Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7412: No one is old, wake up! (three)

Although the number of array mages in these core places is not large, they are more powerful.

They are usually condensing formations, and some have been busy here for tens of thousands of years. They rarely ask outside things.

And ah, no one dares to spread wild here!

They never worry about things outside

Now things have changed.

Fei Xiantai was broken,

They were all blinded, what happened?

Damn, someone really broke the formation,

They might be directed at the core,

Looks like, does anyone want to do what happened a million years ago?


These mages are murderous,

A figure flew from a distance soon, and he said in a deep voice that the Great Master already knew what was going on outside, and those people would soon arrive here, and everyone joined forces to destroy them.

Are you really coming? Where is it sacred?

J? Dare to come here to scatter the wild and make it come back forever.

Let's get ready, come up with the strongest killing array, and let these people die.

These strong men in the heartland are horrifying in their eyes

The order of the Great Heavenly Master is also transmitted to every place in the core place. Those array mages have been put down, and the things in their hands,

Started to shoot,

They are standing on the edge of the formation, and will never let the other step further.

On the other side, the mountain of life.

At the moment when Feixiangtai was broken, in a certain ancient temple on the Mountain of Life, a middle-aged man wearing a shirt of life opened his eyes,

He has endless life power, and the sun, moon and stars rotate in his eyes.

The moment I opened my eyes, it seemed like a world.

Fei Xiantai was broken?

Baili asked Tian actually shot again?

The deceitful things look at the emperor's face and spare you your life.

Unexpectedly, you still do not know how to repent, do you really think I dare not kill you?

The man in the robe of life is the master of the mountain of life, and he is not old

Although he claims to be the master, he is not truly immortal,

He is not a heavenly emperor, nor is it immortal,

His goal is immortality,

He was usually in retreat,

Set off on the road to immortality.

There is no need for her to worry about things outside.

There is also the Temple of Ascension, Eight Supreme Beings

No one can challenge those eight Supreme Beings,

As for the performance of Shen Zhen, as long as Baili asks the sky not to act, no one can threaten them.

Even if Baili asks the sky to take a shot, it may not be able to gain the upper hand.

There are two peerless array mages playing in the **** array.

One is the Great Master. One is the Nine-Fingered Master.

If the two men join forces, they can definitely compete with Baili.

But now there is still a problem, Feixiantai, as a very critical core, has been broken.

Hearing people not old, very angry.

He reached out his hand and gently scratched into the void,

A mysterious sword of heaven appeared in his hands,

A sword, chopped forward,

The sword of heaven, merged into the void, and flew directly towards that peerless array,

No matter who was there, he couldn't bear it.

If Lin Xuan and others are hit, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

After all, this is a master attack.

Just then, a mysterious palace appeared between heaven and earth.

Extremely quaint, immediately blocked this sword of heaven.

I didn't expect you to shoot so soon, it really surprised me. A sound sounded.

The sword of heaven is blocked. Wen Wen is not old but also frowns slightly,

His eyes were disillusioned, he penetrated the heavens and the earth and looked at this ancient palace.

The next moment he gritted his teeth and said, millions of years, you dare to appear,

The last time I spared you was in the face of Emperor Zun, but Emperor Zun has fallen. Who can save you in heaven and earth!

Oppose me, I will never spare you.

Wenren did not grow up and stood up, murderous.

The whole mountain of life seems to shake violently,

At this moment, countless disciples of the God of Life were stunned.

Those martial arts stood on the ground and looked up at the sky.

what happened?

Why feel a powerful force sweeping out from above nine days.

Is this God in anger?

Those who went to the camp also fell to their knees.

Their faces were full of excitement, because they knew that it was the power of domination.

Is the Lord waking up?

In the hall of death, all seven Supreme Masters opened their eyes, and they walked out of the hall and saluted respectfully in the void.

Meet the Lord.

The whole world, because the people are not alone, but the wind is rising.

In the sky, there was an old laughter inside the mysterious palace.

Million years have passed, and you have not grown at all. Your strength does not seem to be different from millions of years ago. It is really sad for you.

In this life, you don't want to embark on the road to immortality.

The people in this palace are not others.

The moment Lin Xuan broke Fei Xiantai, they felt it when Baili asked the sky.

To be honest, he was quite surprised, he did not expect that the other party could really break Fei Xiantai,

Then, these people can enter the core place.

In this case, help the little guy once.

Baili Wentian was ready to shoot.

He once promised Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan is a descendant of Dalong. He may also help him in the future.

It is also very important that Bai Liwen Tian felt a breath on Lin Xuan.

This breath has a little relationship with the emperor.

And it has something to do with the blood of the Emperor,

Not the enemy's relationship, it should be the relationship of friends,

It is because of this mysterious atmosphere that Baili Wentian decided to help Lin Xuan.

In fact, Bailiwentian didn't know that this mysterious atmosphere was because Lin Xuan once helped Xinger.

Xing'er is the daughter of Emperor Zun,

Is the princess of the feathered fairy dynasty,

Lin Xuan helped Xinger take charge and became a fairy.

This is also a very big thing for the Yuhua Xian Dynasty.

Lin Xuan has a trace of causal power on her body,

This power made Baili Wentian feel

He decided to help,

I didn't expect that at this time, when I heard people were not old, I woke up and hit the sword of heaven.

This sword ~ ​​ ~ I'm afraid Lin Xuan, Zhou Tianshi and others can't resist it.

Baili Wentian shot in time and blocked the sword


On the top of the mountain of life, there is no one standing there when it smells like a god,

He said coldly, you are not my opponent at all

You're right. I'm not your opponent. Baili asked Tianxiao with a smile, but I own Tianyuan City, and the power of Tianyuan City is enough to stop you.

After speaking, Baili Wentian urged this ancient palace,

A mysterious force swept out, and some phantoms appeared around the palace.

These phantoms have an extremely mysterious power, even if they are not old, they dare not easily compete.

He gritted his teeth and said, Listen to my orders, the Seven Supremes, now immediately go to Tian Yan Shen Zhen and kill the enemy!

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