Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5795: Top 10 Masters

Great, you are Tianyangmen, etc.

Come down and help us kill back,

Those in heaven, I do n’t know how to die. This time, I want to take revenge,

I want them to die better than life,

Three people showed up with sloppy smiles.

In the sky, the strong are like clouds, pressed down and suspended in mid-air,

They looked cold, and even, many people looked weird,

Three injured people, frowning,

how? Don't you listen to orders? We are from Zifu.

However, no one was moved by the five martial arts.

Damn, it's against you, and I'll see you drunk to death.

One of them is going to do it,

However, at this time,

A handsome young man came out, he said in a deep voice: "Useless, he won't listen to you,

Because I am them, and now the master, they respect me.

Take your respect, who are you? People on the other side? The three wounded were terrified,

In their opinion, the only one who has such a arrogant tone is the strongest on the other side.

However, the young man shook his head: the other side? You are mistaken, I am not from the other side,

then who are you?

My name is Lin Wudi.

what? It turned out to be you.

The three injured people's faces changed greatly. How could they possibly have never heard of this name?

This is their rival, but why can they lead the five majors?

Damn, kill me. Three wounded people roared and shot strong,

The law gushes like lightning,

However, the five majors did not move,

Lin Xuan, however, reached out and shot a sword.

One sword fell off, like a sea of ​​oceans, swallowing up the three,

After Jianqi disappeared, the three's bodies were broken, and only their souls were shaking in the air.

Too powerful to escape.

Lin Xuan grabbed his hands and grabbed the souls of the three. He didn't kill each other just to collect the soul.

The reincarnation eye opens, collecting the souls of the three,

The souls of the three people trembled. Finally, they were killed by Lin Xuan's fire of reincarnation.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, the brilliance of Ling Yan broke out: Did Zifu shoot at Heaven?

Huh, I don't know if you live or die, come with me.

He took the lead and rushed out.

In the rear, the five martial arts people quickly followed.

In fact, they still have a hope in their hearts. Once they meet with the army of Zifu, they will cooperate with Zifu to kill Lin Wudi together.

That's why they followed.

In the mountains ahead, an amazing war broke out.

At this moment, the battle is coming to an end. Countless bodies on the ground, bones, blood and mountains,

The sky is broken, big cracks, make the scalp numb,

At this moment, there are only a dozen figures left. Ten of them, like gods, surround two people.

These two people, a man and a woman, are very young, and now they are all bloody,

The man said in a deep voice: Ten of you, who are also known as strong men, dare to challenge me?


Ten people laughed after hearing: Are you the northern demon of heaven?

I have to say that you really are a genius, it is not easy to be able to support to this day,

However, you killed us, too many strong men, we do not allow you to live.

As for heads-up, stop dreaming, we won't give you a chance.

hateful. North demon gritted his teeth.

There was a woman next to her, her face was so beautiful, and at the moment, she was also injured.

Bei Yao said: I'll find an opportunity later to stop them, you take the opportunity to escape.

No, I want to be with you. The beautiful woman shook her head,

Bei Yao said: Do n’t be stupid. In this situation, it ’s already a blessing to live one.

It ’s really deep.

After listening to the top ten strong guys, they laughed: Do you think you can create opportunities?

Just let you two be a pair of life and death.

Do it.

With a rage, the ten strong men broke out, extremely terrible killing intentions, endless rules, straight into the clouds,

The road is roaring, as if the gods are firing,

After the blow, the North Demon vomited blood and flew down,

His body became bigger and turned into a tree of gods.

There is a terrible demon flower, spinning in bloom,

But even so, it was penetrated,

Countless trunks have fallen down, and the demon **** flower is also broken and withered.

The north demon spit blood,

Beauty woman despair.

Such a strong vitality, your blood is really extraordinary.

The top ten were surprised when they saw it, but it was over.

A man in the lead, wearing a golden battle armor and holding a sword in his hand, was extremely powerful.

He gave an order, and the others cooperated with him.

Do not. Demon despair,

The beautiful woman also closed her eyes, and they couldn't resist this blow.

However, at this time, a distant sound came from the distance, like a sun, landing in this place.

The terrible fire of fire swept the Eight Wildlands, and a terrible duel occurred.

After one blow, the sun slowly disappeared,

The beautiful woman opened her eyes and was surprised: I was not dead. Someone was trying to save them.

But the North Demon was excited: Could this be the flame of the sun? Is he here?

who is it?

The top ten are also frowning: who dares to take care of their affairs?

They looked into the distance, and saw that in the distance, the strong, like clouds, floated quickly.

Tianyangmen, Tianyuemen, are the five martial arts? Did you try to intercept us?

The ten strong men with frowns,

The elders of Tianyangmen were shocked: this is the top ten strong person, very famous person in the top ten martial arts ~ ~.

These ten people, all wearing gold battle armor, are called the golden strong,

Their strength is very scary.

The elder of Tianyuemen said, "Should we do it?"

The elder of Tianyangmen shook his head at this moment: wait and see first.

He still feels unsure, although he believes that the top ten are unparalleled,

However, after all, Lin Wuji is too strong, so he is ready to wait a bit,

Look at the strength and disparity between the two sides.

The top ten Lengheng wanted to question Tianyangmen and others,

However, at this time, Lin Xuan came out. His eyes ignored the top ten, but he turned to the North Demon.

He said, good brother, long time no see.

It really is you. Bei Yao also laughed, he knew that this time they were safe.

who are you? The man with the golden sword asked, frowning,

You are from Purple House.

Lin Xuan turned his head and stared at these people.

Bei Yao said: They were convened by the Purple House. The top ten gold powerhouses are very strong, so be careful.

Lin Xuan said: Just ten people, not enough to watch.

Be bold. The top ten are angry.

Not enough? Have they been despised? Really do not know how to live or die.

They looked at Tianyangmen and others: This is you, the apprentice who has been taught, and will not kneel to me yet.

Tianyangmen and others smiled bitterly.

Lin Xuan said, "I am their master. Now, they are already my martial arts. It's up to you?" act recklessly.

One of them, the man in the gold armor, came out,

He has a golden handle in his hand

Boy, let me end you.

He cut it out with a single stroke, and the golden light enveloped the world.

The five martial arts in the distance raised hopes again. Can this move kill Lin Wudi?

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