Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6173: Sky sword

The next step is to go to the 7th day,

I do n’t know what is on the seventh day?

I hope it can be as simple as the sixth day,

Yes, in Lin Xuan ’s view, the 6th day is really too simple,

He practiced here again, the instant eagle's body style, and beheaded the two super emperors on the other side,

I also got ten long-lived fruits,

It can be said to be perfect.


Qi Zixian waved his hand, tearing a space crack, and condensing to form a vortex.

He sent Lin Xuan and others into the whirlpool.

Finally going to the seventh day! Lin Xuan and others took a deep breath and were extremely excited.

Then the vortex disappeared.

Staring at the disappearing figure, Zixian's eyes flickered, and then he shook his head slightly, little one. The seventh day is more complicated than here.

Whether you can get the longevity of the seventh heaven depends on your creation.

He's right, the 6th day is too simple, even Lin Xuan and others who Zixun took the initiative to find.

Because Zixian is not willing to delay time on this,

第七 The seventh heaven is quite different,

I'm there, trying to get longevity, I'm afraid it's as hard as possible.

For this, Lin Xuan and others did not know.

The seventh heaven is like a boundless world.

Dongdong County.

It's extremely lively at the moment, because today is the little princess of the East County House, Dong Yingying's day is better than martial arts

Countless geniuses are crazy,

They all have to participate in this contest to recruit relatives,

Yundong County is a top-level family, and Dong Yingying is even more beautiful.

It stands to reason. In this way, the little princess of the top family can match his people, and only the genius of other top families.

Alas, it did not.

On the contrary, I held a contest to recruit relatives, saying that only the top and most powerful genius was worthy of Dong Yingying.

In this way, those families are not particularly strong, but young people with their own strength, 10 points happy,

They signed up one after another.

But ordinary people ca n’t do it at all, even if you are the Great Saint,

Because Dong Yingying is a quasi-perfect emperor, and he is the 8th champion.

The strength of it, the horror of it,

What's more, the East County House is a family formation, and the formation of formations is very scary.

Dong Yingying can directly compete with the emperor by virtue of the formation method.

So if you want to win a match, at least you have to be an emperor.

Sure enough, the finalists were several emperors, young and handsome.

The battle between the three emperors and Dong Yingying ended in the end.

However, this battle is extremely exciting, and it has surprised countless people.

Now there is only the last young emperor. This emperor is called Qin Yuntian.

He is from the Qin family, though. Just a disciple of the Qin family,

I was sent out of my family when I was young, and I ’ve been practicing outside,

I have to say that Qin Yuntian has good talents and opportunities.

At the young age, he broke through and became a great emperor.

I said it was very young. In fact, Qin Yuntian is already 15,000 years old.

I am very young in the emperor.

Qin Yuntian's goal this time is to win competitions and marry Dong Yingying.

Thus entered East County,

I ca n’t help it. Although he is strong and talented, he does n’t have a strong family to rely on.

He can't go back to the Qin family, because of some grievances from the previous generation, the family will never allow it to enter.

It can only find other powerful families,

Hoto-gun Prefecture is just right.

The formation of Yundong County is terrifying.

And the most famous is Dayan Zhou Tianzhen,

This is the top peerless school in Higashi-gun.

Dongying Ying looked at the front, the handsome man took a deep breath,

I will go all out next.

招 She was not willing to recruit relatives in this contest, but this was the will of the family, and she could not violate it.

What she can do is defeat all the opponents.

No one will marry her.

You fairy, offended,

A handsome smile emerged from Qin Yuntian, and the next moment he shot.

I took it with one palm, and it was shocking.

The horrible lightning, which swept out like the ocean, shattered the sky,

The people around me exclaimed,

I have to say that Qin Yuntian is really strong. Of all the competitors, the other party is probably the strongest.

So the other party is the most promising.

Dong Yingying naturally did not dare to have the slightest intention. With a wave of his hand, he formed a matrix around him, and there were countless chains in this matrix.

He seems to be able to restrain everything,

The formation method is called Zhentiansuodi.

At the moment when the matrix formation condensed, Qin Yuntian felt a pressure, as if his body were to be locked.

It ’s so terrible. It is indeed a peerless school in Dongjun Mansion. The other party is just an eight-time crown lord, which can actually threaten him.

But that's it,

He is not an ordinary emperor. He is very powerful, and then he is about to show his peerless skills.


He took out a long black sword and kept waving it.

Jianqi is like countless worlds, sweeping in all directions,

锁 The chains around are constantly broken,

Dong Yingying's face changed greatly, so scary swordsmanship.

She fought against each other, but Zhentian's lock was broken.

Dong Yingying performed another two formations and attacked jointly.

But those two formations are also wobbly, they will break at any time,

Qin Yuntian laughed, he said, fairy, in fact I have won, you see my strongest sword,

When he finished speaking, he roared,

Above the sword, the light blooms again,

Power is doubled before,

Didn't the other party exert their full strength before? Countless people were shocked.

Dong Yingying's face also became ugly, but the people in Dongjunfu smiled.

年轻人 This young man is good. The Emperor Xiuwei is powerful and meets their requirements.


At the time when everyone thought the battle was over, the sky suddenly burst and a figure fell from the sky.

Soon after, like a meteor fell to Qin Yuntian,

who? Get me out!

Qin Yuntian roared, and the long sword waved and killed the figure.

Even if you are a real meteorite ~ ~ I can't stop my sword, let me split it.


The sword was chopped on that figure, but it just made a shocking sound,

The figure flew the sword straight, then landed at a faster speed,

Envelope Qin Yuntian directly,

Qi Qin Yuntian roared and resisted, but he was stunned in an instant.

轰轰 轰轰!

The sky broke and numerous black holes penetrated.

The entire 擂台 was torn open a huge deep pit, the cracks were scattered, and the formation was penetrated.

Everyone is stunned, has Qin Yuntian been killed by a meteorite?

Wrong, it's not a meteorite, it's a person, look at it!

Someone exclaimed,

Everyone looked carefully, they found that the dark shadow that fell from the sky was indeed a person,

And a handsome young man, but this young man has passed out at the moment,

what happened? Who is this young man?

Countless people are shocked,

连 Even Dong Yingying was bewildered, the battle was over?

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