Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7054: Super hall of the fairy temple! (three)

Hexiandian's heirs actually have a lot of immortals, which have not yet been exhibited.

For example, Yin and Yang treasure bottles, Yin and Yang mirrors, Yin and Yang fairy earth, and so on.

But he has no time to cast it,

Although these immortals are terrifying, they are a little bit worse than wanting to kill Lin Wuji.

He can only do that trick, maybe there is still a chance.

The next moment, the successor of the Xiandian Xiandian rose again into the air, and the broken body resumed integration.

Although there is a sword mark on it, he doesn't care at all.

The yin and yang power on his body reunited on top of his head, forming a yin and yang crown.

Not only that, but the crown of yin and yang, blooming with brilliance, the body of the yin and yang son became very scary.

His left eye was as dark as ink, and his right eye was as red as blood. He roared.

On the crown of Yin and Yang, there was a figure, an illusive figure, only the size of a slap, and its appearance was very similar to that of Xiandian.

之后 After his appearance, with a breath of mystery, sweeping in all directions,

At this moment, the souls of all people trembled.

What the **** is this?

They are terrified.

Those who yin and yang Xiandian also changed their faces: this is the curse of yin and yang!

He is an extremely scary fairy.

Under normal circumstances, it will not be used until the last resort.

Because this is a different technique, once it is performed, it will also cause great damage to the practitioner himself.

You can say that you killed one thousand enemies and damaged eight hundred by yourself.

I did not expect that even the thousand-year-old inheritance has even shown such an attack.

I ca n’t help but, this forest is invincible, is it really invincible?

Are other immortals not useful to him?

All the warriors in the Xianxian Hall were stunned,

The complexion of Jian Yin Yang Jianxian is also extremely ugly.

Brother Yun.

She whispered.

However, she did not stop, because she knew that this Lin Wuji was extremely unusual.

If it was before, just fighting on the road, then that's fine.

But now, Lin Wudi has exhibited the perfect yin and yang map, and the other party has a relationship with the legendary man.

It is absolutely impossible for them to survive successfully.

Once the other party enters the realm of true god, or goes further, the other party will definitely come to take revenge.

After all, they have also heard some legends,

Their careless ancestors, and a world-famous strongman of the year, had some life and death grievances.

That is really endless grudges,

Therefore, they absolutely will not allow Lin Xuan to survive.

Although the yin and yang curse is cast, the brother will also be hit hard, and then even the realm will fall.

However, it is worthwhile to kill Lin Invincible.

It seems that this battle is over.

Those in Qin Guangcheng laughed, and the Wushuangxian people also took a deep breath.

They said: Ready to start and **** his big dragon sword.

Brother Lin Xuan.

Shen Jingqiu is also very anxious, she wants to rescue her,

Qi Qingyun said: Can't pass, this is a curse of yin and yang, with extremely mysterious power.

His goal is Lin Xuan,

Even if you do it, it won't help, it will destroy our plan.

But, I can't keep my eyes open, watching Brother Lin Xuan in danger.

Shen Jingqiu was so anxious that her face became pale.

Fortunately, those around the immortal people, at this moment, fell on Lin Xuan, no one noticed her change.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that someone will doubt it.

The mysterious yin and yang figure floated forward quickly, his eyes were also black and white.

For a moment, he came to Lin Xuan.

Lin Linxuan felt scalp numbness, what is this? Even his strength is invincible.

此 But at this moment, his heart is also beating,

I seem to be shrouded in this thing, something extraordinary will happen.

No, rewind.

With a stunned figure, he stepped back quickly and dodged.

However, this mysterious figure is like a shadow, as if across time and space, quickly chasing after him.

Lin Linxuan's line of swords, although terrible, but could not escape.

Squinting at this yin and yang figure, the distance from Lin Xuan is getting closer and closer, Lin Xuan can only roar once, throw out a sword of long line of sword, and cut it forward.

This illusory figure suddenly disappeared,

With this sword, he emptied it.

The world in front of him was split in half, but Lin Xuan shuddered.

The illusory figure appeared behind him. For a moment, the power of Yin and Yang covered him.

If Lin Xuan was struck by lightning, he tried to resist, and his body was covered with sword energy.

However, he found that those yin and yang powers walked fast like dragons and snakes on him.

The place where I passed by turned into one mysterious yin and yang rune.

Once these yin and yang runes are formed, they will absorb his vitality frantically, making his breath of life fall rapidly.

In just a moment, Lin Xuan's Jiuyang deity became dim, and the Sanwei Divine Fire lost its light.

After a while, his body became dry and his blood began to wither.

Hahahaha, this kid is dead.

Wu Yinyang Jianxian smiled, although she was laughing, but her eyes were crying.

Because of her brother, she is like a skull at this moment, her breath is extremely weak.

It seems as if a random land fairy can kill it.

Although Brother Yun paid a heavy price, she knew that this battle was won.

Jain Lin is invincible, and he must die. The other party is absolutely unable to resolve this force.

The others were exclaimed: What is this power? Why do I feel so scary?

快 Look at it, Lin's invincible body, his body is actually broken,

似乎 He seems to be turning into a skeleton.

What's more, I feel the breath of his life is falling rapidly,

It won't be long before he will run out of light.

I heard an exclaiming voice.

His true scalp was numb, and he looked at the successor to the Yinyang Xiandian with fear in his eyes.

Qin Guangcheng, the Wushuangxian people, was also silent, and his face was extremely pale.

If such an attack is faced, it is estimated that they cannot escape.

I am really scary enough, the strength of this Yinyang Xiandian is really unfathomable.

not good.

When the dark red dragon saw this scene, his face changed greatly: Lin Xuan was in danger.

When the dragon tail was swung, he rushed over quickly and came to Lin Xuan in a flash ~ ~ he cared and asked: boy, how are you

At this moment, Lin Xuan cannot answer.

Lin Linxuan's face became embarrassed. He yelled from the sky, and his sword flew away in all directions.

I have to say that the power of the Great Dragon Sword is really terrifying,

The runes formed by such a powerful yin and yang curse can even be cut off.

However, just after being annihilated, new runes of Yin and Yang have formed again, and continue to consume Lin Xuan's blood.

Endless, as if endless.

When the dark red **** dragon saw this scene, his face changed greatly, his dragon claws waved, and immediately formed a vital array.

The emptiness around the urn shook violently, and one big tree after another emerged, and one flower after another bloomed.

The elder tree bears exotic flowers and powerful fruits, and a strong breath of life sweeps all directions.

However, it didn't work.

Although these vitality breaths back the power of Lin Xuan,

Alas, in the blink of an eye, it was consumed by the runes of Yin and Yang.

Dark Red Shenlong sweated anxiously: Damn, what the **** is this? Why is it so horrible?

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