Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5094: Skyfire 1 clan!

Speaking of your passage again, the six scattered people spoke in a deep voice,

In front of them were two youths, pale and wounded.

Hear that. A young man took a deep breath and said,

It was like this. Five days ago, our family was searching.

Gradually, we entered into a valley, and at first we felt nothing.

But all of a sudden, a terrible flame broke out in that valley,

Many monsters rushed out, and they started to attack us crazy,

Many people in our family have fallen,

It was our elders who were desperately escorted before sending us both out.

But even so, we are all dead.

Those monsters chased after, but fortunately met their predecessors. Otherwise we will die.

Monster, what kind of monster? Lin Xuan frowned,

What can live on the sun besides Jinwu?

The two young men seemed to think of something, their expressions were frightened, and they shivered,

Crow, crow surrounded by flames.

They are too scary,

We are also the flame family, but our flame cannot resist them at all,

Even their claws can easily tear our defenses apart.

Lin Xuan frowned,

The six casual people nearby said that it was a fire crow, and it was a sun fire crow.

Heaven and Earth Beast,

Living on the sun at this moment, swallowing the endless fire of the sun, so it became terrifying.

When I rescued them, only a few were chasing them, so I was able to rescue them.

If it's the overwhelming Sun Fire Raven, I have no way at all,

Even I could fall.

It turned out this way, Lin Xuan understood.

He looked forward and said, do you remember that valley? take me to.

Hearing this voice, the two young people froze,

Because the voice is also very young, they were very surprised,

In their view, what can make Liudao casual people so respectful should be the extremely scary old monster,

But now, how does it feel like the other person is a young man.

But soon they ignored it.

Because the other person ’s words made them panic,

Go to that valley again?

They quickly shook their heads, and the older generation spared us. We managed to come out alive.

Go in again, I'm afraid we are dead.

Rest assured, with me, you are absolutely safe,

Lin Xuan said lightly, he thought that the valley might be a clue.

So he won't miss it.

They hesitated,

Did Liudao Sanren sink his face? Do you dare not listen to your son?

Believe it or not I don't care about you now, let you be buried in this sun,

They were shocked.


The man in black robe in front was really a young man, and at the same time they were frightened.

Seniors spare lives, sons spare lives, let's go, can't we lead the way?

Next, the two started to lead the way.

Go forward, the more terrifying the flames of the flames in front, the temperature of the entire void is enough to make the saint instantly turn into a blood mist,

These two young people couldn't support it,

The two of them are from the fire clan, two geniuses,

When I came before, I followed the elders of the family.

The elders really shot.

They follow the elders without fear and let them go by themselves.

But fortunately, now Lin Xuan and Liudao scattered people are here to help them defend the fire.

Both people can fly safely.

After flying for about five days, I stopped.

Liudao scattered people said, this is where I saved them,

You see, there are still traces of the battle around, just those Sun Ravens, the body is gone.

A golden light burst into Lin Xuan's eyes, looking around,

He nodded, then said, keep going,

The people continued to move forward, and the way forward, Liudao casual people did not know.

Can only rely on these two young people.

at last. Five more days and they came

Ahead, there is a valley.

It looked quaint and simple from the outside, there was no danger, but the two young men did not dare to enter.

Lin Xuanwang said to Liudao Sanren and went in to see.

Liudao San fluttered in shape, flew towards the inside,

After entering, the surroundings were extremely quiet, and Liudao scattered people kept walking forward,

Suddenly, a huge fire broke out in front of him, and then countless fire crows appeared, killing six scattered people.

Liudao Sanren, his pupils shrunk, and punched.

The six fists broke everything, a lot, the fire crow turned into blood mist,

However, the number of fire crows was too large, and the six people were frightened. They were not rivals and quickly retreated.

Leaving the valley.

It would be too much for someone to want to enter this valley.

Just then, a cold laugh came from afar,

Immediately afterwards, several figures came over.

The man was led by a man, followed by two old men, and a middle-aged woman.

Not many people, but they are very calm,

Who are you Liudao San frowns,

The two young men did exclaim, the people of the Tianhuo clan.

The pedestrian in front of them looked towards the two young men, and then snorted, who am I? It turned out to be from the fire clan,

Just a few of you can't get in! The fire family quickly rolled away.

The two young people were so scared they couldn't speak, they couldn't compete with each other at all ~ ~ The other was a Skyfire family, extremely powerful.

Liudao Sanren is angry, let us go, it's up to you?

The man from the Tianhuo family laughed. I know what you are doing here, don't you just want to find the Sun Palace?

Tell you, we really know the clue.

Oh you know? Lin Xuan was surprised,

Liudao Sanren is even more humming. If you know, let's talk about it.

Hahahaha, the people of the Tianhuo family laughed, but you still want to know?

You don't have this qualification!

We only sell clues to those who have the ability. As for your Lihuo family, even if you give them ten times the price, you do not have this ability!

court death!

Liudao Sanren was angry, and the other party thought they were Lihuo, but unfortunately, he was not.

Lin Xuan, not even more.

Six punches went out.

Through the world,

The Tianhuo man's pupils shrank, and he was dismissive of the Lihuo man.

However, the punch made by the opponent was too terrible.

Damn, you're not from the fire!

He stepped back quickly and an old man behind walked out,

A palm shot, terrible flames, bright light, shining on the Quartet,

Collided with Liu Dao Quan,

There was a trembling sound, and then three steps back,

The old man's arms trembled and he took a cool breath,

Liudao Sanren frowned even more, his fists blackened, and it was burned by flames.

It seems that the old man of the other party is not weaker than him,

It ’s really hard to beat the winner.

Seeing this, the young people of the Tianhuo smiled again,

Although you are not from the fire family, what about it?

You are at best against an elder, and we have two masters here,

Can you stand up to it?

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