Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4291: War Sword vs. Magic Knife!

This kid must have taken the elixir secretly, or performed some secret method.

Can it compete?

I have to see how far he can support,

Three-eyed fire demon ape humming, after all, he is the real late deity,

He didn't believe that the other party could always compete with him.

The purple flame on his body became more terrifying, and at the same time his body became larger,

As if turned into, a flood monster, in general.

Both palms kept waving, like a 100,000 mountain landing, shaking everything,

Lin Xuan's face also gloomed. He grunted coldly, and his palms were printed.

The law flew out, forming a ten-strength sword formation around him.


Shi Ju Jian Zhen, issued the sound of dragon, terrible sword air.

Non-stop flying, penetrate the world.

Bang Bang Bang,

Countless sword spirits flew into the sky, colliding with the purple palm,

There was a cracking sound, followed by a crack on the purple palms.

A terrible breath permeated, and those around him were stunned,

They heard broken sounds,

what happened? These people looked, and then their eyes almost came out,

The purple palm is going to be broken, isn't it incredible?

Everyone froze, and the atmosphere became a little quiet.

Because they couldn't believe what was going on.


Another roar sounded, and the ten swords array was repelled by the shock.

Surrounded by Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan also retreated and broke the void,

He was a little pale, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth,

His gaze looked forward,

Ahead, purple flames carried by huge shadows, burning,

It was a pair of purple palms, and now it was full of cracks.

With a loud noise, the crack burst and broke,

Palms are torn apart,

A mass of blood wrapped in flames, descended from the sky,

The earth was penetrated, the mountain peaks were broken open, and a world-like scene appeared.

In the later period of the saint, this is just the case, Lin Xuan sneered.


The three-eyed fire demon ape is roaring in the sky, making an angry roar

He was injured, although a broken arm was just a slight injury to him.

But this is hitting his face,

The other side weakened him by one level, and was able to hurt him.


He growled, raised his soles, and stepped on it severely.

This shock was earth-shattering, with immense anger,

Lin Xuan's figure flickered and quickly avoided,

The surrounding earth is constantly broken.

Three-eyed Fire Demon Ape, the broken body heals again,

With both palms restored, they begin to close,

Shooting Lin Xuan directly,

A boom, as if shooting a fly, completely covered Lin Xuan,

Many people saw this scene, their eyelids beating fiercely,

This blow, the powder is broken.

Murong Qingcheng and Shen Jingqiu are also worried again,

Three-eyed fire demon ape, sneer, this time to see how you die,

But soon his smile disappeared,

Because his palm was broken again,

Thirty-six arrived at the sword, flew out, and surrounded the forest next to Lin Xuan,

Xuan Shi exhibited the Heavenly Sword of Swords. In conjunction with the Sword Technique of Swords, Qiang was at the extreme.

Boy, you irritate me completely, the three-eyed fire demon ape roars,

He opened his mouth to blow out countless flames and turned it into a long knife, which he held,

This is his weapon, holding it with both hands,

One shot at a time,

Collision with war sword.


Lin Xuan was instantly taken out by Zhen, 30 battle swords, and kept trembling,

This knife is really terrible. It is the top sword in the later period of the Lord.

Even Lin Xuan couldn't resist with all his strength. He kept backing and crashing into the mountains and rivers.

However, how strong his physique is, this knife just makes his blood roll.

Did not hurt him,

Thirty-six battle swords, once again,

The ten must-have sword formations, with unparalleled power, turned into a storm.

At the same time, Lin Xuan shot again, and the tiger fist broke out again.

The tiger phantom growled and suppressed for nine days,

On the other side, there are dragons in the Ten Swords.

Long Yin Hu Xiao,

These two forces appeared together, and Lin Xuan once again exhibited the dragon and tiger breathing method.

The terrible breath permeated, and this time, he was extremely powerful.


The purple flame sword was pulled back by the shock, and the three-eyed fire demon ape also kept going backwards.

The huge body fell to the ground, Lin Xuan soared into the sky, and once again cast the dragon and tiger phantom,

The dragon and tiger are united, as if turned into a giant mountain, suppressing towards him.

go to hell,

Lin Xuan growled,

At this moment, the power of the Dragon Tiger breathing method and the power of the Sword Sword Team have been exerted to the extreme.

The scent of destruction should suppress everything,

Everyone looked up and looked at this human-like figure, shocked,

This invincible Lin is really too strong. Born in an era with him, it is sad.


The three-eyed Marmot roared wildly, his purple knife has been chopped in the distant earth,

His arm was also broken, and he couldn't fight back at this moment.

But he snarled in the sky, sending out a shocking sound wave.

Roar of Fire.

The terrible sonic power, shaking out, swept all directions to compete with the sound of dragons and tigers in the sky,

The two collided again, the breath collapsed constantly, and everyone saw the sky falling apart,

They all closed their hearing and used defensive measures.


Lin Xuan's body sounded a sound of dragon yin again, the phantom of Dragon Tiger Mountain broke out again

Shocked the tiger magic fist, then banged fiercely towards the bottom,

That target was exactly the other's head.

not good,

Seeing this scene, countless people were exclaimed, they really couldn't think of it,

It was the three-eyed fire demon ape that lost,

They have to worry about each other, I'm afraid this is something they never dreamed of before.

Great, are you going to win? Murong Qingcheng and Shen Jingqiu also showed a smile,

In the eyes of the three-eyed fire demon ape, the phantom of Longhu Mountain is reflected,

The next moment, his eyes turned red instantly, and the third eyebrow was a strange light,

Then a purple lightning flew from his eyes and split the sky.


A thunderstorm shook everyone's blood,


Longhu Mountain was actually split openly ~ ~ Lin Xuan also shrinks his pupils, he quits and quickly dodges,

However, it was still affected by this breath.

In an instant, the place where he was was turned into nothingness,

Brother Xuan.

Murong allures them, they exclaim the others are stunned,

what happened?

Was Lin Wudi killed?

What was that purple light just now?

Someone took a deep breath, the third eye of the three-eyed fire demon ape,

It is a supernatural power of his. Once released, it is extremely powerful.

Everyone was terrified. Did the third eye have such a terrible power?

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