Inverse Sword God

Chapter 6162: Twin Kings

Feeling the depressing atmosphere around him, the Cangqing Emperor was crazy.

I won, shouldn't you be happy and cheering?

Why do you want to cry?

Emperor Xingyao sighed. He didn't say anything, but stretched his finger forward.

The Cangqing Emperor looked at him subconsciously,

No one nearby, Lin Xuan and others are not here, is it possible that it has passed?

Is this why the people around are disappointed?

He was beaten,

The opponent passed the 4th seal faster than her!

The Cangqing Emperor felt unreal at that moment,

Although he failed in the dream, but for a reason,

Because he swelled at first, if he was careful,

He must be the first emperor, and he will definitely come out eventually.

If he does n’t swell, how can he get Lin Xuan in the limelight?

But now, does Lin Xuan surpass him in reality?

He looked towards the fifth seal and found that the fifth seal was empty.

He was relieved.

Let me just say, how could that guy be faster than me, it should have failed.

The Cangqing Emperor had a hint of luck,

However, the Great Emperor Xingyao couldn't help it, he said: Look at the fifth seal.

The Cangqing Emperor looked blank, and didn't realize what was going on.

He glanced at the 6th seal, then. He froze.

His expression became extremely surprised, shocked, can't believe it!

how is this possible!

The opponent is attacking Seal 6.

Has the other party broken the fifth seal?

This speed is too fast.

She exclaimed,

The next moment, the body of the Cangqing Emperor shuddered,

He felt a cold gaze, covering him like the light of death,

This is the look of the golem.

Scared that he never dared to say anything again,

Because he couldn't forget, an emperor on the other side of them had been slapped to death by a golem.

Is the Golem going to him now?

The Cangqing Emperor said in a hurry, the seniors rest assured, give me a little time, I recovered and immediately went to attack the fifth seal.

Humph! The Golem snorted, took his gaze, and led someone away.

This time the situation is not so good,

Unexpectedly, there was a Lin Xuan from the Eagle God, which completely surpassed them.

I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to compare them, and at the same time it strengthens his thinking.

He wants to catch each other, he wants to get everything from him.

And be fast, don't let the boss know.

Otherwise, the benefits are all the boss, he would not get at all.

Wait, when the other party fails, he will recuperate.

Because at that time, when the other party was weakest,

The attention of the Eagle God should not be on the opponent, but on the battle ahead.

That was the best time for him to shoot.

The sixth seal is up.

Lin Xuan still shot.

Everyone was also curious. I wonder what kind of monsters will appear in this sixth seal?

The next moment, they saw another tall figure coming out,

However, this tall figure was so strange that he had two heads.

Twin Kings.

Even the eagle **** exclaimed, his expression became a little dignified,

Others were surprised. Someone asked: Senior, what is the Twin King? They really haven't heard of it.

The **** of the eagle is saying that the twin kings are a monster in the immortal city, and the number is extremely rare,

I've seen it once, but that's it,

Unexpectedly, in this demon tomb, there was a twin king repaired by a super emperor.

Is he great? The King of Red Fish said,

Even though it ’s stronger than the previous Yasha, but Mr. Lin should not be afraid,

The Eagle God shook his head and said, it's not that simple,

The twin heads of these twin kings can destroy all ways.

In other words, Shentong and Xianshu cannot hurt each other.

Isn't it? The Red Fish King was stunned,

Ye Wudao, they also took a breath of cold air,

In the rear, the fourth day of the sky and the others laughed when they heard this,

Originally they were behind. If Lin Wudi swept all the way, they would have no chance at all.

But now, in the sixth seal, there is an existence that destroys all things.

I am afraid that the third-day person cannot be resisted even if he is strong.

This Lin is invincible.

The other party will fail, and they will soon catch up!

Turns out to be the twin king! Golems are also surprised,

He can see that although Lin Xuan's physique is strong, he can never lose his palm, but it is a peerless supernatural power.

Extremely powerful

Before the other side, he defeated Yasha with his big hand.

But it doesn't work for the twin kings,

Do not perform any magical powers, but rely on pure physical strength, but this way, the power will be much smaller.

After all, there is no Jiuyang **** body that can not be defeated by the big sun, and even Yasha is unbeatable

Not to mention, you want to defeat the Twin Kings.

This time, the other party really had no hope.

The twin kings stood in front of him, his two heads were black and white, like the Yin-Yang Taiji picture.

At this moment, two heads stared at Lin Xuan.

Four pairs of eyes showed a disdainful smile.

The blackhead said, humans, useless, stop here,

I did not know once that someone wanted to attack the tomb of the demon god, but they all failed.

The strongest one, also failed in the 6th seal here ~ ~ No one can beat us.

That's right, except for the land fairy, who suppresses us with super powerful repairs, we have not lost in the first battle.

Not to mention that you are just an ordinary emperor, you are not our opponent at all,

If you don't want to die, go away obediently.

The cold voice sounded, making everyone desperate,

Lin Xuan also frowned slightly, really can't? He didn't believe that much.

So he took it out with one palm,

Da Ri never slaps his palm forward, with vast power,

The twin kings stood there without moving at all, and let this attack hit them,

However, the great power of this day is not lost at this moment.

The black head exhaled a mysterious breath, which directly destroyed the supernatural power.

It really doesn't work! Looking at Da Ri's immortal palm disappearing, Lin Xuan frowned.

In the rear, Ye Wudao and others all exclaimed, even the Emperor Cangtian and the Emperor Xingyao were full of despair,

Fortunately, these twin kings are only owned in the immortal city. If they go out, who is the opponent?

The power of destroying all laws is really terrible and terrifying.

Boy, how do you crack it? Eagle God also took a deep breath,

He is also somewhat pessimistic about Lin Xuan,

Because if Lin Xuan only has those previous cards, I'm afraid it will be difficult to beat the opponent.

Not even the power of the fairy.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan then cast another fairy method, but this time it was a white head attack.

Destroyed the immortal law.

The two heads said, I did not expect that you could perform magical powers and immortals, and you really surprised me.

No wonder you can walk here at a young age!

But unfortunately, you met us.

Nothing works for us.

.. m.

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