Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7437: Crack formation method! Shock the mountain of life! (One)

Zhou Tianshi laughed too, and he finally did it.

When he knew the role of this formation, he was ready to crack the formation.

He just wanted to do his best, but what happened? To be honest, he didn't know.

He doesn't have much chance of winning. Even, he has analyzed carefully that his chance of winning is less than 10%.

However, later, the arrival of Lin Xuan and others, plus finding Bailiwentian, and receiving the support of the other party, finally, they really did.

In the hands of the powerful Ascension Camp, they broke the formation, which turned out to be a bad thing.

Next, it was time to leave, and Zhou Tianshi took a deep breath.

They have broken the formation, and there is no need to stay here anymore, and the Shengsheng Camp will certainly not give up.

Although I can stop each other now, I can't stop the other person's life.

Once the forces of the former camps countered, they couldn't resist.

They must return to the universe, and by then the camp of resurrection is not to be feared.

Let's go.

Lin Xuan, they are also preparing to leave.

At this moment, as they swallowed the elixir, the genius and the treasure, and restored their strength, they were preparing to discuss leaving.

The array of mages around them were all about to leave. After all, these people were arrested from the heavens and the world.

However, there are some array mages, with pale faces, who are those who have been suppressed before.

For example, Qingxuan and others,

They also said: Can you take us and leave together?

They betrayed the life camp and stayed here, waiting for their results, would be better off than death.

no problem.

Zhou Tianshi nodded: I can take you away.

Lin Xuan is also pleased. Qing Xuan and others are powerful array masters.

If this power can join the Divine Realm, then the strength of their Divine Realm can also grow.

Senior, you leave with us too.

Lin Xuan looked to Baili to ask the sky again.

Baili asked Tian and shook his head, and said: No, I'm here to guard Tianyuan, and my business is not over.

Then the people dominate, if retaliation?

Lin Xuan is still very worried.

Baili asked the sky and smiled: rest assured, millions of years ago, he couldn't help me, a million years later, he could not kill me.

Big deal, I hid in Tianyuan City. He didn't dare to go in until he came out.

Lin Xuan looked at Xuantian's sword, Xingtianding, Qilindao and others, and said: Will you leave with us?

This time, these weapons also contributed, and they helped them at critical moments.

Lin Xuan is very grateful.

Lin Xuan also worried about their comfort.

We will not leave here for the time being.

Xuantian Cut Spirit Sword shook his head and said: We are all broken weapons, and we need the life force here to recover.

The power of the land of life can not only restore human material, but also have some effects on weapons.

We absorb here, and one day we will fully recover.

I know.

Lin Xuan nodded, then he looked at Baili again.

He said: Seniors, if my friends with these weapons are in danger, I also ask seniors to take them and take them to Tianyuan City.

Baili asked Tian nodded, and he said: Rest assured, there is no problem.

The origin of these weapons, I also know some, I can take them to Tianyuan City.

Little guys, leave quickly, the projection of Tianyuan can't last for too long.

Take this opportunity to quickly leave here.

Thank you seniors.

Lin Xuan they thank again.

Baili Wentian said: Little guy, maybe one day, I still need your help to help me.

No problem, the predecessor gave a command, and he did nothing.

Lin Xuan waved and they turned to leave.

They really couldn't, it was delayed further.

These people returned quickly and they were leaving here.

Seeing these people going to leave, the magical moon master and others, their bodies trembling, are they going to stop?

But Baili Wentian is still there,

They went up and just died.

So they can only look at it like this.

No one dares to stop the whole process.


This time, we rescued Zhou Tianshi and broke our plan to go to the health camp.

Then, for a long time, there was no threat to us.

Everyone is very happy,

Not only that, they also got a lot of crystals of life.

Although the previous war consumed some, the remaining ones are still very amazing.

In addition, Murong made a breakthrough, Ye Wudao, and the ancient three links, and they all felt something.

After retreating, we can definitely break through within ten years.

At that time, they will have more true god-level combat power in the **** domain.

The Indus true **** has also gained a lot of life force, and there is no crisis of life for the time being.

These true gods have their own feelings. Maybe after they return, they can go further on their own way.

Almost, I can finally go back,

I do n’t know what the wine masters are like.

Lin Xuan has been here for a long time,

There are still some concerns about the heavens and the world.

However, he believed that wine masters and others should be able to cope.

the other side,

The chaos gourd has fallen to the ground and turned into a man.

After landing, his cultivation is the level of true god,

Although it is just the beginning of true God, this is already very scary.

This is the bloodline of the innate family, born and settled down, that is the true god.

If it spreads, it would be shocking and envious to countless people.

You know, the other true gods have all gone through thousands of ordeals and endless years of cultivation.

Step by step, you have cultivated to this point.

However, the other person was born,

It can only be said that the blood gap is too big.

God of Chaos, a ray of light blooming in his eyes, he said: Old ancestor, I want revenge.

I want to catch that Lin Wudi,

I want him to die. He dares to cut me off, and I make him regret his life.

Beside him, there is an old man, which is half-immortal

He is a family of Chaos, the current ancestor.

After he heard, Shen Sheng said: Go, Chaos Protoss, it's time to appear.

This universe has forgotten our existence, and it is time for us to come to the world.

He waved his hand and flew the world,

The distant world shook violently.

The old cow waited in the cultivated land, scared directly to the ground, a despair appeared in his eyes.

Is the Chaos Protoss finally appearing?

If you do n’t know the universe, what kind of shocking changes will occur?

That heaven and earth split and appeared from below, three huge stones,

On the stone, there is the light of chaos ~ ~ around.

wake up.

The chaos ancestor sang a cold drink, as if it were a world-breaking game.

Three huge stones in front burst open, and three figures emerged from the inside.

These three figures, with their eyes closed, have been sleeping.

When they heard the words of their ancestors, they opened their eyes slowly.

With a hint of confusion in their eyes,

It quickly became choked.

I am the Chaos Protoss, I am awake, and I will come to this land.

Every voice came.

The three figures were extremely tall, with the light of chaos on their bodies, and they came to the front in the void.

Looking at the old man in a commoner's clothing, kneeling on the ground on one knee: meet the ancestor.

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