Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7454: Too much ultimate goal! (three)

Destroying the realm of God is not too much of a final plan, this is only part of his plan.

Even he would swallow the realm of God and use the power of the realm of God to open the eternal door.

However, the restoration of Divine Land was beyond his imagination, plus the variable of Lin Xuan.

So much so that his current plan was unsuccessful, but well, it was not a failure.

The next plan, he will continue, he will summon hundreds of people.

He didn't bother about the things of the Chaos Protoss. He believed that there was an ancestor of Chaos and everything could be settled.

Over the Chaos Protoss, the Chaos ancestors were murderous.

The other party destroyed the two true gods of his protoss, which made him very angry.

However, what made him most angry was that Lin Xuan had a Chaos body.

This physique can only be possessed by their Chaos Protoss,

In addition, he absolutely does not allow others to own.

If Lin Xuan has it, it must be eliminated.

This time, he will send a real little come true God and go with a weapon.

Want to be absolutely foolproof,

Because this weapon is a big weapon.

When hearing the news, Feiyu really **** them, took a breath.

Xiaocheng true God, just by cultivation, has elevated them to a realm, and their strength is far above them.

The five of them joined forces, and they all couldn't beat the small god.

What's more important is Dacheng Weapon, what a powerful weapon it is.

A hint of power is enough to make them feel a deadly crisis.

They laughed, they knew that Lin Wudi was dead.

Next, the true **** of flying feathers, the **** of unparalleled strength, the true **** of thunder sword, the three went to recover.

They want to return to their peak as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the Chaos ancestors continued to shoot, summoning another master of their Chaos Protoss.

They are chaotic protoss, and their heritage is very powerful, far from being comparable to the Wushuang immortal.

The number of true gods of their protoss is far beyond imagination.

Although most of them are asleep, as long as the chaos ancestor orders, they can be awakened.

Patriarch, this time, I also want to go.

The chaos **** next to him said quickly.

However, the Chaos ancestor shook his head slightly: you should stay on the other side first.

Before you go out,

But rest assured, it's fast, the plan is too successful.

He is calling for hundreds of people, as long as they come out, you will be able to go out.

Barren ancient hundreds.

After listening to the Chaos Godson, he took a sigh of coolness, and he was extremely shocked.

It's too big to write too!

He nodded and said: I know, my ancestors rest assured that I will practice with all my energy during this time.

Strive for further progress.

With the advent of hundreds of races, we are not the only chaos protoss, so you have to perform well.

The Chaos ancestor patted his shoulder and looked away.

The next moment he waved his hand, the void cracked, and a bead appeared in his hand.

This bead is extremely chaotic, with a terrifying atmosphere, just like a planet.

When it appeared, it carried a mighty force, enough to crush eternity.

This bead, called Chaos Bead, is a great weapon.

The distant earth cracked, and another stone emerged.

This stone, ten meters high, was covered with moss, and it slowly cracked. There was no figure inside.

However, the void is fast shaking,

The next moment, a fuzzy shadow appeared in front of the Chaos ancestor.

Kneeling on the ground on one knee: Wuying has seen the ancestor.

With a wave of his ancestor's hand, the chaotic beads between his palms slowly fell.

Landed in front of Wuying, and then said: Drip your blood, take this great weapon, and take revenge.

Wuying was shocked: Do you need to use Dacheng weapons?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he woke up, he would face a powerful enemy.

He said: Don't worry, my ancestors, I will complete the task.

Next, he left with chaotic beads.

He will once again go to the place of the Baishen clan to catch Nalin invincible.

In addition to Lin Wudi, the companions around him must be killed.

Revenge for the true **** of fire and the true **** of the sky.

No shadow true god, left with chaotic beads,

The chaos ancestor narrowed his eyes.

The Hundred Ancient Clan is about to be born. It seems that he also needs to recover as soon as possible, and the other strong men of the Chaos Protoss.

I have to wake up more true gods,

Because he knew that the ancient times would come again.

The ancient times are the ancient times, the ancient times are the ancient times, and the ancient times, the strong are more.

Therefore, he must prepare in advance.

On the other side, where the Baishen clan was located, everyone began to get busy.

On their side, the Dark Red Dragons use the ground veins to consolidate and form a part of their strength for defense.

As for the other people, they are quickly absorbing various loot to enhance their strength.

They know that the enemy will become stronger and stronger,

There were only a few true gods before, but now there are more and more true gods.

Those old monsters who have been sleeping and sleeping for millions of years have all awakened.

If at this time, their strength cannot be improved, then they will be stepped on forever.

Lin Xuan quickly absorbed the power of Chaos Blood.

The blood of chaos was refined into his body by his refining,

Makes his chaotic body even more terrible.

A mysterious light blooms,

A light of chaos is so thick that it seems to be able to break new ground and create a world.

After returning this time, Lin Xuan got more news from the wine master.

News about the true God and the practice.

Lin Xuan cultivates the power of immortals. Although it is infinite, this realm is still the same as other true gods.

However, he is 10 times more difficult to practice than others.

even more.

True God is divided into 4 realms,

Chu Cheng, Xiao Cheng, Da Cheng, and completeness.

The so-called perfect state means three thousand roads.

And reflected in cultivation, that is, engraving 30 million Shinto patterns in his own magical fire.

This is not a simple matter.

Some true gods have difficulty in completing their lives.

It is very difficult to carve a Shinto pattern on top of your own fire.

Under normal circumstances, you need to retreat and practice hardships, or practice your perceptions in battle.

Or meet some adventures,

But even so, it will take many thousands of years.

What Lin Xuan has to do is to engrave the immortal Tao in his own immortal power.

Similarly, in the state of perfection, 30 million.

Lin Xuan now ~ ~ has just entered the realm of true gods. In his immortal power, there are only 100,000 immortal Taoism.

Although it is just getting started, the power is far superior to other true gods.

This is the power of immortal power.

Lin Xuan's goal now is to become a true god, and he needs to carve 5 million Shinto texts.

Before, he got the chaos blood of two true gods, which was quickly absorbed.

He estimates that after full absorption, it can increase 100,000 immortals.

Next, if you absorb the power of Chaos Earth again, there will be more Shinto patterns carved.

In this regard, Lin Xuan is still very satisfied.

You know, other true gods have cultivated for millions of years, millions of years.

He has only practiced for a few years, and he has been promoted so quickly. This is going to be outrageous.

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