Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7384: Master, duel! (two)

No, we haven't lost yet.

The red-haired old man said Shen Sheng.

He will not admit defeat until the last minute.

Now only one Fei Yasha falls, the other two kings are still there,

Can also stop each other.

But at this time, another master exclaimed: No, the other two kings also fell.

How did this happen?

Is that Zhou Tianshi so powerful?

They were all stunned.

Zhou Tianshi destroyed two in an instant, and the opponent's formation skills were too strong.

Damn, how do I feel, he forcibly borrowed the power of the Purple Dragon Land?

These array mages are crazy.

The divine God also changed his face: teleport me over.

What are these wastes doing? Time wasted for nothing, didn't it end when he was teleported to him at the beginning?

However, the red-haired old man and others looked ugly. He said, "It's hard to get through, and the place has been sealed.


The face of the Holy God changed, and he couldn't teleport, so he flew over.

I'm afraid those people have already fled since he passed.


The white-haired **** exclaimed: They didn't escape, they seemed to want to do something to the Purple Dragon's Land, they wanted to completely break the Purple Dragon's Land.

Damn, it's impossible for him to succeed.

These heavenly masters shot again, and the other array masters also took out a banner flag and quickly controlled.

In the Purple Dragon Land, when the three kings were destroyed, all other monsters also flew under the earth again and disappeared.

Finally solved.

Everyone was relieved.

However, Zhou Tianshi has a dignified expression: this is not over yet, this is just the beginning, and next, the most important thing.

He said: You have to recover quickly, and do as I say.

With a wave of his hand, around the earth, some runes flashing like stars appeared.

He said: Everyone, stand on a rune.

These people moved quickly. Soon, they put on a mysterious pattern, and Zhou Tianshi stood in the middle of these people.

On him, a more mysterious rune appeared, and the power of heaven and earth was used by him. In his hands, a ruler appeared.

This ruler is very mysterious, and it is full of brilliant light.

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Tianshi grabbed the ruler, and then, slaps it forward fiercely.

The whole mountain shook violently, and a terrible dragon roar sounded.

The purple clouds condensed, as if turning into a million dragon shadows, killing towards Zhou Tianshi.

Do it.

Zhou Tianshi gave a cold drink, and the stars he had set out before, the light bloomed and turned into ancient runes.

Lin Xuan and others stood on the runes and broke into power.

The rune received powerful power and kept spinning, as if one star after another.

These stars are against the purple dragon in the sky, and the mysterious ruler in Zhou Tianshi's hands keeps falling.

The surrounding mountains shattered and the boulders rolled down, and they were about to hit the opponent.

With this blow, the mountain would break completely and be cut open with a sword.

However, at this time, the mountains seemed to come alive, and Zhangya dance claws began to dodge.

what's going on?

Murong poured them all, and when they saw this scene, they were stunned: is this a mountain? Or is it a terrible monster?

It is the opponent's array mage. You are confronting me. You don't need to worry. I have the cracking method.

If Zhou Tianshi did it himself, he might not be able to do it. However, he now has a way to crack the sky.

He is not worried at all,

With this cracking method, he is enough to break the opponent.

Now it just adds some trouble, not to be afraid.

He waved the mysterious ruler in his hand and shot in three directions.

The mountains dodged constantly, avoiding two attacks,

The third attack couldn't be avoided and was shot directly.

More mountains cracked, terrible fissures appeared, and a scream came,

After this mountain was hit.

Completely split in half.

With this blow, the mountains could no longer escape, and they fell on the ground.

The surrounding ground cracked, and numerous purple breaths rushed into the clouds, turning them into purple beams of light.

Through the world.

This power is really terrible, everyone's scalp is numb,

Fortunately, they are now in the formation. Otherwise, they cannot resist this force at all.

Zhou Tianshi said: all stay still.

With that said, he continued to call for a terrible vortex of space to withstand this dying storm.

With the emergence of these purple beams of light, the mountain was completely turned into ruins.

Not only that, the surrounding mountain terrain, fast breaking, and numerous large fissures seemed to destroy all directions.


When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan raised a smile, and he could feel that the power of heaven and earth was disappearing here.

It's scrapped here.

It ’s difficult to recover

In a short period of time, this is simply impossible.

It seems that Baili asked Tiantian's method, and it really worked.

To the camp, the red-haired old man spit out old blood and fell to the ground.

The other array mages, also Qiqiao bleeding, split their arms.

They were extremely shocked: how could this be? The land of the purple dragon was actually broken by the other party. What a joke?

10,000 of them do n’t believe it,

How terrible this formation is, they are such a group of formation mages ~ ~

But why can't they help each other?

Tianshi this week, has it been so terrible?

What kind of master is he?

Among them, most of them are first-class masters, and second-class masters are great. Third-class masters are not here.

However, in their opinion, even if it is a third master, it is impossible to break the Zilong land so easily!

Could it be that this week, Master Tian surpassed Master Sanpin?

They didn't believe it.

They remember that when they first caught Zhou Tianshi and played for them, the other party was only the second-grade master.

How long has it been since the other party broke through so much,

This is simply impossible.

Among them, there must be something? They didn't know it.

The holy innocence of God is also frowning tightly: Is it really destroyed in this day's performance?

Although it only destroyed part of it, it was enough to shock him.

The news will go back, I'm afraid the whole hall of death is going crazy.

No, you can't go on like this, you must destroy the other party.

He also remembered one thing, he said: I remember, some of them have been to Tianyuan.

Seems to have seen Bailiwentian.


The red-haired old man and others stood up when they heard this.

They were shocked, their eyes were red with no regard for their injuries.

Have the other person seen Baili Wentian?

Why didn't you say it earlier?

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