Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7376: Valkyrie formation! (three)

The existence of those terrestrial fairy levels seems to be unable to withstand this glance.

Their bodies were constantly split, broken into pieces, and scattered to the ground.

The sky ’s blood is flying,

They screamed, growled, resisted, but still couldn't resist.

It didn't take long for the world to change into a sea of ​​blood.

As for those half-step true gods, they also kept back,

Their bodies also cracked.

They wanted to resist, but they fell down on the ground with that gaze,

Under their eyes, they have no resistance at all.

This is not ordinary sight at all, this is the strength of the sword holder.

This power transcends everything.

The old god-level old man also came. He was walking with a cane, and his body was trembling slightly.

He didn't dare to come forward,

This is incredible.

Those around me were stunned when they saw this scene.

Brother Xuan is so powerful.

Murong exclaimed.

And like the ancient three links, Ye Wudao them, it is even more shocking.

They tried their best and could only resist a dozen figures,

Now Lin Xuan looked at it, thousands of silhouettes disappeared.

This power really made them look up.

The star goddess was frightened directly. Before, she felt that Lin Xuan could not do it, but she did not expect that Lin Xuan could easily do it.

It didn't even take a hand, just a look, it did.

Has the other person become so powerful after becoming a real person? How did this happen?

She was completely compared. Doesn't this mean that the other party wants to kill her, I'm afraid it can be done with one look.

This is too bad, right?

Star Goddess, this moment is about to collapse.

As for the seven true gods, the meteor pavilion master and other true gods are also stunned.

They have also done it before, and they know how terrible the other party is, and even they are afraid to have the slightest care.

But I didn't expect that Lin Xuan solved it so easily. Even the real **** on the opposite side did not dare to come.

How powerful is Lin Xuan at the moment? They are not clear,

I am afraid that it is easy to deal with them.

What kind of power did the opponent get in Tianyuan?

They are really crazy,

At this moment, the world is quiet and terrible,

Lin Xuan's gaze seemed to be able to suppress 9 days and 10 places.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Tianshi laughed: Yes, yes, the strength of the little guy has improved too quickly.

As a result, their next plan has a higher success rate.

The people who went to the camp opposite were stunned: God, where does that young man really exist?

The other person's eyes were too terrible, as if they were the masters of the supremacy.

Even if it is the true God, there is no such terrifying power?

Didn't see that their true elders were scared?

Who is the other sacred?

The old man's face also became ugly. He said: Don't act lightly and wait for Supreme One to arrive.

Next, instead of attacking, they started waiting in the distance, while preventing anyone from escaping.

Seeing the attack stopped, the Seven Star True God they were relieved.

However, Lin Xuan's brow frowned tightly: no.

Ren Tianyue should also return to Shengying, and he will definitely tell the story in Tianyuan.

He swept around in Tianyuan. The true gods are not his opponents at all.

After knowing the Shengying Camp, he will definitely send stronger people.

The current lineup is too weak, many times weaker than the lineup in Tianyuan.

The old man, although also a true god, is far worse than Ren Tianyue, but only one level higher than the true **** of Scorpio.

Such a person is not his opponent at all.

What exactly is the Xiangsheng camp doing? Is it possible that there are no stronger people in the camp?


At the time, even people as powerful as Baili Tian were suppressed by the Shengsheng Camp.

This shows that there must be stronger men in the Shengsheng camp.

Why don't those people come? Is it possible to have a bigger plan?

Lin Xuan frowned tightly,

He turned around and said to Heavenly Master: I feel that the situation is not right, or we should leave quickly.

Zhou Tianshi also frowned slightly,

The next moment, he reached out with both hands, and formed a space matrix method with one palm, covering everyone.

The other palm is the formation of a peerless formation, the martial art formation.

This is a peerless killing formation, very terrible.

When this array of methods emerged, 99 figures and 99 phantoms of martial arts appeared in heaven and earth.

Each one is extremely scary.

No, they are leaving.

Those who went to Shengying in the distance saw their faces changed greatly when they saw this scene.

Quickly, stop them.

Those people rushed in quickly, but when they entered the formation, they were desperate.

99 martial arts phantoms broke the world with their shots. These people were not opponents at all. They kept falling.

Damn, how could it be so powerful?

Retreat, rewind, do not enter the formation,

Go attack another space array.

The true **** old man growled wildly.

And they entered the martial arts formation, but could no longer go out.

Looking at the people around him, he kept falling, and the old man looked ugly.

Suddenly he stepped back quickly,

He was hit by a few phantoms of Valkyrie, and many cracks appeared on his body.

There was a hint of despair in his eyes: Valkyrie formation, too terrible?

Qixing Zhenshen and others are relieved. The strength of Zhou Tianshi, they have been taught,

It's really too powerful.

Zhou Tianshi shot, they were completely safe.

At this time, Zhou Tianshi changed his face, he said: Hurry up.

He pushed the space formation with all his strength, and the force of space swallowed them up.

Before their figure disappeared, they felt that there was a terrible force in the distance, rushing over.

This power was fast, and it was still in the sky at first, but it came to my eyes in a blink of an eye.

The next moment, the martial arts formation shook violently.

The surrounding void was constantly broken and turned into thousands of cracks.

They saw a scholar-like figure appearing,

As soon as the other party appeared, they swept across nine days and ten places.

The martial arts formation seems to have cracks.

Who is this?

Qixing Zhenshen ~ ~ Meteor Pavilion Master and others, his face changed greatly.

They were so far apart, feeling the breath of each other, almost desperate: this person's strength is too strong!

Lin Xuan's face also changed, and he also felt that the person coming was very terrible, this person was even more powerful than Ren Tianyue.

To the camp, there can be no strong,

Now it comes.

The other warriors in the death camp were originally desperate. They couldn't beat the martial arts formation at all, and they were about to die.

But at this moment, a figure came down and suppressed in all directions.

The warriors around looked up at the sky, and when they saw the figure, they fell to their knees with excitement.

Supreme One is here.

Meet the Supreme.

Please supreme and kill them.

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