Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7386: Chaos giant! (one)

The other person was a man wearing a blue gown. His name was Qing Xuan and he was also a master of Sanpin.

The lineup this time is very powerful.

They have confidence, no matter who the enemy is? They were able to suppress it easily.

They started waiting patiently,

Finally, they found that a group of people appeared in the distance.

The speed of these people is very fast, and the matrix method under their feet blinks constantly. When they appear again, they have already come to their presence.


In the eyes of the Holy Innocent God, a fascinating light burst out, and those other array mages took a deep breath.

so many people.

Lin Xuan was shocked when she looked ahead.

More people than they thought,

Lin Xuan took the lead in staring at the Holy Innocent God.

This man is so strong that he gives him a fatal crisis.

In addition, there are two others who are also very powerful.

It seems to him that it is not weaker than Zhou Tianshi.

Zhou Tianshi, with the same dignified look, he also saw those two beings.

It ’s really here, two Sanpin masters,

It looks like, next, it is indeed a hard fight.

As the Supreme God, the Holy God is faintly the leader of these people.

He came over and said coldly: Give you a chance, and the last chance.

Obediently arrested, we go to the camp, we can start from the light.

Stop dreaming, we refuse, what can we do? Let ’s show it all.

Lin Xuan stepped out and hummed coldly.

Xiao Ruoshui, Qing Xuan, they all frowned slightly, they all stared at Lin Xuan: this man is so young.

They thought that among these people, Zhou Tianshi should take the lead.

But I didn't expect to let a young man come forward.

It seems that Zhou Tianshi did not refuse.

Can this young man be the leader of these people?

They don't believe much.

However, the eyes of the Holy Innocent God stared at Lin Xuan.

You should be the peerless swordsman. I heard that you defeated Ren Tianyue and killed her several times.

I'm going to teach you later, how awful is your swordsmanship?


The array of mages around them were shocked when they heard this.

Ren Tianyue's name, but they have heard of it, a powerful god.

It is said that this time, there is very hope to enter the hall of death and become the next Supreme One.

Unexpectedly, Ren Tianyue's existence would be defeated!

Moreover, it was defeated in the hands of this young man.

No wonder this young man is so arrogant,

It seems that there is some skill.

On the other side, Qing Xuan stepped out, and he also looked at Zhou Tianshi. He said in a deep voice: We met again.

Last time, I personally sent you to this peerless formation, but I did not expect that you could escape!

Can kill back.

Let me see, what kind of power have you got? I dare not know so much.

You will see.

Zhou Tianshi snorted coldly.

The breath between the two sides is getting scarier.

The holy innocent God waved his hand: let's do it, solve these people.

With his orders, those around him rushed over quickly.

There are also people who have printed their palms, forming an array of formations, which is overwhelming.

For a moment, Lin Xuan and others were enveloped. Around them, there were countless formations, blocking all their paths.

Murong Qingcheng and others, pale, but extremely firm.

They knew for a long time that there would be a difficult battle, and they were not afraid.

They will not escape.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, with an extremely dazzling light in her eyes, and the sword spirit on her body was constantly surrounding.

Lin Xuan has experienced numerous battles since he practiced. This time, despite the dangers, he is confident.

His way is to go forward and go against the sky.

As soon as he made a noise, Lin Xuan waved Jianxian sword, the sword pointed forward.

My monks, why fear a war?

Ye Wudao stepped out and roared to the sky: my blood was boiling.

Murong Qingcheng voice ethereal: I believe Brother Xuan, we will succeed.

The Seven-Star True God, the Indus True God, the Lotus True God, and others are also extremely dignified.

Is there a peerless war? Yeah, let's feel how strong are the strong men in the camp?

Old man, I haven't seen so many Masters yet. I can fight one without regret in this life.

The sound of laughter sounded louder and louder.

Their momentum continues to rise, facing thousands of troops, they have no fear, only the heart of a war.

Do it.

The red-haired old people on the opposite side have long been aggressive.

The opponent defeated them, broke the Purple Dragon Land, and made them crazy for a time.

Now, finally, I have the opportunity to confront the opponent,

They quickly pushed the formation.

The sky shook in the void, and the heavens and the earth rolled. On the nine days, nine stars appeared, and each star was dazzling.

The five stars, connected to each other, seemed to be transformed into a mysterious array of runes, squeezing down from the sky.

On it, with an immense amount of divine power, it was overwhelming, making it impossible to resist.

Qingling, the goddess of the stars, etc., took a sigh of relief: Is it so terrible at the first shot?

Even the eyes of those true gods were shocked.

When the nine stars fell, the magical fire on their bodies jumped up, as if to be extinguished.

A group of ants, you are vulnerable, even if you are true gods?

In front of our camp, you have no power to fight back.

The red-haired old man laughed.

Kneel obediently and catch it.

The sound is like a thunder, and with the peerless formation method, it is really terrible.

Quickly resist.

Star Goddess and others, mad resistance.

They played terrible peerless, the goddess of the stars, condensed three star souls.

At this time, he had a palm, broke the void, and grabbed it fiercely forward.

On the palm, with a chaotic breath, it seemed as if it were breaking new ground, killing the red-haired old man.

Came to him in an instant,

The power of chaos is sweeping, as if one side is in a cage ~ ~, covering the other side.

This scene was very sudden, the people across were stunned.

They couldn't think of it. Someone could break the nine-star formation so easily.

What means is this?

The red-haired old man was also stunned, his body trembling.

Under this palm, he felt panic and felt a deadly crisis.

What exactly is the sacred shot?

The red-haired man is not sure, but he will not sit still.

With a roar, three defensive formations formed immediately around him.

A mountain, a shield, and the sea.

The three defensive formations are all extremely terrible. At this moment, the three are superimposed, which is even more powerful.

He had just formed, and the chaotic palms in the sky were photographed.

The earth-shattering sound sounded, and the three defensive formations broke instantly, like a piece of paper.

The red-haired old man was flipped to the ground with one palm.

Inverse Sword God

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