Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7470: Famine! coming! (One)

Famine appeared.

The first prince and the third prince were shocked when they heard it.

What is barren? Why have they never heard of it?

The Nine Nethers, countless warriors, were equally shocked,

They also felt this terrible power.

They all knelt to the ground and kept bowing, wouldn't it be the immortality awakening?

In a mysterious place, the Nine Nine Angels exclaimed: Has the Famine come?

Damn it, his fifth apprentice fell off. Is it related to Famine?

Who is actually doing it?


Qin Guangcheng also felt it.

In the immortal cave mansion, there was also an ancient voice.

Famine is coming, the Protoss is coming, I don't know which Protoss will appear this time?

Dragon world.

This is a world belonging to the Dragon race, and his entrance is in Qin Guangcheng.

At this moment, Dragon Realm felt the power, and their blood was shaking.

In the Dragon Realm, there is a place that is more afraid, that is the remains of the Taixu Dragon Clan.

The Taixu Shenlong family is a protoss. It has a very long heritage and is the ancestor of countless dragons.

Now the Taixu Shenlong family has also changed, which makes the people of the Dragon family stunned.

The land of heaven, Shangqing city,

Murong Qingcheng, Ye Wudao, they have returned.

At this moment, they also felt it.

The wine master, the golden lion king, they also rushed out, their faces shocked.

At this time, Xuanyuan's voice came: Don't go out, Famine is coming.

Is Lord Xuanyuan awake?

The wine master and others were shocked,

You should know that Xuanyuan will wake up only when he is too shot.

Is it possible that this matter has something to do with Taishang?

As for what is old? They are not clear.

Some of them looked to Ye Wudao to the ancient Santong, because these two families are called the Famine Ancient Family.

We also do n’t know.

However, the two also shook their heads.

The ancients are ancient, and the ancients are barren.

Now that the ancients are unfolding, those powerful people in those years may reappear between the world and the world.

From ancient times to ancient times? Everyone was shocked after hearing it.

What a terrible era that will be, are those strong men alive now?

Xuanyuan's voice rang again: a part of it entered into the long river of time and has been alive.

Now, they came out of the river of time, and this matter is related to the other side.

Should be too hands-on.

Can our companions come back?

The master asked.

Their God Realm, which also has a group of strong men and families, is also in the middle of time.

If they can come back, their strength will be greatly improved.

They will no longer fear each other.

I am afraid this time, it will not appear.

Xuanyuan sighed.

Yi, haven't come back.

He didn't come back, our strength is hard to come back.

What about Lin Xuan? Summon him back, he is the heir to the Dragon Sword. Once the Famine arrives, many people will stare at him.

The Protoss in the ancient times is different from the Protoss now, there is a real God King.

God King!

After listening, everyone was shocked.

That is a more terrible existence than Dacheng True God, an existence that is above the True God.

That is a brand new state.

How strong the **** king is, everyone doesn't quite understand it.

However, after a brief introduction, they understood that God King is the next realm of the true God.

After the true God, it is the God King!

After the **** king, it is immortal!

They know how powerful the true God is.

It is conceivable how strong the God King is,

I am afraid that with one look, a group of true gods can be wiped out.

The ancient **** race has the **** king, what a powerful power,

I am afraid that the number of true gods is beyond imagination.

If such a strength appears, how can they resist it?

I feel that the other side can't stop it.


The wine master shook his head and said: There is also a Protoss on the other shore, Chaos Protoss, and their full recovery is also terrible.

Speaking of which, there are God Races on our God Realm.

However, it is a pity that for the time being, there is still a long time, and I cannot come back,

We haven't found a clue yet.

Where is Lin Xuan? In the White God family?

Having given the Dark Red Dragon a message, Murong Qingcheng shook his head and said: Brother Xuan seems to have gone to the remains of the Emperor.

That should be with the God of War, rest assured that they should be back soon.

Next, don't go out first, let's take a look, what are the ancient gods who are back?

Xuanyuan Shen said.

The crowd nodded, and they recalled the disciples of God Realm.

Those who buried Emperor Xing also had news and returned to their families, unable to sleep.

A golden light crossed the void, the God of War and Lin Xuan returned, and they returned to Shangqingcheng.

Everyone was relieved, Murong Qingcheng, they rushed over.

When Lin Xuan saw Xueqi, she was very happy: you woke up!

Xueqi nodded.

Husband, have you become the true God?

Xue Qi was very surprised. Before that, she couldn't catch up with Lin Xuan's pace, so she got into trouble.

Unexpectedly, her sleep, Lin Xuan has broken through the true god,

The gap between her and the other party is even bigger.

Not only Lin Xuan, Murong Qingcheng, Ye Wudao and others are also half-step gods.

One step away from the true God,

She was completely compared.

Don't be discouraged, with me, you will become the true God sooner or later.

Lin Xuan said.

Later, he asked: What is this world power?

The Golden Lion King, said the news that Lord Xuanyuan said before.

After listening to Lin Xuan, he was shocked: the ancient times are coming!

Really? fake?

He was so shocked.

I am afraid it is true. This is the handwriting of the other side. He summoned this power, and it is estimated that he wanted to shoot us.

Now on our side, the power has greatly increased, there are several true gods, and there is a group of Heavenly Masters.

The other side seems to be unable to resist it?

Although Tai Shang is terrible, it cannot be easily done.

Once he started, Lord Xuanyuan would immediately take action.

Once these two men fight, it is difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat within a short time, and those under him may not be opponents.

Therefore, they can't wait to recall the ancient power from the river of time.

Are the ancient gods all the strength of the other side?

Lin Xuan was very surprised. That was too powerful than the shore!

This is not true.

The Golden Lion King shook his head and said: There are some gods belonging to the other shore, and some to us.

There are still others who do not belong.

I think the other party summoned the Protoss, just to contain us.

Those Protoss are very powerful, and they will definitely be able to change the world once again when they return.

There are even some Protoss who will stare at you,

They want big dragon swords, reincarnation swords, and devour swords.

They will stand on our opposites and become our enemies.

This has nothing to do with the other side, they only want the most powerful.

The Queen, they are also extremely worried. I do n’t know, which protoss come back?

The Hundred Hundreds of Clan should not return all of them, but maybe only part of them will come back.

However, even the appearance of a few Protoss is enough for them to have a headache.

For the Hundred Ancient Clan, they don't know much.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and brought out an old book.

He said: "I have here, we can study the records of the Hundred Ancient Clan."

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