Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6171: There is a frontal battle

In the mysterious pagoda, several figures emerged. It was Lin Xuan and others.

As soon as they appeared, they were very clear-cut.

He stood opposite Cangqing Emperor and Xingyao Emperor,

The two of them frowned tightly,

To be honest, they did not expect that after the land fairy came out, they were not able to avoid the war,

Originally they thought that after the land fairy came out, they could avoid it.

But I didn't expect that the fighting was more fierce,

Only one person can win,

In this way, Lin Xuan and others are unlikely to keep their hands.

It is impossible to defeat without a fight. They can only fight against the water.

Thought of this, the two took a deep breath.

Emperor Ping Xingyao said, "I'm here to deal with that Lin Wuji. As for the other two, it's okay.

Emperor Wu Cangqing said, no problem,

The next moment, the two of them quickly shot, and the merciless sword on the merciless emperor cut off.

This sword is like the same Changhong.


The Redfish Emperor rushed over, and an extremely terrible light burst out from him, resisting the sword.

Ye Ye Wudao was shaken by qi and blood.

Forget it, you fight this battle,

看了 He looked and did not fight, but came aside.

Ye Ye watched the battle because he didn't plan to join hands with the Red Fish King.

His current strength, it is difficult to threaten the super emperor,

Being alive, the Redfish Emperor is also a super emperor and has his own pride.

Thank you so much.

The red fish emperor thanked Ye Wudao for a moment, and the next moment he roared,

The bright rays of light erupted in his eyes, staring at the Emperor Cangtian,

Some scales appeared on his body, and then a superpower burst out and rushed forward quickly.

The other side.

Lin Linxuan also stared at the Emperor Xingyao,

The Great Emperor Ping Xingyao gave a cold drink and shot it without saying a word.

There was a terrible starlight on him, and when the starlight appeared, the void around him kept shaking.

Countless stars seemed to turn into ancient swords and stabbed fiercely.

Emperor Ping Xingyao knew that Lin Xuan was terrible, so he didn't dare to keep anything.

However, Lin Xuan did not resist,

He shook his body, dodging quickly,

Emperor Ping Xingyao stunned, what happened, how could this boy dodge?

He knew about Lin Xuan's temper, but that was arrogant.

It ’s hard to fight with people. How can you dodge?

But he soon understood that Lin Xuan was practicing body style.

Before Lin Xuan opened the tomb of the demon god, the eagle **** was very happy,

The eagle eagle gave the other party a unique skill, called Tianying Instant.

I'm afraid the other person is practicing this way, right?

I really do. Lin Xuan is practicing Tianying momentarily.

After he arrived, he originally wanted to make a quick decision, but after thinking about it, he did not immediately solve the other party.

Because he has several advantages now,

第 1。 There is still a long time to go for 100 years. Second, they are dueling now, and other people cannot join at all.

That is to say, no matter how long you stay here, other people will not get 10 long fruits on the 6th day.

In this case, there is no need for Lin Xuan to start immediately.

And he sensed that this purple pagoda is also a treasure, which is most likely an artifact.

Cultivation is very safe here, so Lin Xuan regards Emperor Xingyao as a practice opponent.

I hate it,

I'm so abominable!

Emperor Ping Xingyao vomited blood,

After hundreds of strokes, Lin Xuan just dodged. At the beginning, the opponent's speed was still very slow, but gradually getting faster.

A pair of wings phantom appeared behind the other person, and gently waved, the speed was extremely fast,

It is indeed a terrific study given by the land fairy, and it is really terrifying,

Practice like this, the opponent's speed will become more and more scary

Emperor Ping Xingyao roared, boy, a kind of head-on battle!

Aren't you claiming to be invincible? Why dare not fight with me?

He started madly provocative, because he couldn't stand it anymore,

I'm so aggrieved!

Lin Linxuan was unmoved. Still dodging, and began to practice his body,

On the other side, the Red Fish Emperor and the Cangqing Emperor are very exciting, evenly matched,


When Zi Xian looked at this scene, she narrowed her eyes,

He was extremely disdainful of Lin Xuan at the beginning, it seemed that he was just an ordinary emperor.

Is not an opponent of Super King at all,

However, gradually, he found that something was wrong. How could this body form be similar to the eagle **** of the third heaven?

Although Lin Xuan just practiced, Zixian recognized it instantly.

Skyhawk, this kid can get Skyhawk!

什么 What is his relationship with Eagle God?

The terrestrial god's peerless learning will not be easily given to others, but now the eagle **** has given it!

Zixian wondered.

But since his rules have been set, he cannot change them,

I do n’t mean dodge, no problem, he has time,

He's been here for millions of years, and he doesn't mind spending more time watching the battle.

In a blink of an eye, 10 days passed, Lin Xuan was still practicing three times,

The great Emperor Ping Xingyao was so mad that in the end he simply could not shoot.


Tong Linxuan frowned slightly, then snorted coldly and shot decisively.

He struck out with a sword,

The sword was not intended to kill the Great Emperor Xingyao, but to kill the Great Cangqing.

The Great Emperor Cangqing was originally inextricably killed with the Red Fish Emperor, but suddenly he was slashed with a sword.

The whole person flew out and there was a huge crack behind him.

I almost split him in half,

She was hit hard in an instant,

Her eyes were red.

I hate it, Lin is invincible! Do you dare attack me?

He growled wildly.

At the same time he complained extremely,

Ping Xingyao, what did you eat? Why don't you stop this guy?

Ping Xingyao almost yelled, so despicable!

Some kind of you hit me!

To be honest, this scene was something he didn't even think of. He didn't plan to take a shot, even if Lin Wu-die shot against him, he would dodge.

He also wants to let the other party taste it, and punch it into the air,

Where I wanted to be, Lin Xuan didn't hit him, but directly attacked the Cangqing Emperor.

Emperor Ping Xingyao had no choice. Can only shoot again to kill Lin Xuan,

But Lin Xuan kept dodging and continued to practice her body,

I just passed this month. UU reading books www.

The emperor Cangqing has been getting more and more seriously injured this month.

After being attacked by Lin Xuan, the King of Red Fish seized the opportunity and began to attack wildly.

In the end, the Cangqing Emperor was defeated.

She was defeated, but she did not die or leave, but she recoiled aside and gritted her teeth,

Three months passed in a blink of an eye,

Emperor Ping Xingyao is really crazy,


Zixian is also frowning, too boring, even a few little ants took him so long,

He snorted, pointing to the purple pagoda in the void,

Suddenly, the pagoda was shaking, and everyone inside felt creepy.

At the same time, a sound sounded, the battle was divided in one day, otherwise, all of you will be wiped out.

Hearing this, Emperor Xingyao took a breath,

Lin Linxuan snorted. He patted his hand and took out the purple gourd.

After the 不 opened, the power of the immortal fire permeated,

The purple pagoda, which was originally terrifying, shook violently immediately after feeling the power of the immortal fire, and the light on it became dim.

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