Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3837: The ultimate secret of the Temple of Heaven!

The four methods of protection, like ghosts, floated to Lin Xuan, and kept looking around Lin Xuan. Fire Ran ???? Text? `

And nodded up and down, showing a satisfied smile,

Very good. Very good.

Lin Xuan, looked hairy.

These four old guys don't have special hobbies?

Want to do something special to him? Lin Xuan felt a little sick. What did you do to me?

Are you in the Temple of Heaven, ready to take on the consequences of me? Lin Xuan's voice was awkward.

Little doll, don't struggle, I know, you have a lot of cards and even some incredible secrets.

However, it is useless at all.

This time, the strong man in our Temple of Heaven is out, let alone you, even if it is a saint, we can catch it.

Cooperate with us obediently, so as not to suffer from some flesh.

We are sending you a great fortune, you should be grateful to us.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan was extremely shocked. This time, the other party had the strength to grasp the deity!

Damn, what do these people want?

I do n’t need any goodness. I ’m different from those of you in the Temple of Heaven. I ’m not a demonic person.

Don't hide it, boy, do you really think we can't see it, do you have a spear of great destruction? You should be the heir to this generation.

A law-protection revealed a look of control over the world. It seemed that Lin Xuan's secrets were all given insight.

Lin Xuan was surprised. What happened? Misunderstood?

Whoa, this big devil has let him carry the bag.

Do you have a vengeance against the demon clan?

No vengeance, but you are very good and very suitable for us.

Rest assured, we will make you a more horrible existence than the big devil. At that time, you will be admired by all the magic.

In the eyes of the four elders, an amazing light bloomed, and other people in the Temple of Heaven were also excited.

Bring it in, the four guardians, personally, grab Lin Xuan's limbs, and lift Lin Xuan into the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

The gate of the Temple of Heavenly Demon opened slowly, and four guardians took Lin Xuan into it.

Then the heavy door was shut.

Lin Xuan was shocked. What were these four old monsters going to do with it? At the same time, he was surprised that this was the first time he came to the Temple of Heaven,

The last time I came, I just felt it outside the city walls. He felt an incredible power.

Now when I come in, I do n’t know what kind of world will be,

Moreover, what made him even more curious was what secrets were buried inside.

As soon as he entered, Lin Xuan was stunned, because the atmosphere inside this temple was really terrible.

Various heavens and earth avenues are up and down, the law chain of God is transformed into a rainbow, and surrounds him,

Here, it is simply a paradise on earth. Lin Xuan is too shocked.

He remembered that Zhishui Tiancheng once said that in the ancient days, the Temple of Heaven was a very mysterious temple, but only after it was obtained by a powerful demon head, was it transformed into the Temple of Heaven.

Come in and take a look now, it really is extraordinary,

Four methods of protection, expressionless, they stepped on the golden lotus of the road and walked towards it.

Along the way.

Lin Xuan was even more shocked because he found that inside and outside the Temple of Heaven, countless avenues were intertwined, carrying a lot of weapons.

Those are holy artifacts,

The long sword of gold emits incomparable light, dazzling,

There was also a dark red sword with blood dripping on it, breaking through the void.

A fan, blooming with rays of light, surrounded by endless rules, hovering there, there are all kinds of horrible sights on it, as if the peerless beast is sleeping.

A bell, extremely mysterious, automatically makes a sound, like a fairy sound nine days away, mysterious and unpredictable,

These are all extremely scary sacred artifacts. Nowadays, they even float here.

The Temple of Heaven is indeed the most central place of the Demon Clan. There are really too many treasures in it.

Even Lin Xuan was extremely jealous.

Moreover, he found that in addition to these holy objects, there are various rare materials, some of which have disappeared from the outside for tens of thousands of years.

But here it is.

In addition to various medicinal materials, Genius Dibao, he found several extinct medicinal materials.

If he can get it, he will definitely be able to practice the peerless Sheng Dan.

However, the four guardians did not have any expression at all, they turned into a gust of wind, and quickly walked towards the hall.

This heavenly demon palace is very generous, as if it is a world of its own.

After walking inside, Lin Xuan was even more shocked, the baby here, more,

Moreover, it is full of nerves.

These are peerless **** crystals. At the center, there is a statue made of peerless nerves.

When Lin Xuan came in, the statue's eyes were blooming and shocking green light, like two long swords, staring at him deadly.

Lin Xuan was terrified in an instant. He felt his body, rigid, as if these two eyes could swallow him,

So terrible, what is this?

Does this statue still have life?

The four guardians ~ ~ also put Lin Xuan down, and then the four respectfully knelt down on the ground, facing the statue, worshipping constantly.

Meet the demon ancestor.

People have brought it.

Mozu! Is this an impossible ancestor? Lin Xuan was so shocked.

This plan is absolutely the foundation of the Temple of Heaven. Why brought him here?

He didn't know, but he could see that the old ancestor of this demon ancestor was very old, and life could be said to be exhausted.

Even with the seal of Shenjing, it will not live for months.

Fine, you back. No one can come in without my order.

The nerve statue ahead sent out a soul wave.


The four guardians stepped down respectfully, leaving only Lin Xuan, who was still standing there,

After a while, waiting for these four guardians, completely left the Temple of Heaven,

The nerve statue in front, the green light in his eyes, suddenly enlarged.

Like two green suns, he stared at Lin Xuan.

Okay, very good, strong physique, and also feel a pure magic,

I heard that your name is Lin Wudi, is the second star world, the top young Tianjiao?

Hahahaha, the sky will not destroy me, I finally found the hope of rebirth!

In the whole Temple of Heaven, countless laws are rushing.

It's terrible. This breath can devour everything.

Lin Xuan was shocked. Who is this? Absolutely surpassed Little Saint!

Is it saint?

He sensed it carefully, then suddenly, I am afraid, more terrible than the saint.

Hardly, this is a saint king.

What the other person wants to do, the other person has exhausted his lights, but he cares about his body,

Lin Xuan took a breath and he thought of something.

Win the house!

This old thing wants to take away his body, and wants to occupy his soul.

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