Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7368: The shadow (1)

Lin Xuan felt that there was a force beneath the earth, which was rapidly condensing.

This power shocked him all.

Not good.

Lin Xuan pointed at the ground and said coldly,

The sword in his hand stabbed fiercely.

Xu Tianding also held back: What's going on? Are there any enemies?

They all looked down.

At this time, a terrible breath permeated,

The earth shakes violently.

This power?

Xu Tianding exclaimed.

Even Xuantian's beating the sword was very shocking. He could feel the amazing breath coming from the earth.

Make him all shocked.

This is not an ordinary power, or even more than the power of a true god. It is definitely not one or two true gods that can condense.

Damn, what's under the earth?

Lin Xuan originally wanted to do it first, but it was better to start, but when he felt this power, he stopped immediately.

He was horrified and did not rush any further.

The earth split open, a bright light flew out.

These dazzling rays of light, like pythons, stretch their teeth and dance towards the crowd.

Get out of me.

Wan Yao sighed coldly, brought up Wan Wan Phantom, and instantly killed the past.

The bright light like a python immediately flew backwards.

However, this is not the end.

Those rays are getting more and more. The whole earth seems to be completely shrouded by the bright light.

When seeing this scene, even Wan Enlai was stunned.

They didn't dare to have any delay, they shot quickly, and even Lin Xuan shot strongly.

They fought in all directions and swept the world,

Lin Xuan urged all kinds of peerless swordsmanship to transform into a dragon, and chopped the slow light every day.

However, more and more light flew from below the earth.

In this light, things gradually began to appear.

Lin Xuan they looked, scalp tingling,

They found that what appeared in these rays turned out to be bones.

This is not the way to go, the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Xuan said: You step back and let me.

He is going to use the big dragon sword.

Xu Tianding, they quickly back out,

Lin Xuan stepped out and formed a dragon-shaped sword shadow in front of him.

When this sword shadow appeared, it was shaking for nine days and ten places.

Xuantian cut the spirit sword, but also slightly shaken, he seemed to want to worship ahead.

He was so shocked,

He stared dead ahead: Is that the legendary dragon sword?

Lin Xuan held the big dragon sword and waved fiercely forward, he used the supreme strength.

One sword was cut, and everything that passed was gone.

The earth shook violently, breaking constantly, and the endless light was cut off with a sword.

This scene is like the destruction of the world.

After a sword, the sky's light disappeared,

The earth was also split in half, as if the entire world had been split.

So strong.

Xu Tianding exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, he looked around, and found that under this sword, all the light had indeed disappeared.

Those bones fell to the ground again.

Solve it?

They were going to go under the earth and explore it. They wanted to see what was the source of that power just now?

However, before they went down, they found that the whole earth was shaking again.

A huge figure flew out of the ground.

It was a black figure that was bigger than the mountains and mountains, like a demon figure.

who is it? Disturbing me to sleep?

The sound of that figure sounded like a thunder,

The void in the distance is constantly broken.

What is this? It ’s too scary, right?

Xu Tianding was stunned.

Xuantian cut the spirit sword and said: Kill him by hand.

After that, he took the lead and shot down with a sword.

Millions of enchanters, Xu Tianding and others are also crazy shots.

Lin Xuan is like a sword. He transformed it into a Tai Chi map, and it fell overwhelmingly.

The power of chaos is permeating, and the towering sword spirit is sweeping all directions.

Hit the huge figure, setting off numerous situations.

The huge figure shook violently, and cracks appeared on it, but no **** blood dripped.

He made an angry roar, his voice shaking the world.

Damn, you dare to disturb this seat, you are all dead, this seat will not spare you.

With his voice falling, the huge figure disappeared quickly,

From the light, a figure emerged.

Behind this figure, there is a phantom of a pagoda, which is constantly surrounded.

This figure has a wolf's head.

Before, his huge body was scary, but it was difficult to dodge.

Now transformed into a human form, he will fight back.

With a wave of one's hand, the pagoda behind kept blooming, and a mysterious atmosphere came from inside, turning into various avenues.

The runes on the avenue swept in all directions, and most of them floated in front of Lin Xuan and others.

Ready to shoot.

Lin Xuan, they exerted their own divine power to counter each other's avenue.

At this time, those runes on the road were bursting apart, forming a force of destruction.

Xu Tianding took them out.

The light above them has become dim, and the dow patterns are almost worn away.

Damn what?

are you crazy? This guy turned out to be destroying the rune.

This is to hurt the origin.

No one dares to use this method easily.

Lin Xuan and Xuan Tian cut the sword, blocking the attack,

Then their faces became more ugly.

Because they found that the road runes in front of them kept falling and burst apart.

It is a devastating breath, sweeping out,

This time, even Lin Xuan and Xuantian cut the sword, they couldn't resist it.

This force of destruction is really too strong, they dodge quickly.

Useless, you ca n’t escape,

Dare to offend this seat, you wait for the smoke to die.

The figure grunted coldly, and continued to urge the Rune of the Avenue, rushing quickly.

The next thing is to hunt down.

Even though Lin Xuan and others kept dodging, they were still shrouded in the power of destruction ~ ~ Xintianding.

They are almost cracking.

Originally, they were incomplete and had cracks. This time, I am afraid they are more severely injured.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly,

It seems that he is about to cast the big dragon sword again.

This time, he was not attacking the rune on the road, but the pagoda behind that figure.

It can be seen that all the runes on the avenue flew from the pagoda.

As long as the pagoda is destroyed, their crisis can be lifted.

Between him and that pagoda, there are a lot of runes on the road, and we must use the power of Xuantian to cut the spirit sword and others.

Lin Xuan said his plan,

Xuantian cut the spirit sword and said: Rest assured, I can stop it.

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