Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5019: Empress!

This pointer is really terrible,

The ancient Tianpeng growled wildly in front of him. He waved his wings and killed him with a strong force. ,

This power can overthrow everything,

But when I met that finger, it collapsed instantly.

In ancient times, Tianpeng uttered an endless crack on his body.

Then burst apart, turning into an endless blood mist

He was vomiting blood and backed up, and his face became extremely pale,

This ancient Tianpeng was condensed by the power of his blood, and now it is destroyed, his blood has become extremely weak.

Lost too much power,

He backed away, his body shaking,

This is impossible,

He growled wildly, this is already his most powerful hole card,

But why couldn't the other side **** it,


Can he really not beat each other?

Those other people were also shocked. What was that black finger?

What is that phantom?

They were shocked, even the Phoenix family frowned tightly,

Why, I feel that this shadow is so dangerous,

Even Lin Xuan was stunned,

So powerful

But he knew how terrible that ancient Tianpeng was, and he wanted to destroy each other, unless he took out the devouring pot or the big dragon sword

But now, it's amazing with just one finger.

This is just a finger. If the whole demon phantom is summoned, I am afraid that nothing is an opponent.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath. He would continue to practice the Magic Book and strive to summon a more real shadow.

Taking back the phantom of the demon, Lin Xuan looked forward and took a deep breath,

This summoning also consumed a lot of his power, but he has no sword world, but he is not afraid.

He looked forward and said, You are defeated, fulfill your promise,

From then on wherever the city appeared, you disappeared.

Okay, I can do it.

Lin Wudi, lost to you this time, but I will win one day.

After that, he turned and left,

The people of the Tianpeng family quickly chased after them. Now they are seriously injured and they must be protected.

Tianpeng patriarch also said, Phoenix Taoist, let's take a step first.

After that, he took someone away quickly.

Defeated? Those around me marveled,

They ca n’t imagine it.

At first they were all worried about Lin Xuan, but the end result was a complete loss.

Is he really so scary?

Shi Yuanfeng suddenly felt that he was defeated, and it was not unacceptable.

The people in the Thunder movement were frightened, and they all fell to their knees.

Provoke such existence, they will be in danger in the future,

The elders of the Leidong clan hurriedly took out several congratulations and said that before Lin Gongzi, we didn't know Taishan and offended the son, so we paid him a gift.

These things, I hope the son accept,

After speaking, he was placed in the void, and then fled quickly with people.

With a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, a thunderbolt, the elder's grandson was shredded into shreds.

He made a terrible cry, didn't he? help me,

The thunderous people stopped and looked around,

I found that the other person was killed and killed.


Who is scared.

Lin Xuan sneered. He wanted to kill me. I killed him normally.

Will you avenge him?

The people of the Redon family were silent,

The leading elder laughed, we dare not,


They are all bleeding, but they still have to smile.

This feeling has not been experienced for many years,

Now a young man is so overwhelmed that they can't lift his head.

Others were shocked after seeing it.

God, they seem to witness the rise of a young emperor.

Those other families also came to worship.

In the crowd, Bei Ye, Jia Luo and others were dull,

Is he really the brother Lin we know?

He turned out to be a champion!

He even defeated nothing!

These people seem to be dreaming.

The people from the Phoenix tribe were equally shocked. The patriarch of Phoenix took a deep breath and walked forward.

Mr. Lin, please.

She is very polite,

The people around them were shocked. The patriarch of the grand emperor turned out to treat a young man with such courtesy.

It is conceivable that the Phoenix family is also optimistic about each other.

Let's go. Lin Xuan took Qicheng's hand and walked towards it.

Next, the Phoenix family solemnly received Lin Xuan,

Those around them also paid tribute to one another, and for a moment, Lin Xuan became a highly anticipated genius.

Things here spread, the world shakes,

Unexpectedly, this Lin Xuan turned out to be so terrible.

The Tianpeng people's faces are ugly, and the Thunder people also grit their teeth.

All their faces were lost, and they even planned to contact the Tianpeng family to see if they needed compensation or assassination.

However, there was no movement from the Tianpeng family. Obviously, they were hit too hard this time.

They lost on the first day, making them unacceptable.

The geniuses before the Phoenix family also changed their faces and smiled.

Come to Lin Xuan and toast.

They used to be arrogant, but now they have to accompany their smiles.

Because at the moment sitting on both sides of Lin Xuan, one is Murong Qingcheng with colorful Phoenix blood,

The other is their emperor daughter Feng Jiu,

These two people are sitting here, and who dare to presumptuously.

Coupled with the strength previously displayed by Lin Wudi ~ ~ is not weaker than the emperor.

Everyone can only please.

You practice the inheritance of the emperor, Feng Jiu asked in a deep voice,

Lin Xuan nodded, yes, it is indeed the inheritance of the emperor,

He did not conceal it, this matter has spread in the ancient city of Shengyuan,

The Phoenix family only needs to find out, and he has no plans to hide it.

He showed no less strength than the emperor, and he did not have the blood of the emperor, that could only be passed down by the emperor,

He is not afraid of these people coming to grab, whoever dares to take action against him will send him to hell.

Well, I did n’t expect to meet another powerful opponent,

But hope we can join forces,

Allure is a member of our Phoenix family, then you are naturally a noble guest of my Phoenix family,

At that time we will join forces to sweep the emperors first, and then decide the victory.

Yes, you can discuss this matter with Qingcheng.

Lin Xuan nodded,

Although he and Feng Jiu had a battle in the morning and evening, they can first alliance against other emperors,

And together with the Phoenix family, Lin Xuan also has a powerful help.

Even if the other party ca n’t do anything to help him kill the Dragon Prince, he can use the strength of the Phoenix clan to contain other enemies.

It can be said that Lin Xuan did not suffer at all.

The next day, Lin Xuan stayed with the Phoenix family and stayed with Murong.

As for the dark red Shenlong, toad, and Xiaobai, they went out and played happily,

Lin Xuan is not worried, these guys are also very strong,

About two months later, Lin Xuan is practicing silently this day,

But the dark red dragon flew back,

He was dusty, gritted, damned, bullied too much.

Boy, hurry up with me to save people.

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