Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5567: Tianji's strength!

[Book Title: Chapter 5658 of the Inverse Sword God's Text] Tianji's Strength! Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: this star comes from the Earth ’s Quick Wear System Raiders, the world ’s ninth hundredth most refined **** to buy a house! Hoard! Make a home! Get rich! Jiu Xing Ba Ti Jue Wushen World Emperor Ji Wang "|" | provides you with wonderful novel reading.

Young man, go back,

Although you are strong and Zhundi is not your opponent, but you want to swallow so many of our families, you can't.

Go back and let more people come to negotiate with us. The ancestor of Batian said with a deep voice.

Mandala Zhundi also said, you go, otherwise don't blame us for the shot.

It's up to you? Tianji sinks his face,

Dare to threaten me, you all **** it.

The voice fell, and there was a sudden flash of thunder at his feet, which disappeared in an instant,

At the time of his appearance, he had come to the emperor Mandala.

And refers to as a sword, one sword cut off.

Seeing the horror of this sword, the dwarf mandala did not dare to take the slightest care,

Forest of life.

He screamed angrily, struck the endless forest, and appeared in front of him overwhelmingly,

As if turned into a world,

At the same time, the surrounding emperors were also angry,

Still dare to do it, since this suppresses him and gives him a lesson,

The Devil of Heaven blasted over with a punch, with fright in his fist,

The mad sword quasi-emperor cut out with one stroke, and the other quasi-quasi-emperors also cast their immortals.

Boom boom!

Where the celestial pole is located, it instantly shatters into a black hole.

Several great emperors looked so cold that you asked for it, no wonder we were.

That is, let you know how great we are.

This guy isn't going to die, there is Jundi frowning,

To kill the other party, the trouble is big,

Datura said, no, everyone has the power to control, he can't die,

He would certainly be injured, suppress him, and send him away.

The voice dropped, the black hole in front disappeared slowly, and a figure came out.

Tianji's mouth was smiling, the silver armor on his body was arcing, and he came out without injury.

how is this possible!

The quasi-empires around you are stunned, and you are not injured? This is impossible!

Although they control the power and do not kill the other party, they will definitely hurt the other party.

But now, the other person is unharmed. What is going on?

Is the other party blocking it? It's incredible.

Heaven sneers, stupid things, you don't know anything about the power of the fairy land.

Let me tell you, what is the true immortality?

With the wave of Tianji's hand, the endless thunder light condensed in his palm.

Immortal law, thunder broke.

With a low drink, the thunder in his hand flew out, smashed into a flash of lightning, and blasted among the eight great emperors

Then the thunder broke apart suddenly, and the horrible and devastating power hit the eight great emperors.

Not good, defend quickly!

The eight quasi-empires rebelled, but they were blasted out in a flash, vomiting blood,

Their bodies were penetrated by the Thunder.

Damn, how could it be, how could he be so powerful? Mandala Zhundi looked desperate,

Flying fish Zhundi, I am so happy that I have died,

Furious knife Jundi is also full of panic,

The eight of them were ready to shoot together, but they couldn't help each other, but were injured by each other.

How many crowns is this?

Six crowns? Or seven crowns?

They dare not think any more.

Deep in the fairy earth, a young man who came out has such strength, to what extent are those old monsters terrible?

No wonder the other person said they were ants,

In the face of such absolute strength, they are indeed ants.

Tianji retracted his palm, and a terrible thunder bloomed in his eyes.

He sneered, originally I didn't want to do anything, I wanted to talk to you well,

As a result, you do n’t know whether to live or die, you have to let me do it, and now you are suffering.

This is just the beginning. If you dare to resist again, I will let you die.

His voice was trembling with a slaughter of intent to kill.

Remember, one month later, I come to collect half of your family's resources.

If anyone doesn't finish, don't blame me for destroying him, including his family!

you! Too arrogant,

Although you defeated us, do you want to compete with our family?

The decent lord roared, and the mad knife quasi-emperor was dissatisfied.

To give you one last advice, Tianji also sank his face. He said, Do you think it is our Tianlei people, do you want your resources?

it is ridiculous,

This time, I came by the order of the other side,

Resist me, that's against the other side,

What's the end? You think about it yourself,

Remember, you only have one month.

Tianji turned around and said to the old servant behind him, stay here and stare at them, and notify me a month later.


The old servant bowed deeply.

The sky polarized into one, streamer, disappeared.

But these quasi-perfect emperors fell to the ground, but they were shocked.

What, the other party was ordered by the other side?

Tianlei, they may not have heard of it, but the name of the other shore is like Lei Guaner,

Because this is the Supreme Overlord of Xiantu,

Even in the depths of Xiantu, it is extremely scary. No one dares to challenge the other side.

The other party is high above him. Whoever dares to challenge will end up with worse life than death.

This is all the consensus of Xiantu,

However, the other shore today does not appear because of the book of heaven in the sky,

Is it possible that the other side will break the seal?

No, there should be no breach of the seal. Another quasi emperor smiled bitterly,

The great emperor families in the outer universe joined hands to type out the book of heaven and seal the other side.

On the other side, if you want to break the seal and come out quickly, you need external force.

So he hit his mind on us.

You mean, this is the battle between the other shore and the outer universe ~ ~ but we are involved?

Damn, why so bad. There are also some people roaring, are n’t all the people outside the universe all gnats?

How dare you compete with others?

No, don't underestimate the outside. In the outer universe, there have been many great emperors.

They are definitely qualified.

But now, let's think about our own problems. Do we really want to give half of our resources?

What if you do n’t give it?

These people are unwilling, but they are afraid of the anger on the other side,

At this time, the blood master got up, he seemed to remember something,

Lin Gongzi.

Go to Mr. Lin, he may be able to guard us.

Yeah, maybe there is any way,

Mandala Zhundi also shines his eyes,

The same is true of other quasi-empires,


Mr. Lin, it's time to join the exchange meeting on the third floor. Let's go to him.

These Zhundi rushed out of the villa quickly,

In the void, the old servant left by the Tianlei tribe sneered, he raised his head, stared at those who left, followed the same,

He didn't stop,

No matter who, there is no way to compete with them,

Therefore, what these people do is always futile.

This guy is following us. After feeling the breath, those prospective emperors in front of them also frowned tightly,

They found that the old servant had followed like a shadow.

Ignore him, we hurried to the third floor,

These people rushed to the third floor,

On the third level, the younger generation ’s exchange meeting is still underway. Suddenly, the formation is torn apart

Someone rushed in.

who! They are angry.

Princess Jiuman also frowned,

But when they saw someone coming, they were shocked.

(= One second to remember)

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