Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7524: Mad God shot! 1 palm spike! (One)

The Black Dragon Ranking Tournament began, and soon, some disciples went to the ring and started the war.

One figure after another, exerting a supernatural power, erupted with terrible power, sweeping the world.

Everyone saw the shock,

Lin Xuan also narrowed his eyes and silently watched the battle to analyze the strength of these people.

In a flash, three days passed,

Feng Qingxue also shot, defeating his opponent.

The enemy is so strong.

Although Feng Qingxue won, he did not dare to have the slightest care,

This scene is harder than he thought.

It stands to reason that true God-level battles, some of which are hands-on, have been normal for a few years.

Difficult to divide.

However, the battle Feng Fengxue experienced was not like this. Basically, the battle could be resolved within a few dozen strokes.

It can be said that as soon as it comes up, it exerts its full strength and will not give the other party any chance at all.

Even, some battles are spikes.

Waited another two days,

On the fifth day, Lin Xuan finally played.

Is it finally me?

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, he walked toward the front, and the other people turned around.

Look, that crazy god.

It turned out to be him. It was n’t very good depending on his strength,

I don't know, is it just a fake name?

Soon, we will know his strength, what happened?

These people have a lot of talk,

The mad god's reputation is very great, after all, this is the person who got the real blood of the dragon.

These people are also very curious, do not know who is the opponent of the mad god?

Feng Qingxue waved at the back and said: Come on.

Boy, your opponent is me.

At this moment, an indifferent voice came, and then, a behemoth flew directly onto the ring.

A tyrannical breath swept in all directions, and when I felt the breath, those around me changed their faces.

Feng Qingxue also changed her face: how could this look?

He discovered that this monster was a dragon,

It is a troll dragon, the other party is very famous.

The opponent is on the Black Dragon List, ranking 90th.

This ranking is not high in the rankings. However, it is definitely the top batch in the second dragon gate!

As soon as Lin Xuan came up, he faced such an opponent. I'm afraid it was in danger.

The other people are also talking.

Isn't that crazy god's luck?

Will he be defeated when he comes up?

He will be miserable in the end.

The relationship between the troll dragon and Xingtianhe is good, so I will definitely not keep my hand.

It is estimated that this Lin Xuan will be seriously injured.

When he heard this, Feng Qingxue's face was even more ugly.

The shape of the troll dragon is very large, and it is surrounded by a terrifying magical energy, forming a magic rune.

Flying between heaven and earth.

Those eyes, very cold, stared at Lin Xuan.

He said coldly: Boy, you just had good luck before and got Tianlong true blood.

However, don't think that you can be arrogant at the Erlongmen.

Let me tell you the truth. At your strength, you are an ant at the Second Dragon Gate.

Today, I will give you a good lesson to let you know what is called real strength.

The magic energy on the troll dragon kept rolling and turned into a phantom of several dragons.

Towards the front, rushed fiercely, and immediately swallowed Lin Xuan.

It seems that it will be spiked.

Those around me shook their heads and sneered.

Feeling the breath of the magic dragon, Lin Xuan also snorted, and the next moment, he shot.

Stepping out, the strength of the body exploded, and the right hand clenched a fist, slamming out towards the front.

Above the fist, there is no such light,

Simple atmosphere,

That force is enough to overturn the world.

The roaring sound came, and the surrounding void immediately shattered, and the magic dragons were torn to pieces.

The vast devil's gas disappeared,

This punch, like a broken bamboo, is enough to shock everything.

As soon as Lin Xuan came up, although he did not use the strongest power, he did not keep his hands.

This punch is so horrible.

what's the situation? What a powerful force.

Those who watched the surroundings also changed their face when they saw this scene.

They did not expect that the mad **** could even exert such power.

The troll dragon on the opposite side was also slightly stunned. At the next moment, his face became gloomy.

The class is getting axe and exerting power in front of me, you are really looking for death.

Hearing his name, he knows that his power is very powerful, sweeping the same rank.

Today, he let the other party know what real power is.

One dragon claw fell down and enveloped the world, with a terrible breath on it, capable of tearing everything apart.

Even the true **** of the same rank, in the face of this palm, I am afraid I have to retreat.

Lin Xuan's fist, moving forward, the mysterious breath blooming above, killed the front.

The next moment, the two collided together, a roaring sound came, and the whole world shook.

Everyone felt a trembling body, and a powerful force swept through.

They widened their eyes and looked towards the front.

What happened? Will the mad **** be spiked?

At this point, they were all stunned: how is it possible?

Everyone was stunned. They found that the huge dragon claw could not resist.

Instantly it was smashed into pieces and turned into blood mist in the void.

Not only that, but the huge body of the troll dragon flew out like a kite.

During the retreat, the bones on his body kept breaking.

Lin Xuan stepped out again, with his big hands open, as if turned into the palm of the dragon, and took a fierce shot.

This palm was shot on the troll dragon and shattered the opponent's body completely.

The troll dragon screamed and fell under the ring. He roared in horror: admit defeat.

The palm just now gave him a fatal crisis. If he did not admit defeat, his ending would be even worse.

Lin Xuan withdrew his palms and stood in the ring. His black hair fluttered and his eyes were cold, like a young **** of war.

The whole world was terrible and quiet, and all the spectators around were stunned.

Even those inside the Black Dragon Palace, those strong dragons and elders, were shocked.

Who could have imagined that the troll dragon would be crushed by someone, and the shot was only an early true god.

After a long time, all the people exclaimed,

Their voice seems to be able to overturn the world.

God, what did I see? The troll dragon is defeated!

This crazy **** is too strong ~ ~ One punch hit the troll dragon, two punches defeated the troll dragon.

How did he do it? How strong is his physique?

He is just a dragon warrior of this era, and does not have the blood of the ancients. How could he be so powerful?

I know, it is the true blood of the dragon, which strengthens his bloodline,

His strength has changed dramatically.

Speaking of which, our Dragon Palace has a strong background, this kid is soaring.

Countless exclamations of envy sounded,

Feng Qingxue was also relieved.

At that moment, it really scared him, but fortunately, the mad **** was very strong, which was beyond his expectations.

It seems that Mad God can rush into the top 60, and may even rush into the top 50.


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