Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7397: Revenge (3)

Everyone started to kill him.

Ye Chen growled wildly.

He had fought with Lin Xuan, and he knew how terrible the other was.

At the peak he was not an opponent,

Today, he is no longer an opponent.

He was prepared to join forces to attack,

There are so many strong players on their side, and together they can't resist even the best.

With the order of Ye Chen, all the mages around him shot.

The overwhelming formation method, killing Lin Xuan, immediately enveloped Lin Xuan.

not good.

Murong poured them all over again, getting nervous again,

Although Lin Xuan is powerful, this time, the enemy is really too many.

Two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, it is better to avoid the edge first.

After all, their injuries have just recovered a little, but they haven't fully recovered. They can't help much.

Looking at the countless arrays that rushed over, Lin Xuan's expression was extremely cold: you all **** it!


With a roar, his eyes became blood red, and his hair became blood red.

Beside him, a terrible sea of ​​blood emerged, as if turned into Shura hell.

As a swordsman, Lin Xuan once practiced a sword technique called Blood Sword.

Is a sword-slaying method.

Coupled with the Shura Road he has, in the six reincarnation.

The two merged together to form the Shura Blood Sea.

Lin Xuan is the incarnation of Shura, and he is preparing for revenge.


A roar, an endless sword spirit, rushed out of the sea of ​​blood.

The **** sword qi, with a monstrous killing breath and sharp power, swept away in all directions.

Instantly collided with those formations, and instantly, those formations were split.

Not only that, but the **** sword qi turned into lightning and flew into the distance.

Killed those array mage.

The speed of these swords is too fast. Some array mages have no time to be low. They are hit instantly.

Their bodies were split, and their blood was absorbed by the **** sword energy.

They turned into bones after bones, falling from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the matrix formation presented fell into a mountain of white bones.

This scene is really shocking,

Those array mages were destroyed before they could even scream.

So strong!

The true **** of lotus, Ye Wudao and others were shocked,

Murong is also very excited

The people who went to the camp opposite him were frightened directly: Cangtian, what is this means?

One trick actually killed them so many array mages, and broke their sky array.

This sword is too good, right?

How can this kid's strength become stronger again?

The red-haired old man and the white-haired old man are both ugly.

The two of them, as second-class masters, are now like enemies.

The most shocking thing is Ye Chen,

He was once killed by the other party, and now he feels the crisis again.

The stronger the opponent, the more afraid he is, and the more jealous he is.

He growled wildly: waste, you bunch of waste, didn't you all eat?

Hurry up and give me your full strength, show me your housekeeping skills, and destroy me.

Seeing the other person stunned and looking crazy, Lin Xuan still stood there, with a very cold look.

Revenge has just begun,

These people will soon know what despair is.

Those array mages who just died are happy.

However, Ye Xuan and those two second-class masters, Lin Xuan will never let go.

Dragons have inverse scales and will die if they touch them.

Lin Xuan wants to let these people know what despair is.


The two second-class heaven masters were also angry,

So many of their men fell, they couldn't stand it.

They killed them madly,

Two heavenly masters took the lead, and the other array masters also returned to God.

With red eyes, they took out their strongest formation.

Sky Sword God Thunder array!

Shifang lore array!

Sky Sword Formation!

Ziwei emperor flower array!

Various terrible formations, one after another,

This time, everyone showed off the extinction at the bottom of the box.

They want to kill each other in an instant.

When Ye Chen saw this scene, he also smiled awkwardly.

He felt that the power of the formation this time was ten times stronger than before, and the opponent would definitely die.

He laughed proudly: ha ha ha ha, no matter how strong you are? Can you stop thousands of troops?

Rest assured, after you die, I will torture these companions one by one.

This is the price you dare to provoke me.

Ye Chen is like a demon at this moment, extremely embarrassing.

Ten times stronger?

Lin Xuan's eyes burst into a faint light, and he whispered coldly: then what?

If you dare to act against my friends, you will bear my anger.

Feel despair!

One sword!

Tai Chi in One Sword!

One Sword Flying!

Sword of Heaven, Twelveth Heaven.

Lin Xuan snarled in the sky, and the excalibur in his hand continued to wave, and he played a peerless sword.

At this moment, the sky is full of swordsmanship, this is not an absolute skill, it is an innumerable absolute skill.

All of them are extremely powerful, and even make the true God despair.

The overwhelming swordsmanship skills smashed out and swept across all directions,

Everyone was stunned.

Even the Lotus God and others were stunned.

Lin Xuan turned out to be so powerful,

And even beyond their imagination,

Is this the real combat power of Lin Xuan?

It's really shocking. This is going to be against the sky.

Ye Wudao was also shocked. When they were young, the Emperor Ye family was just like that!

Lin Xuan really has the talent of a young man!

Young and endless, this combat power, right?

Boom boom!

The forces of the two sides collided, shaking the earth.

Although the opponent used a peerless array, Lin Xuan's sword spirit was really too strong.

The Taiji chart is constantly rotating. The power of Yin and Yang represents the power of heaven and earth.

Turned into an aurora, wherever you go, cuts everything.

Countless formations, constantly breaking,

There is a flying fairy outside the sky, falling from the sky, appearing in front of these array mages.

A sword stabbed, these people's eyebrows split open, and their bodies and souls disappeared.

The twelfth heaven is even more terrible, just like the twelve heavens that keep falling,

Stacked together, no one can match that power.

The red-haired old man ~ ~ was instantly blown out by a sword, vomiting blood in large mouth, and his body was covered with cracks.

His old eyes were almost staring out: is this the strength of the other party? It is so powerful!

He faces each other as if facing the Supreme,

He has no power to fight back.

too terrifying!

Could it be possible that the Supreme Being was really defeated by the opponent?

The thought of the red-haired old man suddenly popped up.

The white-haired master next to him was also penetrated by a sword and blood-stained into the sky.

After a blow, the opposite side was injured and wounded,

The entire battlefield seemed to turn into Shura Hell.

Everyone was shocked!

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