Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7544: Great success!

Lin Xuan's sword is so powerful. The black and white dragon is enough to make Xiaocheng's true **** desperate.

But now, someone can break the black and white sword with one punch,

What a terrible power this is.

Lin Xuan was also stunned,

The next moment, his face changed greatly.

He felt a behemoth-like breath and emerged.

That breath gave him a very fatal crisis, which was very rare.

For example, Dragon Dance, like the previous Supreme Man, the Holy God, cannot give him such a crisis.

Only the existence like the Great Master can give Lin Xuan such a crisis.

Inevitably, is there a big Heavenly Master level here?

Yang Xuanwu was saved, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he roared and said: Kill him, I want to let him die.

I can't let him live anymore.

He looked at Lin Xuan with a terrible killing in his eyes.

As his voice fell, that superpower burst out again.

The fist turned into a palm this time and fell towards Lin Xuan.

The palm is like a side prison, and Lin Xuan is enveloped in an instant,

The void around was penetrated.

A peerless force sealed the world.

With such fast speed and strong strength, Lin Xuan simply had no time to escape.

not good.

When they saw this scene, the faces of the gods changed greatly.

Everyone shot together.

Murong Qingcheng exclaimed with exclamation, playing Phoenix Dance for nine days, colorful Phoenix, sweeping the world.

Ye Wudao, ancient three links, dark red dragon, they also shot together.

The strength of these people is also terrible.

However, this peerless power fell on Fang Cangtian's big hand, but was instantly flew out.

Cang Tian big hand, no influence at all, he still stood between the sky and the earth, there is no trace of cracks on it.

How could it be so strong?

Murong Qingcheng and others are desperate: this is a power that transcends everything, so please ask the experts of God Realm for help.

Murong Qingcheng began to call for help.


Yang Xuanwu laughed proudly: Do n’t bother, do you know what power this is?

This is the power of the Great God, above all else, you have no chance at all.

No one can save Lin Wudi.

Great God?

The Dark Red Dragon and others are desperate: how terrible it is to become the power of the true God.

Think about it makes your scalp numb.

You know, they have a great weapon, Ziyueding.

Just a weapon, let them look up, not to mention the true Dacheng true god.

That strength is enough to sweep through everything. I'm afraid that even if the wine master comes back, he can't resist it.

Can Lin Xuan resist it?

Although Lin Xuan has the power of the Great Dragon Sword and Reincarnation Sword, how much can he play against the true God of Dacheng?

Huh, stupid things, dare to challenge our Protoss, do you know how strong our ancient Protoss is?

The people of the Tianyang Protoss sneered.

The spectators in the distance even knelt down to the ground, and the power of the palm made them numb.

With a trace of despair in their eyes, they knew that Lin Invincible was dead, and no one could resist this force.

The big hand was very decisive and did not give God the realm a chance to save people.

After it formed a side prison, it immediately closed its palms, and a force of destruction destroyed the void in an instant.

Lin Xuan's chaotic spirits shook violently and had to say that the power of Dacheng True God is really too strong.

Beyond his limits.

However, it was not so easy for the other party to kill him.

Lin Xuan also has some cards, he can merge with the Dragon Sword Soul, he can also use the power of the fairy card.

With a scream, Lin Xuan's chaotic breath broke out constantly, and he was ready to desperately fight with the other party.

But at this time, there was another terrible sound between heaven and earth.

Dare to do it to me, even if you are a true God, it won't work!

Old things, die.

This voice sounded in Lin Xuan's body, but it didn't sound at first, but soon, a vortex appeared in Lin Xuan's body.

Immediately afterwards, a voice flew out, and this voice also spread throughout the world.

The sky was broken, the ground was cracked, and a more terrible fist was killed and fell on the sky.

With a bang, the earth-shattering sound came over, just like two universes colliding together.

Numerous large cracks flew in all directions in an instant, and the whole void was completely broken.

Countless chaos, as if to engulf everything.

Everyone was stunned: Lin Wudi, can you contend with the true God?

Are you kidding me?

The people of Tianyang Protoss were dumbfounded,

The people of God Realm are also ignorant.

This is not Lin Xuan's power.

Even Lin Xuan was also very surprised. The next moment, he became ecstatic.

He knew whose power this was, and this was the power of his father.

His father is back.

Before Lin Zhan passed through the ancient land, he entered the God of War.

This God of War family, also a God Race of the Famine Period, is terrible.

Lin Zhan has a war body, and the fighting power on his body is very powerful.

Lin Zhan went to the God of War,

Since then, there has been no news.

Unexpectedly, now Lin Zhan is back,

Moreover, the power becomes so powerful that they can contend to become a true God.


Lin Xuan smiled,

Father came back, he didn't need to do anything.


The shocking voice is still continuing,

There were cracks on the palm, broken fingers and broken bones.

This palm was directly blown out, and in the air, countless blood was dropped.

In the distant void, an old man rushed out instantly.

His eyes, like the two suns, looked through the sky and stared at the front.

He said coldly: This is not the power of the Dragon Sword, and you are not Lin Wudi, who are you?

This old man is really shocked. You know, he is a great god.

How powerful is his strength.

Even if Lin Xuan took the big dragon sword and attacked him, he might not be able to break his defense.

But now, someone can hit him with a punch.

The coming person is definitely not simple, who is it?

Fighting God of War, UU reading is wrong? The strength of the fighting gods is stronger than this.

Are there any hidden masters in Divine Realm?

Everyone was stunned, they all looked towards Lin Xuan,

I saw the void around Lin Xuan shattered, and a figure came over.

This is a very marvelous man, standing tall, standing there like a peerless **** of war.

His eyes, extremely stern, were like swords of war, and everything was gone in smoke.

Who is this person? So strong.

The spectators in the distance exclaimed that the people of Tianyang Protoss were also frightened, they had never seen this person.

Those of God Realm, when they saw this scene, were slightly stunned, and the next moment, they became ecstatic.

It's him!

He is back.


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