Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7489: Remember, I am a mad god! (two)

how is this possible?

The faces of these people are extremely ugly.

They come from the barren, high above, and have extraordinary blood.

Why do you feel fear in front of each other's power?

Where is this person sacred?

Brother Nanlong has changed his face even more, because this palm is for him.

He is more stressed,

He roared and stood up suddenly.

Numerous raindrops appeared again around him, fused with the power of his blood, and turned into a **** rain.

The power above it is extremely terrible,

One drop can kill the demigod in seconds.

Feng Qingxue's complexion changed: Brother Nanlong, did he even use his tricks?

How could things be like this? It was completely beyond her expectations.

She was worried about Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan's chaotic palm suddenly accelerated.

Before the strength of the other party had formed, it had already been photographed on Nanlong.


As if a world were broken, Nanlong flew out.

Everyone could clearly hear that the bones on his body were broken and broken.

At the next moment, Nanlong fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Lin Xuan withdrew his fist and said lightly: You said that I was a ants, but you couldn't even stop me.

You are not even as good as ants.

Hearing this, Nanlong was almost insane: Damn, it was really shameful.

He was beaten.

The little ants of this era actually stepped on his face.


He also wanted to stand up and fight back, but, just after leaving, he only felt that his internal organs were going to be broken.

Another spit of blood spurted out,

He was injured, and the injury was not light.

Nanlong was completely blinded, and he was there for a while.

The entire Hall of Clouds is equally quiet and scary,

Everyone was stunned, looking at Lin Xuan, with a look of surprise.

In their minds, there is a common question: who is this person? So powerful.

Brother Nanlong.

Shui Lanyan and others were startled. They did not expect that the result turned out to be this way.

They hurried to Nanlong's side, their faces extremely pale.

You are despicable, and you dare to sneak in on your brother.

The water blue smoke roared wildly.

Lin Xuan stepped out and asked coldly: I, am I qualified?

The power of the divine body, what a terrible thing, seemed to be overwhelming.

Several people in front only felt the body tremble, as if there were 100,000 more mountains on their bodies.

Team up, right? OK, I promise you.

Nanlong suppressed the injury in his body, he gritted his teeth and said: Tell me, what is your name?

Listen, my name is Mad God. From this era.

Mad God!

Those around me are also surprised: crazy names, crazy means,

In this era, there are also fierce people.

Many people shook their heads slightly: What about being stronger? Too unknowingly high and thick.

This mad **** knows nothing about the background of their ancient gods.

If nothing else, just say that behind this Nanlong, how many strong men are standing?

Just jump out one, this mad **** can't resist.

Mad God, right? I remember you.

Nanlong stood up, gloomy, staring at Lin Xuan.

He said lightly: You are qualified to join our team,

Three days later, outside the Hailong Hall.

Hope you don't be late.

Having finished speaking, Nanlong took the person to turn and left.

Three days later, we reunited.

Lin Xuan looked at Feng Qingxue and said with a smile.

Feng Qingxue, the whole person was ignorant: Do you really want to join forces with them?

Why not join forces?

Lin Xuan is also puzzled: Did n’t you say that there is a greater chance of joining forces with them?

Feng Qingxue sighed, she didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a few seconds, she spoke again: your strength is really strong, beyond my imagination.

Although you defeated Nanlong, this matter is not over.

Nanlong will never give up.

Even if they go together, I'm not afraid. Lin Xuan said lightly.

What you think is naive.

Feng Qingxue shook her head and she sighed: Nanlong belongs to Promise Rain Dragon. This group has many masters in the second dragon gate.

Three days later, he will surely bring the strongmen of the Second Dragon Gate.

Although those are also true gods, the shinto script in the body is extremely terrible.

The bloodline is far beyond Nanlong,

You can't compete.

The people of Erlongmen?

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes after listening: This is a bit interesting.

To be honest, I'm really not interested in waste like Nanlong.

Don't worry, I will be fine. Three days later, we will see you again.

Lin Xuan left smartly.

This matter was also passed on, and there was a lot of discussion.

I felt that this mad **** was too mad and too ignorant of life and death. After three days, the other party would definitely be trampled by Nanlong.

The end will be miserable.

Three days soon came, and everyone gathered outside the Hailong Temple,

This time, the number is very large.

Because this task is very important.

They are going to slash those demonized demon, but also to contend with the powerful of the demon temple.

More importantly, once the task is completed, they are eligible to take the Erlongmen test.

Entering the Second Dragon Gate, they will be able to get more cultivation resources,

More importantly, they can practice the magic formula.

Those are desolate ancient tactics, each of which possesses earth-shattering power.

They want to dream.

Outside the hall, Feng Qingxue also came. She was very nervous and kept looking around.

Looking for the figure of Lin Xuan.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and found Lin Xuan.

At the next moment, she rushed over and pulled Lin Xuan away.

Hurry up, a lot of masters came from the Erlongmen, they are aimed at you.

Without going away, I also want to see how strong the Second Dragon Gate is.

Lin Xuan stopped.

Feng Qingxue was crying quickly, and she felt that the other party was too ignorant and thick.

What else do I want to say, but at this moment, Nanlong and others came over.

Boy, how dare you come.

Nanlong's expression was ice, cold and murderous,

Shui Lanyan and others sneered.

Three days ago, Nanlong was defeated, but there was a reason.

Soon, Nanlong was careless.

Moreover, the other party attacked, so they can succeed. Now this time, Nanlong will never lose again.

Nan Long was also extremely confident. After returning, he immediately healed the injury.

Not only that, this time, he also brought a powerful weapon.

Rain **** illustration.

Boy, UU reading still dare to fight me again?

Three days ago, it was my care, this time, I will not lose again.

I will let you know how powerful the real power is.

Lin Xuan looked forward and narrowed his eyes. He ignored the other party at all, but looked at the people behind.

Those people stood there, standing hand in hand, saying nothing.

However, the breath on his body was like a sea of ​​smoke, much stronger than this Nanlong.

Although they are all true gods, this Nanlong has at most 100,000 engraved gods.

Most of the people in the back are carved in the body, more than 500,000 gods.

The gap is very large.

However, Lin Xuan did not care,

His real strength is simply not what these people can imagine.


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