Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7378: Enter, God array! (two)

Zhou Tianshi can sense that his martial art formation is broken,

Even in the end, he felt the opponent's superb recovery power.

He frowned,

The person who died in the hall of death is really strong enough, I am afraid that the general attack will hardly hurt the other party.

Not to mention the destruction of the other party.

They have to speed up,

One Supreme, they can still compete.

If all the Supreme Masters who came to the hall of life came out,

They want to destroy, the peerless **** array.

I'm afraid the difficulty will be greatly increased.

When thinking of this, Zhou Tianshi speeded up, and the space matrix flashed constantly.

Every time they appeared, they came to a great distance.

Finally, they stopped.

A group of people appeared in the void and looked down.


Lin Xuan was also surprised. He looked down, and then he froze slightly.

He saw an incredible picture below, with huge buildings below.

Looking from the sky, it looks like a sky map, and falls on the earth.

What is this?

Lin Xuan was stunned. This is the opponent's formation. How could this be the case? It's too big!

Not just them,

Like the Seven-Star True God, the Indus True God and others, they were also scared.

They have never seen such a terrible formation.

Look at this formation, it seems very similar to those forests we met before.

Murong exclaimed,

The outermost is the purple forest, then, the golden forest, the black forest.

The outermost formation is purple, then gold, and then black.

And the forest seems to echo.

That's right, this formation is made with the power of those forests.

This formation method is called Tian Yan Shen Zhen.

They laid out endless years and possessed mysterious power.

This formation is made of the stones in the forest.

These stones are weird and different, and they have different strengths.

Together, they can exert their power beyond imagination.

The power of the true God alone cannot hurt this array at all.

Fortunately, we have it. Baili asked the cracking method given by Heaven.

We can certainly succeed.

Seniors, where is the core place?

Lin Xuan asked.

Only when we reach the core, Baili asks the sky, will we come out to help us.

Still in the distance, fully exert your reincarnation eyes, can you see the colorful mountain?

That's where the core is.

Lin Xuan's full display of reincarnation,

He saw that there was indeed a figure far away, standing on the earth.

Just like a monument,

This is a mountain, a mountain with 5 kinds of power

Just like the Five Elements Mountain, different lights bloom on it.

This place is really different from other areas.

The land under Lin Xuan now is purple and then golden.

Clear and distinct

However, at the foot of the mountain, five colors are fused together.

In other words, these areas outside are like endless seas,

The core area is a mountain in the center of the sea.

They are now going to kill that mountain.

Land it.

Zhou Tianshi said,

He is not here for the first time, and he is more familiar with it.

They landed on the ground and walked forward.

who? Stop me?

The sound of cold drinking came from the front,

As soon as Zhou Tianshi waved his robe, those voices disappeared.

Not even a drop of blood fell.

Shot by Zhou Tianshi, they were very fast, and finally entered the abyss of heaven's eyes and entered this purple area.

The outermost area,

They immediately encountered trouble.

Those purple rays turned into purple clouds and mists, and surrounded for 4 weeks, as if purple gas came from the east.

As soon as these clouds appeared, everyone was vigilant.

In this case, they have met in the purple forest before,

They dare not absorb.

The purple cloud and mist appeared, and their eyes were suppressed, and they could only see the nearby scene clearly.

Take out the materials you got before.

Zhou Tianshi said Shen Sheng.

Murong allure and others, hurry up,

In addition to Lin Xuan, these people have a lot of materials in their hands.

These are all collected by Lin Xuan in Murong Qingcheng when Lin Xuan was in Tianyuan.

These are the materials used to crack the matrix.

Murong poured out the city, took out a stone with a mysterious rune engraved, and threw it towards the purple cloud and fog ahead.

As the stones passed, those purple clouds and mists quickly dissipated.

4 weeks became clear.

so amazing!

Lin Xuan was surprised.

In this way, everyone continued on the road,

When they met those purple clouds, they threw out some materials.

Suddenly, those clouds disappeared.

In an instant, three days passed,

They stopped again.

Because this time, the ancient three links threw out a material. The purple cloud and fog in front of it did not disappear. Instead, the cloud and fog became denser.

what's up?

The ancient three links were stunned,

Murong Qingcheng also threw a stone with a mysterious rune.

I found nothing useful,

They all looked at Zhou Tianshi.

Be careful, we are close to the first goal.

According to the method provided by Bailiwentian, they need to crack a few key places before they can kill the core.

And the first key place, they are already very close.

Those purple clouds quickly rushed over, and in a moment they shrouded everyone.

Zhou Tianshi played a formation method ~ ~ to cover everyone.

Blocked those purple clouds,

They seem to see nothing.

At this time, Zhou Tianshi shot again and he formed an ancient lamp.

A bronze ancient lamp suspended in the void with flames beating on it.

Although this flame is not great, each beat can illuminate one side of the world.

In this way, they continued to move forward, slower than before.

Outside the abyss,

A figure emerged, it was the Holy God.

He sensed the atmosphere around him, and frowned slightly: Why did he go in?

After breaking the formation of Valkyrie, he followed all the way,

I didn't expect to catch up.

The opponent's speed is faster than he imagined.


At this time, there was a roar again in the distance, and two teams rushed quickly, a total of 20 people.

They are murderous: Does anyone dare to come here to scatter the wild?

When they saw the people, they were stunned, and they immediately fell to their knees.

"Meet the Supreme."

Supreme Master, has n’t he been practicing in the Temple of Life? How come here?

Hardly, what's wrong with this formation?

When they think of it, they are extremely nervous.

The Holy God said coldly, "A group of people went in and wanted to destroy the **** array."


The opposite guards were blinded after listening.

Who is so bold? act recklessly.

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