Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4385: Immortal Power!

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Under this peerless supernatural power, the old man can only stay away from the front and find a chance to attack.

He is very shocked now, because if the black robe man starts, he will have no way to live,

What surprised her, however, was that the other party did n’t do anything and seemed to be watching the game.

This gave him a little peace of mind, and the kid in front of him was dealt with first. http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 6c% 6e% 77% 6f% 77% 2e% 6e% 65% 74

Wuling Disha fire.

In the old man's hand, a flame appeared, unusually weird,

This is the fire of earth evil. It is the corpse of the strong after death.

With his appearance, the endless light blooms, the terrible breath, as if **** has come.

A blaze of flames turned into endless rays of light, killing them like a comet,

Lin Xuan cast an invincible sword and chopped it out.

When it sounded, both backed up,

Lin Xuan's blood rolled, but his eyes were brighter.

Come on,

He practiced these feats in the eternal battlefield, and he never had the opportunity to shoot all out.

Now when I meet the half-step holy king, he naturally has to use his skills to play a peak matchup with the other party.

Again the sword of invincibility,

All of a sudden the void was broken, and the flames became dim,

However, the opponent's Huang Quan thunder killed him again.

Lin Xuan played the sword of immortality again, and the immortal breath swept everything directly,

In this way, Lin Xuan used four kinds of superb skills to fight against him.

At this moment, where the two passed, the whole army of bones was broken,

It's too powerful. It can't be separated from the half-step Saint King.

Bei Yao was surprised, Qin Xianer was even more dignified.

To be honest, he has also seen Lin Xuan beheading the half-step holy king.

But at that time, the weapon of the saint king was used, a power beyond the saint,

But now, Lin Xuan does not use the saint king ’s weapon at all, all his strength is displayed.

That is to say, the strength of Lin Xuan alone can already compete with the half-step saint king.

How terrifying would it be if the weapon of the saint king was displayed?

Montenegro looked at this station, nodded non-stop, it seems that it is indeed a descendant of Dalong.

Lin Xuan is powerful, endless sword light soaring into the sky, he is like a peerless fairy king, with very little everything,

Facing such a terrible power, the old man on the opposite side became ugly.

Damn it

He roared, turned and fled,

At this moment, he is no longer an opponent, or hastened to escape,

The mysterious strong king has already arrived.

Want to go? The immortal sword blocked the way of the opponent,

At the same time, Lin Xuan ’s person Wang Yin shot continuously, and the old man who hit him vomited blood.

The old man gritted his teeth, then took out a Huangquan gourd, and let it split.

The power of terror sweeps everything,

Bad, rewind,

When they saw the dark red dragon, they retreated quickly,

Obviously, the other party is desperate.

Lin Xuan naturally felt the horror. He snorted and didn't keep his hand.

He had already confirmed his extinction before, and he was no weaker than the half-step saint king,

Now, it ’s no longer necessary to fight, he took out a great destruction and penetrated the world,

The endless void is broken, the old man thought he could escape,

But was penetrated for a moment,

Do not!

He couldn't believe it, it was the breath of the King of Saints,

The other side has the saint king ’s weapon,


Was the opponent playing against him before, was he practicing his strength, really made him desperate,

It was devastated, magic exploded, engulfed the other party,

Lin Xuan put away the other's storage,

He looked at Montenegro and said, have you received your soul before?

Montenegro nodded and closed it.

It has been determined that the King of the Silver Corpse is here, but as for others, it is not known yet,

In this case, there is no need to keep them,

Lin Xuan looked at the remaining ones, the Hehuan Temple,

The people thumped and knelt down,

The heroes died,

They keep hoeing,

Before, they were arrogant because there was a half step saint king, but now the half step saint king has been killed,

How could they be their opponents alone.

Lin Xuanwang looked to Qin Xian'er, and said, this is the man from your Hehuan Hall, and it is over to you

Qin Xianer looked cold.

Those people looked at Qin Xian'er and said, "Let me die,

Yeah, we are forced to do it,

These people frantically beg for mercy,

Qin Xianer's expression was cold. He looked at the man who took the lead and cut off the opponent with a sword.

The man's soul wanted to escape, and Lin Xuan slapped him.

Then, Qin Xianer was destroyed,

Then she killed two more people,

These three are the leaders, and those who followed, Qin Xianer did not kill,

However, I did not let it go, but I put a seal on it,

Took out a bell and sealed all of them inside,

She wants to find her Master and then deal with these people together,


Pedestrians were on their way again, and they flew towards the distance,

According to their guess, the Holy Moon King should be very far from the core of the Holy City,

This way, it will be more secure,

So they flew in the opposite direction, but when they first arrived in this area, Lin Xuan frowned.

Because they found that there are very few people here, it seems that there are fewer people searching.

what happened? Is there anything unusual here?

They looked at Qin Xianer ~ ~ Qin Xianer said, I remember, this place is really unusual,

Generally, disciples in Hehuan Temple rarely come here.

Toad said, I feel this place is very wrong,

Snow-white monkey, looking around nicely, detecting with a cornucopia,

Then said, oh, there seems to be a baby, but this, I don't like the breath.

If there is a baby, look for it. The dark red dragon's eyes light up and he starts looking around.

His dragon claw waved, tearing the earth and the void apart,

Toad is also hands-on,

Lin Xuan frowned. Don't bother you two, don't forget our purpose.

Toad said, rest assured, my uncle has always been reliable.

When missed,

Yes, the Dark Red Dragon also said, rest assured that the two of us will not go wrong,

However, just after the words were spoken, the ground suddenly shook, and a force flew them out.

They both spit blood, panic, and what happened.


An extremely terrifying breath emerged, and then everyone felt that the sky was spinning, as if the sky was falling apart.

Montenegro drinks low, be careful,

He printed his hands and struck out a mysterious amulet to settle the world.

Then said that this place is not normal, what seems to be sealed below,

Whoa, what can you seal, toads are crying,

The dark red Shenlong also said, no, the Emperor sometimes misses.

Hurry up.

Montenegro took these people, turned them into lightning, and left in an instant,

The next moment, the surrounding world is constantly broken,

There is movement,

Those searching in the distance rushed over quickly,

But for a moment, they were beaten and flew out,

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