Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7512: Who dares to challenge? (One)

The people of the Famine Ancient Clan were also crazy when they heard the words.

Does the other party look down on them? Really looking for death.

Who do you think you are? Do you need to be together to kill you?

In my opinion, I don't need brothers to do it at all, I can do it alone.

The disciples of Yilongmen also roared repeatedly.

The Demon God Clan, Tianyang God Clan, also sunk its face: never seen such an arrogant person.

let me do it.

On the side of the Tianyang Divine Clan, a true **** came out. His name was True Flame Red Flame, with a terrible flame on him.

Carrying three red flame long swords behind his back, his hand waved, and three red flame long swords were suspended above his head.

Three-handled knives, each one is an artifact, and the three-knife knives are combined to form an extremely scary knife array.

In conjunction with that day's flame, the power was terrible.

As soon as the real God of Red Flame appeared, he urged his three swords to kill him in the front.


The shocking voice came, and these three long swords were really terrible, and they directly cut through the void.

The people around even shivered, as if they were going to be a flame.

Tianyang Protoss, who had been watching the battle before, did not shoot,

Now it is a shocking move.

Only this strength?

Lin Xuan looked at this scene with a sneer.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked,

The true **** opposite Chi Yan is also angry: you are looking for death,

Divine knife.

The three magic swords in the sky quickly merged into one magic sword, which radiated a dazzling light.

The power above sweeps through the universe,

When it fell again, the strength was not just the increase in costs.

No one can resist!

Ye Wudao and others felt this power and shivered.

See how this boy resists?

Those of the Tianyang Protoss sneered, and countless eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

They found that Lin Xuan was standing there without any intention of dodge or shooting.

what's the situation? This kid doesn't dodge or hide, is it hard for him to resist?

Impossible, I feel that he is frightened and unable to respond.

Hahahaha, is this Lin invincible? Is it too garbage?

Countless people laughed,

The people of Tianyang Protoss are even colder: they are vulnerable.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, he exerted the power of reincarnation eyes, and looked at the sky, he said coldly: kneel down and submit.

Everyone was stunned: what is this guy talking about? He wanted the true **** Chi Yan to kneel and submit to his surrender,

Are you kidding me?

I didn't see how powerful Chi Yan was.

Tianyang Protoss also sneered: Brother Red Flame, with this knife, he could kill him in seconds,

Before they finished, they saw the most incredible scene.

I saw the blazing God of War in the sky, the body trembling, the knife in his hand, stopped in mid-air.

The next moment, he knelt in the void.

This is impossible.

The eyes of the strong people of the Tianyang Divine Clan were almost staring out.

The other two protoss were also dumbfounded,

Everyone was stunned.

At this moment, the world is terrible and quiet.

what's the situation?

Are they dreaming?

True flame Chi Yan, really knelt down.


Is it because of the other person's words?

Do not make jokes.

Even Xiaocheng's true god, in a word, couldn't make true **** Chi Yan kneel.

Dacheng God of War is possible,

However, this kid was just a real god.

Chi Yan, stand up for me.

The elder of the Tianyang Protoss, roaring wildly.

It's really shameful.

He could not wait to pass, slapping each other with a slap.

The Red Flame God of War was still kneeling there, motionless, as if he didn't hear the elder's order at all.

Brother, stand up.

Brother, why do you kneel to him?

Brother, have you been attacked by your soul?

The sound of exclamation sounded,

The elders of the Tianyang Protoss looked so ugly.

Don't think, it must be the soul controlled.

He reached out with a big hand and grabbed the true **** of Chi Yan. He said coldly: The shameful east and west rolled back to me.

Lin Xuan's eyes revolved, and a cold voice came out: Since it is a study, I will not kill you.

Self-abandoned repairs.

The true **** in front of Chi Yan knocked a head, and at the next moment, the strength of his body exploded, and there was a bang, an endless flame that swept the world.

Chi Yan's body split open and fell from the sky, his cultivation practice disappeared and turned into a waste person.

what's the situation?

When countless people saw this scene, they were all stupid: Did the true God of Red Flame lose?

What is this means? Isn't it terrible?

Is the soul power of the other party so strong?

Does n’t he say that he is a heir to the dragon?

Dalong successor, has such power?

There are countless exclamation sounds,

Even the people of the two Protoss were also frightened,

The opponent's hole card exceeded their expectations.

So tough.

Those in the Divine Realm cheered: such a powerful true god, even Lin Xuan's eyes, could not resist.

It's incredible.

Toad and others laughed aloud: What kind of ancient gods? But that's how it is.

Who made the bid before? Say that Lin is invincible, let me get out.

You can't even resist Lin's invincible glance, dare to come over and challenge, hurry up!

There is a constant roar on the other side.

The people on the other side of the Tianyang Divine Race are even more angry: do you dare to abolish him? Do you want to die?

The sky full of fire swept over and rushed towards Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan stood between heaven and earth without fear.

He said lightly: I will abolish him, what do you want me to do?

Lin Wudi at this moment is really crazy to the extreme,

Facing each other's powerful elders, he was not afraid.

The Golden Lion King also came out and said coldly: When I discussed before, would n’t I just say it?

do not kill.

However, there is no waste.

Good, very good.

The people of Tianyang Protoss shook with anger.

The Golden Lion King added another sentence: a battle, an artifact, take it.

Give you.

The elder of the Tianyang Divine Clan, with a big wave of his hand, a real artifact flew out,

The golden lion king accepted it with care.

Thanks a lot.

He smiled,

Opposite those strong, this is the bottom of the pot.

Who else wants to fight me?

Lin Xuan looked in all directions,

At this moment, everyone seemed to be frightened, and no one dared to come.

Lin Xuan sneered: Didn't you want to challenge me before?

I'm here, why don't you dare to shoot again?

Arrogant Protoss ~ ~ Is this strength? I'm really disappointed.

At this time, some of those who watched the battle said: Lin invincible, in addition to possessing the Dragon Sword Soul, also possesses the power of samsara.

It must have been the power of samsara just now.

Yes, it must be like this,

As long as you are careful and guard the soul, there should be no danger.

Those who say this are those martial arts that have surrendered to the Protoss.

It turned out to be the power of reincarnation.

The three Protoss people were also shocked when they heard it.

How can this boy do? It even has the power of the reincarnation sword.

Let me take action.

The real **** of demon came out, his eyes were red, he wanted to destroy the other party, and take away the other party's strength.


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