Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4549: Spiritual Road, Ancient Land!

Only in the face of stronger opponents can you hone your sword skills. If you are weaker than yourself, there is no meaning in cultivation.

This practice is also very dangerous. Every time someone is seriously injured,

The effect is also very good,

Hundreds of swordsmen are very scary, they can sweep thousands of armies,

It can be said that countless swordsmen want to join Jianmen.

Sword dance explained in detail, Lin Xuan nodded slightly after hearing, he looked at the three figures,

These three are very strong and their sword skills are outstanding. And it looks like, very young, is a young peerless swordsman.

Their opponent is a finches.

The wings spread, forming an endless wind-blown flame, sweeping over,

The three played against them,

Evenly matched.

Gradually, the three of them took the upper hand, punched countless sword marks on the dragonfinch, and blood flowed out.

The finches were irritated and attacked frantically, trying desperately, but were suppressed by death.

At this moment, the dragon sparrow roared, and the power on his body broke out.

In an instant, the three sword masters were blown out,

The finches roared in the sky, and their blood was burning.

not good,

This guy has hidden strength before, and now he is desperate!

In the current state, the power of the finches is very horrible. Among the holy kings, they are top-level beings.

Almost approaching the end of the Holy King infinitely,

Letting the other's blood burn down will definitely reach the late stage of the Holy King.

In this way, the deadly threat to these sword masters,

Damn it.

The swordmasters around are also roaring and want to shoot,

But unfortunately, each of them has an opponent,

The beasts roared together, forming a crazy attack,

Damn, these guys dare to contact in secret,

The people in Jianmen were crazy.

In the sky, sword dance and sword thirteen also changed their faces, not good. I have heard the elder Wushuang said before,

This finches is very unusual. With the blood of the Dragons, it now seems stronger than the blood of imagination,

He is desperate now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress him,

Would you like to notify the elder Wushuang?

I'm afraid it's too late, sword dance, pale,

The finches spread their wings and kill the three geniuses below,

Those three geniuses are also in despair, are they going to die,

They are all top swordsman Tianjiao, and their future achievements are limitless, but it ’s a pity that something unexpected happened to them.

Just when everyone was desperate, Lin Xuan started,

He fluttered and rushed down,

The next moment came between the two,

Facing the dragon sparrow, one was shot, and the man Wang Yin blasted out with the supreme power of God.

A quaver-like voice sounded, the finches were blown away, and the feathers of the sky fell, with endless flames piercing the sky for nine days.

So powerful. Many people are surprised,


The three geniuses were also stunned. They looked at the figure in front of them with shock.

Who is this person? Why don't they know

The finches were blown out and roared, and the remaining blood was burning fast,

The next moment, he turned into a flamed sword and rushed over.

Nine days and ten places were torn,

Not good, run away. The three geniuses are also crazy growling,

In Lin Xuan's eyes, the radiance of maggots erupted, and I did not know what was alive or dead.

On him, the endless sword light turned into a sword god,

Wushuang Sword was held in his hand.


The sword gas was cut off, and the heavens and the earth were split in half. This sword enveloped the finches,

The world was broken, the finches' body broke apart and fell from the sky.

The boundless storm sweeps around,

Everyone looked up at the sky, stunned,

What a powerful sword. This is a peerless swordsmanship. Who is this?

Bang Bang Bang,

The two halves of the finches fell to the ground and set off countless dusts, shaking the formation.

Those powerful monsters around, looking at this scene, roaring wildly, seemingly want to tear the array and kill Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan held a sword in his hand, snorted coldly, looked coldly.

At a glance, the monsters trembled, and a terror appeared in their hearts.

He didn't growl, even backed up one by one.

Those around were stunned! They are wondering, this young man is so terrible,

The sword thirteen and sword dance are also full of shock. Was the opponent just playing swordsmanship? It was so terrible,

The news they received before was that the other party was a master of physical training, but it was unexpected that he was also a peerless swordsman.

I do n’t know who the son is. The three geniuses also came over. They said with a fist, thank you for your grace.

Lin Xuan laughed, being polite, we will be our own in the future,

Three people stunned, what is your son?

At this time, Jian Wu walked over and laughed, this is the peerless genius brought back by the elder without defects, Lin Xuan, Lin Gongzi.

It ’s you, these people around Jianmen are so surprised,

They also heard that the elders of Wushuang brought back a peerless genius and even competed for a place in the game.

Before, they were still dissatisfied, and wanted to see what was sacred, but now they were shocked to see them.

Gongzi, can you teach us swordsmanship? These people are excited.

Lin Xuan laughed, okay,

The next day, Lin Xuan was in this valley to learn swordsmanship with these people.

The strength of hundreds of sword sages is also advancing by leaps and bounds, and they are deeply convinced by Lin Xuan's sword skills.

I did not expect that Lin Xuan was about the same age as them, even younger than them.

The skill in swordsmanship is so superb,

This is simply a young sword god!

After half a month, we finally ushered in the test.

At this moment, the atmosphere inside Xuantian Pavilion has changed.

Not only Xuantian Pavilion, but the entire Tianxuan Eastern Region became nervous.

Because this time the competition is about the ancient land of spirituality.

This is a very unusual place. If you can get and enter cultivation, it will greatly help cultivation and the improvement of the law.

It can be said that even these holy kings are in great need, and they are determined to get it.

The ancient legend of Lingdao is very magical ~ ~ is a peerless big man who once stayed there,

And more than one, even the young emperor came there, so it ’s very amazing,

It was an ancient land with a mysterious atmosphere, like a fairyland.

At this moment, many people have gathered around the ancient land of Lingdao,

Each one has a strong breath, and there is a faint light in his eyes.

Among them, some came to participate in the competition, and some came to watch the battle.

After all, this is a big thing.

On several peaks, the people who stayed there were terrible. The breath was over nine days.

They are the strong men of Changhezong, Battle Wangfeng, and Bingyudian.

This is Tianxuan Dongyu and its terrible martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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