Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5845: Siren Crocodile

Lin Linxuan began to look at each other seriously, he asked: elderly, what do you say?

It's very simple, let this little fairy follow me, she can be safe,

Follow you?

Zhong Lingxiu frowned.

The dark red dragon is also Lengheng: I think you are an old liar.


Chen Yixian shook his head: How could the old man be a liar? Follow the old husband and learn one or two tricks from me, she will be safe.

Dark Red Dragon, they obviously do not believe,

I even think of Lin Xuan as an old liar.

Chen Yixian was anxious, he said: knowing your danger, what is it?

He pointed to the front and said: That place is not where you can go. Under the land, there are demons buried.

We can't go in, can you go in?

Toad Lengheng: There is no place in the world where we cannot go,

一 Chen Yixian shook his head: You, the toad, do n’t know how high the sky is. Do you know where it is?

The old man can go in that place, but you can't, because the old man is Xianzun.

Ye Xianzun?

This time, Lin Xuan are all stunned.

Chen Yixian said: Yes, Xianzun.

What is cultivation for? Isn't it just for eternal life?

And this world has no way to live forever. Only the immortal world can live forever.

And I am a person from immortal realm, I am immortal, a realm you cannot imagine.

Hey, right?

Dark Red Shenlong them, startled, and asked: Are you better than the emperor?

I'm terrible.

Can you kill the Emperor in a second?

一 Chen Yixian shook his head: If it was the heyday, of course, no problem, but I came here from the fairy realm and got some injuries

Now only able to exert, 1% strength,

Therefore, temporarily weaker than the emperor.


Lin Linxuan and others, with a look of contempt,

Chen Yixian's old face blushed, he said: It's just weaker, but it can't fall much

Supreme, do you know? I am now the supreme strength,

You have to know, Supreme, that is also sweeping all directions,

He is the supreme master against the emperor,

You see, a living Supreme should not admire with one face?

However, the dark red dragon and toad shook their heads: what is our word? It turned out to be just a supreme,

It scared me and I was an immortal, really an old liar,

Lin Linxuan was calmer,

Hey Supreme, he knows a lot, and even, he defeated two Supremes,

So, facing the Supreme, he didn't have any worry.

Chen Yixian 懵: No? These young people are dead, that is, the realm of quasi-empire,

Seeing Supreme, shouldn't I be envious and excited, and then faint?

What's wrong? No indication at all,

I said, do n’t you know the Supreme, what is your strength?

Would you like to explain it to you?

I do n’t need it, it ’s just supreme, how strange it is.

Dark red Shenlong them, with a big wave,

Lin Linxuan also said: let's go,

He also has no interest,

Chen Yixian is anxious: Wait, you really ca n’t go there, there are demons,

I do n’t believe it, you see.

He waved his hand, took out a piece of rune paper, and flew forward,

The canvas in my hand is also constantly shaking,

Suddenly, the clouds rolled in front and the ground seemed transparent.

Everyone saw a magical scene, a figure that really fell asleep under the earth,

That is a behemoth, blue scales, blooming with dim light,

Also, there are countless chains on his body, locking him,

Those chains have terrible avenues.

I really have something.

Zhong Lingxiu, when I saw this scene, I took a breath of cold air,

Lin Linxuan frowned.

Chen Yixian saw this scene and smiled: how? Believe my husband,

The old man ’s supreme strength is not just for fun.

他 In his opinion, these little guys should be scared this time, and then it is time to admire him.

However, it did not.

A few people, from the previous surprise, soon calmed down,

Zhe Linxuan operated the reincarnation, carefully explored, and then said, "A terrible monster, beyond the nine crowns,

Alas, not the emperor.

Dark Red Dragon also said: Is it very powerful? Compare with me?

He roared upward.


The terrible roar also spread out,

The roar of the dragon shook the world, and it sounded like a thunder, making the scalp numb,

The big yellow dog at the foot of Chen Yixian was suddenly dissatisfied, and also barked loudly,

The sound of cricket is so sharp that it can even compete with the voice of the dark red Shenlong,

This surprised Lin Xuan and others.

This big yellow dog is not ordinary,

Chen Yixian changed his face. He kicked the big yellow dog and said, "Shut up, do you want to wake him up?"

At the same time, he looked at Lin Xuan and others again.

几个 You young people, I do n’t know if the sky is thick,

How can the devil inside me be provoked? Hurry back and stop provoking him.

Qiqie, old man, are you so scared? If you are scared, you go, we are not afraid,

Toad also jumped up. His power was even more terrifying. After all, he was a semi-empire.

Under these people, shouting and crying, the monsters under the earth seemed to be awake from their deep sleep,

A breath of terror, permeated,

Zhong Lingxiu's face changed, she said: Lin Xuan, is it okay? Stop provoking any horrible existence,

But Lin Xuan said: Rest assured, it's not the monster of the emperor, I haven't looked into it yet.

I didn't put it in my eyes?

Chen Yixian next to me, when I heard this, I was all lost: Little boy, do you know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is?

Under the Great Emperor, don't you pay attention?

He didn't even dare to provoke him.


At this time, the mysterious existence beneath the ground in front of me suddenly woke up.

His eyes opened, as if the endless sea water emerged, sweeping Jiuxiao,

At the same time, his huge body is also shaking slowly,

Then everyone found out that it was a crocodile,

However, the body is very large, and the breath is terrifying.

It wants to rise to the sky, but the chains on its body restrain it,

Alas, it did not give up,

Because it heard it, someone was challenging it,

The big yellow dog no longer barks, and Chen Yixian also said: Not good ~ ~ Bahai Demon Crocodile, finally woke up?

Your people are in great trouble.

Toad scorned and said: Aren't you Xianxun? It is not even the emperor. What are you afraid of?

You old man is a liar,

However, Chen Yixian shook his head: what do you know? The ability of the old man is not in combat.

Alas, never mind, since it is suppressed, it should not come out,

Since the old husband met, he couldn't ignore it.

Talk to you guys, step back and watch the old man come to suppress it.

Chen Yixian walked forward, Rhubarb seemed unwilling to go up, was kicked by Chen Yixian, and said: Useless things, come with me.

Dahuang just kept up.

Chen Yixian was dancing at the moment, his white hair was flying, as if it had really turned into an old fairy,

With a wave of his sleeve robe, 16 rune papers flew over and fluttered between heaven and earth.


He whispered, and Rhubarb reluctantly showed blood.

一 Chen Yixian used these dog blood to write a mysterious avenue on the rune paper.

Then cold drink: Eight wastes and six combinations, suppress.

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