Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7535: The Way of Wanlong! (three)

Next, Lin Xuan and others followed the elders to the Taixu Dragon Palace.

That's the whole dragon palace, the most central place,

Not the Dragon Hall, the Black Dragon Hall can be compared.

All these magic formulas are stored in the Taixu Dragon Palace, and it is conceivable how important it is.

Flying all the way, they landed in a mountain range, and then took the teleportation array and set off again.

After five transmissions, they stopped. Lin Xuan couldn't even remember the route.

Because of the power of space, it is too complicated.

I am afraid that those other people will not remember it.

This should be the Taixu Dragon Palace, specially arranged to protect the Taixu Dragon Hall.

Finally, the formation flashed again, the crowd came out, and the scene in front had changed.

Lin Xuan did not know that it was in several dragon gates now, he only knew that there was a palace in front, floating there.

There are countless lines on it, connected together, just like countless dragon shadows.

Some have open teeth and claws, some sit there, some are resting, and some are fighting, in various dragon-shaped states.

The dragon power here is extremely scary,

Lin Xuan felt that the dragon's breath in the body was rolling and boiling.

Fortunately, he had sent the Dragon Sword Soul, Dragon Sword Fragment, and Reincarnation Sword Fragment to the ancient land.

Otherwise, the resonance of this dragon path alone, I am afraid that the dragon sword soul will burst out.

Feng Qianling next to him whispered: Mad God, although you are crazy, don't be arrogant here.

The Taixu Dragon Hall is seated by the true **** ancestor.

I got it.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and nodded: Was the real **** king? How terrible that is.

Lin Xuan is still unable to contend.

One day, he will step into the realm of God King.

The Elder Fire Dragon and others leading the way have stopped, and they have not entered the Taixu Dragon Hall.

Inside the Taixu Dragon Palace, other strong men came out.

A pale young man, and a gray-haired old man,

The two were wearing ancient robes.

Elder Fire Dragon and others quickly paid a homage and said respectfully: These ten, this time, are the top ten in the dragon ranking.

The gray-haired old man nodded: Come with me.

Lin Xuan and others walked in,

Not only does Lin Xuan have to get the magic formula, like Feng Qianling and others, but also the follow-up magic formula.

After all, these nine magic formulas are too precious and terrible.

Even if they are the top genius, it is impossible for Taixu Dragon Palace to directly give them the complete dragon formula.

Will give them a part first,

Wait until they reach a certain level, or accumulate a certain contribution point, and then give the rest.

Can't you get it all?

Lin Xuan sighed,

To be honest, this is not beyond his expectations.

If he is a **** king, he ca n’t, in a flash, tell all his disciples all his disciples.

It seems that it needs to be obtained step by step,

However, Lin Xuan did not intend to leave the Taixu Dragon Palace temporarily.

The identity of the mad god, he will continue to use it.

He has his own goals,

When his strength is strong enough, his position in the Taixu Dragon Palace will also increase.

Even then, he can influence the Taixu Dragon Palace, and make the Taixu Dragon Palace and the God Realm an ally.

this is the best.

Even if he can't become an ally, he will do his best to make the Taixu Dragon Palace not enemies with God Realm.

Even, he will use the power of Taixu Dragon Palace to deal with other enemies.

All of this requires his strength and status. Only the stronger his performance will be valued.

The gray-haired old man, leading Lin Xuan and others, walked inside the Taixu Dragon Hall.

When he learned that Lin Xuan wanted to practice Dragon Dao Wushen tactics, he was also slightly stunned.

you sure?

The volatile old man's face is surprised: Do you know what it means to practice dragon to martial arts tactics?

Lin Xuan nodded after listening: Elder Fire Dragon elders have already told me, I know.

In this case, the gray-haired old man said nothing more.

He took out a very old scroll, handed it to Lin Xuan, and said: This is the Dragon Vessel of Dragon Dao Wushen Jue.

You can only read and watch here, and you can't leave until you remember.

Dragon Vessel?

Lin Xuan was surprised after listening: What else is there?

The gray-haired old man said: Dragon Dao Wushen Ju, has a total of Dragon Vessel, Dao Realm, and Shen Wu, three.

You can only get Dragon Vessels now.

As long as you train the Dragon Vessels and test it, you can receive the rest of the content.

Lin Xuan nodded and said that he understood.

Next, he opened this ancient scroll.

The next moment, a mysterious force enveloped him, and he disappeared.

Entering the scroll, Lin Xuan found that it was a space and extremely mysterious.

Just after Lin Xuan came in, he discovered that there were thousands of dragon shadows roaring around. These dragon shadows, with their teeth spreading their claws, flew between the world.

At the same time, Lin Xuan heard a voice: The Dragon Vessel, the opening chapter of the Dragon Dao Wushen Jue.

It is also the most important and basic.

It is necessary to open up the Wanlong Dragon Vessel in the body and condense the Wanlong Way.

Open up a thousand dragons?

After listening to Lin Xuan, he took a deep breath, and he stared at him violently in the sky.

This should be representative of the Dragon Path.

Sure enough, these ten thousand dragon shadows are not flying randomly, but flying and running according to a specific route.

It ’s like a dragon vein running in the body,

Lin Xuan firmly remembered these routes.

To be honest, he couldn't help but want to use reincarnation eyes,

However, he didn't use it.

Because he felt that there was a more terrible force that fell.

In the sky, there are a pair of dragon eyes, glowing, looking down,

Seems to want to see through him.

At this moment, Lin Xuan felt like an enemy.

Fortunately, he had already put the Dragon Sword Soul into the ancient land,

Otherwise, it will definitely be discovered in an instant.

After seeing him for a moment, the eye of the dragon disappeared.

Lin Xuan knew that this should be the strong man of the Dragon Clan, and he was exploring.

He should have passed.

Next, the Ten Thousand Dragons continued to run in front of him.

At the same time, Lin Xuan felt that there was an ancient voice flying into his mind.

This is exactly the Dragon Vessel recipe in the Dragon Vessel,

Can help him, condense a thousand dragon veins.

In a flash, a month passed,

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and he flew out of the ancient scroll.

He has all remembered the Dragon Vessel Tips of the Dragon Vessel,

Including the running route ~ ~ Next, he only needs to be in his body to open up the dragon veins and reach the Wandao.

Lin Xuan saluted the gray-haired old man in front of him,

Then, turn around and leave.

Next, he found the pale man,

Received an artifact, Panlong Figure.

Subsequently, Lin Xuan left the Taixu Dragon Palace.

After going back, Elder Huolong and others found Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan changed the mansion.

After all, Lin Xuan is now the first genius of Erlongmen,

Can no longer live in the previous cottage.

Today, his mansion will be the most glorious and magnificent of Erlongmen.


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