waved fiercely.

A lot of magic qi, flying above the magic sword, flew out and swept in all directions.

It seems to have turned into a magic world.

This sword directly opened up a world. This kind of supernatural power is shocking.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, his brow furrowed tightly: too strong.

As a swordsman, he can naturally feel how terrible this sword is.

He was worried about Lin Zhan,

Even, he wanted to take out Qixing Longyuan.

Lin Zhan did not care, punched with a punch,

Sweep the Quartet.

His momentum, like the ocean and the sea, went straight to the sky.

Everyone only felt that the forest battle in front seemed to turn into a god.

The terrible power seems to be able to swallow them easily,

This punch directly hit the Tiangu Demon Sword.


The sound is like sky and thunder, rolling in,

Everyone is closed to hearing, they dare not bear this force.

At the same time, there is a ray of light that pierces Jiuxiao and blooms endlessly.

Swallow everything.

How is it going?

Everyone was nervous.

The strong ones of the Devil God Clan laughed: Rest assured, nothing happened.

The magic sword cannot be defeated.

Cheers of the Devil God clan.

However, the Thunder Dragon God and the True God of Red Sun frowned slightly.

The strength of the two of them is stronger, they see things that others cannot see.

The ancient magic swords are so powerful, they are very clear.

However, Lin Zhan can now stop it with his fists,

This is not good news for them.

If Lin Zhan has a great God weapon, does it mean that he can instantly suppress the Sword Demon God?

Thinking of this possibility, their complexion was ugly to the extreme.

It seems that the sword demon may not be able to beat each other, maybe I need to shoot.

The true **** of Chiyang, with a gleam in his eyes, was extremely cold.

After the first collision, Sword Demon True God discovered that the other party was really blocking it.

He was shocked: What kind of body is this? Is this incredible?

The other party is just a person of this era ~ ~ How can it be so against the sky?

You know, even in the barren age, the God of War triumphant became the strongest, but that was the case.

However, this time, the God of War did not appear.

He roared and waved the Elder Demon Sword again, spurting his sword across the air.

It seemed to have become a demon god, appeared between heaven and earth, toward the front, and killed the past fiercely.

Lin Zhan roared to the sky and used his fist to the extreme.

His pair of fists are simple and unpretentious, but they can open up the earth.

Sweep the world.

Fight together!

Literature Museum


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