Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7184: Resurrection Power! (One)

Yun Tianming really despised him, but at this moment he changed his face.

He found that his supreme power was slowly disappearing and was swallowed by the other party.

how can that be?

Can the other party really devour, true god-level power?

I was so incredible.

I hate it.

Yuntian Mingzheng roared: I don't believe that you can swallow all my power.

He frantically attacked fiercely, with black flames sweeping out.

The wine master stood between the heavens and the earth, and the black holes around him kept rising and falling, making him a mysterious pole.

He casts the Devouring Sword to the extreme. The black sword breath swallows everything, nothing can escape.

Silent attack, quiet and terrible between heaven and earth, those around them were stunned, no one dared to say anything.

As if the world was still.

I continued for a while, and suddenly, Tianming Zhenshen made a terrifying roar.

He found that most of his strength was swallowed up,

下去 If he goes on like this, he will die.

Before he died, he had been hit once by the flying sword, and was seriously injured.

I'm not at all now.

You wait.

He can only leave a ruthless word and turn and run away.

His body was broken, and he turned into several black rays, and fled in different directions.

The wine lord hummed coldly, and he didn't go after him anymore. There was a lot of ways for a true **** who tried desperately to leave.

This battle also let him know his strength,

The power of swallowing the sword has been improved a lot.

酒 Even if the opponent is in full strength, the wine master is not afraid.

The figure fluttered, and the wine grandfather returned to the ancient city. He stood side by side with Li Xunxian and swept across the wasteland.

Who else? Want to be the enemy of Divine Realm?

Wu Hongliang's voice went through Jiuxiao,

No one dares to respond,

The warriors in the ancient city behind Xun were extremely excited.

They seem to be dreaming,

A peerless crisis, has it been lifted?

I'm so incredible!

Zhan Xian!

Zhan Xian!



A loud roar sounded, and these people in God's Realm exhausted all their powers and screamed.

They are really too excited, they are so proud,

Gods of power of the gods emerged, making them enthusiastic.

The whole sky was almost overturned by their voices, and all the flames and immortals rushed into the sky, flying between heaven and earth.

this moment! God Realm is boiling!

The news came out, and the heavens and the worlds were shocked.

Four true gods join forces, why can't they just go to Shangqing City?

Those who sacrifice God's domain are terrible.

What's more, I heard that I heard that the God of Warriors, the number one in God's List, was almost killed by one sword.

Don't be kidding, how could the strongest player on the God List be beheaded?

This is true. Don't believe it. Ask your ancestor.

A sound of exclamation sounded, the people from all walks of life were stunned.

They know that there is another peerless power in Divine Realm, Li Xunxian,

The opponent's cutting fairy flying sword can cut the true **** with one stroke.

Many old ancestors took a cool breath, and their eyes were filled with endless terror.

Suddenly the Supreme Palace, those of the White Gods, were extremely angry.

Damn, I saw the strength of the reincarnation sword in my hand, and ran away.

I am not willing.

Shangqing City, we can not attack, but Lin Xuan must not let go.

I have the ability to stop coming out forever

Otherwise, it would be his death.

Bai Fengyun gritted his teeth,

As for the rules between any true gods, they completely ignored them.

They will shoot Lin Xuan at all costs!

Countless powerful men in the heavens and the world are shocked again. They know that the next battle will be even more terrifying.

Even those true gods will shoot regardless of the rules.

People in God's realm also know this,

They are all worried about Lin Xuan.

Lin Linxuan snorted coldly: as long as I was not besieged by the true God, I was not afraid,

He has a strong confidence in his eyes.

Now, he is advancing by leaps and bounds, and has long wanted to fight against the true god!

Rest assured, I want to fight against the true God, there are opportunities,

We have already started planning and are ready to attack the White Gods.

Black wine swirls in the eyes of the wine grandpa,

Those other people are also very excited.

Is he finally going to start?

They have been waiting for a long time.

Yuan Linxuan took a deep breath: when did it start?

Is already preparing. After the preparation is completed, we will open it. It should not take long.

However, it will not be too fast,

After all, the Bai ethnic background is also terrifying, and we must prepare well.

I know.

Lin Xuan nodded, ready to wait patiently.

At this time, Li Xunxian, who had been silent, began to say: The source of the power of the White Gods is the land of resurrection.

He must find the power related to the land of resurrection.

猜测 My guess is that Zhou Tianshi should have been arrested for resurrection.

When I heard this, everyone was a little surprised, even Lin Xuan was surprised,

This matter, he heard it for the first time.


Lin Linxuan was extremely excited.

Li Xunxian nodded and said: Yes, not many people know about this matter.

恰 I happen to know some.

The land of resurrection is also one of the nine days and ten places, and it is a very scary and mysterious place. Legend has the power of resurrection.

I did n’t expect that the White Gods had a relationship with the land of resurrection.

So far, the heavens and earth have no clues to the resurrected land.

Well, after all, Li Xunxian was 8 million years ago, and even the life of the other party is estimated to be tens of millions of years.

It is normal for the other party to know these secrets.

The clear spirit next to me was exclaimed, full of surprise: it turned out to be the power of the resurrected land. Are you looking for a resurrected land?

Yeah, do you know?

Dark Red Dragon asked casually, he did not give any hope.

They have been searching for so long without any news about the resurrected land, let alone clear spirits.

However, Qing Ling nodded and said, I know.

what? you know!

Dark Red Dragon jumped.

It wasn't just him, Lin Xuan, the Golden Lion King, the wine master, and so on, were all stunned.

Are you sure? Lin Xuan asked seriously.

This matter is related to Zhou Tianshi's whereabouts, which is very important to Divine Realm.

Don't get too excited.

Wu Qingling took a deep breath, thought for a while, and said: Actually, where is the real resurrection place? I do not know.

Alas, I know some of the power of the resurrected land.


Lin Linxuan they rejoiced.

As long as they can find this power ~ ~ Maybe they can find a place of rebirth.

Actually, we have this kind of power.

Everyone was even more surprised.

The Golden Lion King asked: Can we lend us this power, and we will have to thank you again.

Wu Qingling smiled bitterly: This power is too weak, I'm afraid you can't find a place for resurrection with it.

Next, Qing Ling explained it carefully.

The Huatong tribe, where Qingling originally belonged, has some mysterious fruits, leaves, and legends are resurrected things.

Once planted, when it grows, it is the tree of rebirth, which can bear the fruit of rebirth.

These things are related to the land of resurrection, which is brought out from the land of resurrection.

A long, long time ago, the resurrected land existed, even nine days and ten places existed together.

However, something happened later and disappeared in nine days and ten days.

Well, there are still some things that are passed down to the Huatong family.

Even Qing Ling said: Not only do we have the Huatong family, but also some family schools.

For example, the magic medicine garden should have some strength in the resurrected land.

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