Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4419: Light of reincarnation!


Montenegro formed a **** seal on one side, descended in the sky, and killed the other side.

The two battles shocked everyone,

They found that Montenegro was able to withstand the attack of samsara, it was really shocked,

But this guy has just become a holy king, can he compete with samsara?

How did he do it?

Reincarnation is also frowning. It is reasonable to say that the breath on the other side is too weak.

Such a person, he can instantly kill,

But he found that he couldn't do it now,

Because each time the opponent hits the weakness of his strength and rules,

In other words, the opponent is fighting against him,

Is it a coincidence?

No one knows his flaws,

Your Tian Ling Gong is not so good. It ’s a long way off.

Montenegro sneered,

Reincarnation is a pupil shrinking, he growls wildly, **** who you are, who you are,

He was really shocked,

Tiangong Gong, this is the martial art he practiced, no one knows, even the Spiritual King,

It is estimated that only he himself knows this world,

But how did the other party know?

Could it be that the other party came from the funeral star!

But it shouldn't be, he thought about it, never knew each other,

But Montenegro said nothing, and still controlled the **** seal.

Keep on attacking,

The reincarnation method was completely gloomy, and he said, since you want to die, I will fulfill you,

The palm of his hand was printed, and a light of reincarnation glowed in his eyes,


The **** seal was blown away, and then that light penetrated Montenegro,

Not good, Lin Xuan's pupils shrank, and the other holy kings also exclaimed.

Is it possible that such a strong person cannot resist?

So who is the opponent?

Montenegro's body turned into blue smoke, disappearing and then formed on the other side,

Light of reincarnation? Hum, if I win, I can slap you with a slap!

Although Montenegro is now restored, but the Holy King is restored, some great magical powers cannot be cast at all.

Rebirth sneer, who am I? It turns out that it has only this strength, no matter who you are? You are not my opponent.

Then together!

Wusong holy king snorted, and other holy kings also stood up,

The law of reincarnation is laughing. Since you are looking for death, then I will send you on the road.

After a great battle, the young disciples around were desperate,

Because they found so many holy kings, they shot together, and they were not even opponents of reincarnation.

The opponent is really too strong, not only has the strength of the late King,

It has the light of reincarnation. When that light comes out, no one can stop it.

Lin Xuan was equally shocked, not only because of the strength of reincarnation law,

Or because of the light of reincarnation,

When the first reincarnation light came out, his heavenly **** pupil changed.

An extremely terrifying breath is shaking,

His heavenly **** pupil seems to have received something calling,

It surprised him,

I thought something was wrong with Tianji Shentong and I was injured.

But then, he discovered that it wasn't, because only when the light of reincarnation came out, the heavenly gods' pupils would undergo such changes.

Is it possible to be a god-given pupil, what is the connection with reincarnation?

He said, Brother, can you help me devour a light of samsara?

What do you want to do?

Lin Xuan talked about her changes,

The King of Warriors was shocked when he heard it, okay, but you have to be careful,

The light of reincarnation is too terrible. In case of injury, I am afraid that it will immediately enter the reincarnation.

I will not be able to save you by then,

Lin Xuan said, I know, I will be careful,

Next, everyone started working together,

The law of reincarnation played another light of reincarnation, and everyone resisted madly.

At this time, the law of devours formed a vortex, swallowing some of the light of reincarnation,

Useless, your law of devour has no effect on the light of my reincarnation.

Reincarnation law sneered, but the next moment, he froze,

Because he found that the light of reincarnation killed Lin Xuan,

Moreover, Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly burst into a faint ray of light, and even absorbed his light,

what happened?

Everyone froze. Is Lin Xuan trying to find death?

Reincarnation is also sneer, it seems that he does not need to do it, this kid is dead,

Lin Xuan felt a huge shock. He seemed to hear nothing.

Because he felt a strange change, his eyes didn't break as a result,

Instead, absorb the power of the light of reincarnation,

At this moment, it is gradually getting stronger.


Brother, are you okay?

The Warriors King is also extremely nervous,

But the next moment, Lin Xuan's eyes returned to light,

He said, I'm fine.

How is it possible that the reincarnation method is stunned, and the people around it are stunned,

How horrible they were to the light of reincarnation, but they knew,

With so many people joining forces, they could n’t carry it,

It can be seen that Lin Xuan did not have anything. What happened?

Damn, the reincarnation law is staring at Lin Xuan. He is pressing now and wants to catch Lin Xuan.

The King of Wushuang said, Let ’s do it together.

They went to reincarnation,

At the same time, the King of Spirits said, rest assured, I will arrest this person for you,

He was completely deserted and killed Lin Xuan.

Damn it, you dare!

Those around are snarling, and they are already unable to counteract a reincarnation, let alone a Holy Spirit King,

This is also an old holy king.


Earthquake sounds, the void is broken, and a figure comes, which is the indestructible scholar,

As soon as he appeared, he hit the icy sky and swept forward,

Stopped the way of the Holy Spirit King.


Wushuang Shengwang and others breathed a sigh of relief. In terms of King Lingsheng, this was a cold face.


A layer of battle armor emerged from him, and at the same time he took out a handle, a rock sledgehammer,

With terrible power on it,

In one blow, the sky was falling apart,

The icy sky was broken, and you can imagine how terrible this blow was.


The immortal scholar shouted, and quickly killed him.

The war ahead broke out again, they killed for nine days,

Lin Xuan and others quickly retreated and landed on the ground.

Their faces became extremely solemn,

I do n’t know the outcome of this blow?

Although this time, there are only two people in the other party, but they are better than everything.

When Lin Xuan and others were paying close attention, there were a few silhouettes in the distance, and they quickly flew over.

It was Jingyun and other geniuses who buried the emperor's star. They came near and said,

These people should come, Jingyun looked down,

When he saw Lin Xuan ~ ~ he laughed suddenly,

Brother, I guess right, he is here,

He wanted to enter the funeral star from here.

Jing Ke's eyes also looked down, sneer, no chance,

Today is his death.

He can't go in this life! With a roar, he speeded up,

Lin Xuan was able to feel that the breath coming from afar also turned his head.

Is someone here on earth?

Soon they realized that it wasn't,

Because they are not the Holy King. Although the breath of those people is equally strong, they are all just the Holy Lord. There is a very horror that surpasses the Holy Lord.

But did not reach the true Holy King,

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