Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7423: Floating Sword (2)

The floating slaughter formation is really terrible. Once it appears, it swept the world.

Those in the distance felt scalp when they felt this power.

Many people look to Lin Xuan,

I saw the other side, completely covered by the formation.

not good.

Seven Star God of War, they are all extremely nervous. If they are hit, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

I don't know how much power this kid has?

The Star Goddess also frowned slightly.

Murong Qingcheng took a deep breath and said firmly: Believe in Xuan Ge, Xuan Ge can create miracles.


The array of mages on the opposite side sneered, and they quickly killed while saying, "Useless.

No matter how strong the boy is, he can't resist the floating slaughter formation, he has little power.

During the formation, Ziluo looked at the front, and a sneer was raised at the corner of his mouth.

He said lightly: Boy, are you scared of my formation? Obediently kneel on the ground for mercy!

In his opinion, the opponent must be irresistible.

Just your formation, but that's it.

Although shrouded in floating slaughter, Lin Xuan was not afraid at all.

He walked forward.

Find something dead.

Zi Luo snorted, and the large black seal fell overwhelmingly.

It's like a black magic mountain, with the power of horror, photographed directly,

The world was broken, and endless cracks appeared.

In the formation method, with the force of destruction, he killed Lin Xuan.

However, Lin Xuan's breath burst into the sky, which is the power of chaos, which is enough to open up the world.

He blasted out with one punch,

The chaotic fist cut through the void and collided with this **** seal.

Boom, earth-shattering,

This **** seal was blown out.

The light above has become dim and seems to be broken.

Zi Luo was even struck by lightning and kept backing, spitting out blood.

He was stunned.

how can that be?

This kid, has gone through such a long war? How come you have so much power?

Lin Xuan stopped, looked forward, and said coldly: You are nothing but this.

There is a big seal on the side, and there is nothing I can do. I think you still urge this formation, the strongest force.

Let me see, what ’s so magical about your floating slaughter?

As he talked, Lin Xuan also began to absorb, and the strength of Kirin's Fire and the extreme cold ice were integrated into his physique.

He began to temper his own chaos.

Seeing this scene, Zi Luo was furious, and his angry body shivered.

While the other side is fighting, he is also training his physique. This is because he does not look at him at all.

Who dares to look down upon him from an early age?

This guy is the first!

Boy, you irritated me completely.

Violet teeth are about to bite.

I'll let you see, the most powerful force of this floating slaughter formation.

The seal on his palm urged the three weapons in the formation, and suddenly, a terrifying light broke out.

The avenues around are constantly dancing,

The **** seal emerged again, and kept getting bigger.

It was full of bright light and extremely dark, as if to suppress eternity.

The other long sword, like the sword of heaven, swept the world.

The floating slaughter formation was completely launched, and its power was several times greater than before.

Boy, feel it, my strongest power.

The roar of the purple owl.

All the formation forces rushed towards Lin Xuan.

When those mages in the distance saw this scene, they all smiled proudly.

This kid is so arrogant that he completely exasperated Zi Luo.

Look at it, Heavenly Master Zi Luo will let him die in an instant.

Comes well, Lin Xuan is not afraid. In the face of this sky attack, he laughs.

He danced with both fists, cast Chaos Fist, and headed forward, killing the past fiercely.

His fist, like a mountain, swept out and killed forward.

A roaring voice came, and the forces of the two collided together, breaking up for nine days and ten places.

I have to say that Lin Xuan's physique is really too strong.

He now wants to temper his body to absorb the fire of Kirin and Qi Tianhan Bing.

He casts his body and fights it.

Boom boom!

With each punch, they fell heavily, and the beating world fell apart.

Although this floating slaughter formation is powerful, but why can't you help Lin Xuan?

When seeing this scene, the face of Ziluo Tianshi was so ugly that he yelled: the light of floating slaughter.

In the mage, a black light suddenly appeared, sweeping through it, just like the black magic fire.

This flame is extremely terrible enough to destroy everything, even if the true God encounters it, it may be reduced to ashes.

Those outside the formation, shivered when they felt the light of the floating slaughter.

With a ray of light, I'm afraid they can easily get through them and make them worse off.

At this moment, thousands of rays of light killed Lin Xuan together. This kid doesn't have to die.

Facing such a terrible attack, Lin Xuan sneered, and he didn't seem to care.

He yelled from the sky and stretched his body to the extreme.

On him, a picture of all spirits appeared, like the armor of all spirits, covering all directions.

And his fist is even more terrifying. This time, he is performing six reincarnation punches.

Beside him, a phantom of six worlds appeared, and the powers of the six reincarnations merged into his chaotic fists.

With a punch, like a mighty dragon galloping, the power is also multiplying.

As soon as the light of the floating slaughter was caught in this boxing,

It shuddered violently, as if to shatter.

The film's light was dim.

Lin Xuan's strength, how powerful, is the display of peerless boxing methods, six rounds of return.

One punch is better than one punch,

Above the fist, there is a ground breaking power, and there are terrible phantoms of the six worlds.

The light of the floating slaughter hit every turn.

what's up?

The array of mages around them were stunned when they saw this scene: Why can't this kid even the light of floating slaughter?

It's incredible, right?

Where is this guy's limit, where is UU reading How do I feel that his power is endless? Seems endless?

Ziluo's face also changed greatly. He felt that nearly half of the light of the floating slaughter was broken.

This is not the way to go. I am afraid he will lose. No, he cannot fail!

She cut through her palms and let her blood fall into the floating slaughter formation.

The next moment, the pattern of the matrix, shrouded a layer of **** light, became more mysterious.

Floating Sword.

A roar, the light of the floating slaughter of the sky, quickly merged into a handle of the floating slaughter sword, blooming in the world.

Ziluo, as a heavenly master who has lived for millions of years, his strength is really too powerful.

At this moment, he exerted his bloodline power and burst into a super attack.

The sword of the floating slaughter rose into the air, and severely chopped towards Lin Xuan.

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